.. _sec_plot: Plotting routines for a single model ==================================== Collections of plotting routines for ProDiMo model output. All the routines use matplotlib. Typically the output is a pdf file. Usage example ------------- .. code-block:: python # the prodimopy modules for reading and plotting import prodimopy.read as pread import prodimopy.plot as pplot # this is for the PDF output from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages # Load the default prodimopy style pplot.load_style() # read the model from the current directory model=pread.read_prodimo() # Create an out.pdf where all the various plots are stored with PdfPages("out.pdf") as pdf: # create a prodimo Plot object for the various plotting routines pp=pplot.Plot(pdf) # vertical hydrogen number density pp.plot_NH(model,ylim=[1.e20,None]) # a generic contour plot routine with many options pp.plot_cont(model, model.nHtot, r"$\mathsf{n_{} [cm^{-3}]}$", zlim=[1.e4,None],extend="both") # Here follows an example for a more complex contour plot, showing # some of the plenty options of this routine # Define some additional contours, with also showing labels # as the automatic positioning of labels does not work very well, # you likely have to tweak the label locations (see next line) tcont=pplot.Contour(model.td, [20,100,1000], linestyles=["-","--",":"], showlabels=True,label_fontsize=10,label_fmt="%.0f") #tcont.label_locations=[(100,100),(55,5),(40,5)] # another contour, a simple one avcont=pplot.Contour(model.AV,[1.0],colors="black") # define the ticks shown in the colorbar cbticks=[10,30,100,300,1000] pp.plot_cont(model, model.td, r"$\mathrm{T_{dust}\,[K]}$",zr=True,xlog=True, ylim=[0,0.5], zlim=[5,1500],extend="both", oconts=[tcont,avcont], # here the addtional contour added contour=False, # switch of the standard contours clevels=cbticks, # explictly set ticks for the cbar clabels=map(str,cbticks),# and make some nice labels cb_format="%.0f") Source documentation -------------------- .. autosummary:: prodimopy.plot.Plot prodimopy.plot.Contour prodimopy.plot.load_style .. automodule:: prodimopy.plot