Routines for running slab models ******************************** This module provides several routines to run 0D and 1D (radial) |prodimo| slab model. More robust and efficient implementation can be found in ProDiMo Fortran package, which also includes multiple species. The QTpy directory provided in the python zip (available here: should be separately downloaded and the path should be provided for running the slab routines. The HITRAN line data files (the .par files) should also be downloaded ( If you have ProDiMo FORTRAN package installed, these files are also available in the 'data/HITRAN2020/' directory. Also check the example `notebook `_. Usage example ------------- The following example runs 0D and 1D slab model. The :func:`~prodimopy.run_slab.run_0D_slab` function runs 0D |prodimo| slab. The :func:`~prodimopy.run_slab.run_1D_radial_slab` function runs 1D radial |prodimo| slab. .. code-block:: python # the prodimopy modules for running import prodimopy.run_slab as runs runs.run_0D_slab(1e17,250,2.0,'CO2',44,'/path/to/prodimo/data/HITRAN2020/CO2.par',1e5,'/path/to/directory/containing/QTpy','CO2_0D.fits.gz',isotopolog=[1],wave_mol=[4,30],wave_spec=[4.9,28]) runs.run_1D_radial_slab([1e17,1e16,1e15],[250,200,150],[0.1,0.2,1.0],190,2.0,'CO2',44,'/path/to/prodimo/data/HITRAN2020/CO2.par',1e5,'/path/to/directory/containing/QTpy','CO2_0D.fits.gz',width='infer',Rin_limit=0.07,Rout_limit=600,isotopolog=[1],wave_mol=[4,30],wave_spec=[4.9,28]): Source documentation -------------------- .. automodule:: prodimopy.run_slab