two-pop-py to ProDiMo interface

Interface from two-pop-py to ProDiMo. Provides to routines to run two-pop-py, prepare to output of two-pop-py for the use in ProDiMo and generates the 1D interace inputfile for ProDiMo.

To use this iterface an installation of two-pop-py is required. You can get two-pop-py here github two-pop-py.

Usage example

import twopoppy
from twopoppy.const import M_sun, R_sun, year, AU
import prodimopy.interface1D.twoppToProDiMo as twopp2P

# input parameters for two-pop-py
# they are all stored in the args object
# For details see the two-pop-py documentation
args = twopoppy.args()

# output directory for the results written by two-pop-py
args.dir = "tppdata"

args.tmax = 2e6*year # maximum time for the two-pop-py simulation
args.nt   = 5           # five time snapshots

# dust grain parameters   = 80    # number of size bins for the grain size grid (150 is recommended)
args.a0   = 5e-07 # minimum grain size (monomer), [cm]
args.rhos = 2.076 # the mass density of a grain [g/cm^3] should be consistent with the
                  # chosen dust composition in ProDiMo

# Stellar parameters. This is the ProDiMo standard T Tauri model
# to be consistent the stellar parameters also need to be set in ProDiMo (in
# this is not yet done automatically
args.rstar = 2.0862*R_sun
args.mstar = 0.7*M_sun
args.tstar = 4000

# Disk parameters
# These parameters also similar to the T Tauri standard model. However, two-pop-py uses a
# a different method to construct the disk and also consideres the evolution    = 80      # number of radial grid points for the disk
args.mdisk = 0.01*M_sun
args.d2g   = 0.01    # the initial dust to gas mass ratio
args.r0    = 0.07*AU # inner disk radius
args.rc    = 100*AU  # characteristic disk radius (tapering off radius)
args.r1    = 1200*AU # outer radius, chose large one for two-pop-py, but will be set to where
                     # NH_ver reaches approx 1.e20 like in ProDiMo (happens in twopp_to_ProDiMo)
args.alpha = 1e-3    # viscosity alpha
args.gamma = 0.75    # exponent for the viscosity

# run two-pop-py
res = twopoppy.model_wrapper(args,save=True,plot=False)

# Do some post-processing and generate the input file for ProDiMo.
# Should be a proper ProDiMo model directory (e.g. with all other input files).

# To use the the "! fixed_surface_density " paramter needs to be set in
# here the last snapshot of the two-pop-py simulation is used for ProDiMo

Source documentation