Read routines for a slab model ****************************** This module provides several routines to read the output of a |prodimo| slab model. All the data belonging to a |prodimo| slab model is put into an hierachical data structure (:class:`~prodimopy.read_slab.slab_data`). The module provides a routine to read "all" the data of a |prodimo| slab model and spezialized routines to read only distinct model data (e.g. only the from a list of output files). Also check the example `notebook `_. Usage example ------------- The following example reads the output files of a |prodimo| slab model from the current working directory. The :func:`~prodimopy.read_slab.read_slab` function reads |prodimo| slab output data found in the default output file 'SlabResults.out'. .. code-block:: python # the prodimopy modules for reading and plotting import prodimopy.read_slab as preads model = preads.read_slab() print(model) Source documentation -------------------- .. automodule:: prodimopy.read_slab