Postprocessing routines for ProDiMo output to add/modify lines for FLiTs ************************************************************************ This module provides postprocessing routines to modify the ProDiMoForFLiTs.fits |prodimo| output file, and produce corresponding LAMDA files. This module relies on prodimopy.run_slab to calculate the level populations, hence QTpy folder is required to be downloaded from here: Usage example ------------- The following example modifies the ProDiMoForFLiTs.fits to modify existing and add some new lines to the fits file The :func:`~prodimopy.postprocessing.postprocess_lines` function does the postprocessing. .. code-block:: python import prodimopy.postprocessing as pp pp.postprocess_lines(QTpath = '/path/to/QTpy/', directory = '/path/to/directory/containing/prodimo/and/.fitsfiles', input_file= 'name of the input fits file, e.g. ProDiMoForFLiTs.fits', output_file = 'name of the output fits file, e.g. ProDiMoForFLiTs_new.fits', linemode = 'replace', lineselection='/path/to/new/') Source documentation -------------------- .. automodule:: prodimopy.postprocessing