Source code for

.. module:: read
   :synopsis: Reads the output data of a ProDiMo model.

.. moduleauthor:: Ch. Rab

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import cProfile
from collections import OrderedDict
from import MutableMapping
import glob
import io
import math
import os
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import warnings

from astropy import constants as const
from astropy import units as u
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

import numpy as np
import as pcnet
import tarfile as tar

# This activates deprecation warning, otherwise they are not seen (from e.g. numpy)

def _do_cprofile(func):
  Simple profiling

  Taken from here:

  Can be used via a decorator: i.e. place '@do_cprofile' before the method you want to profile.
  But please also remove it again after profiling.

  def profiled_func(*args,**kwargs):
          return result

  return profiled_func

[docs]class Data_ProDiMo(object): """ Data container for most of the output produced by |prodimo|. The class also includes some convenience functions and also derives/calculates some addtionialy quantities not directly included in the |prodimo| output. """ def __init__(self,name): """ Parameters ---------- name : string The name of the model (can be empty). Attributes ---------- """ """ string : The name of the model (can be empty) """ """ string : The directory from which the model was read. Is e.g. set by :meth:`` Can be a relative path. """ self.__fpFlineEstimates=None # The path to the FlineEstimates.out File self.__versionFlineEstimates=None # the version of the formation of FlineEstimates.out self.__tarfile=None self.params=None """ :class:`` Dictionary that allows to acces the models Parameters from Parameter.out. """ self.nx=None """ int : The number of spatial grid points in the x (radial) direction """ """ int : The number of spatial grid points in the z (vertical) direction """ self.nspec=None """ int : The number of chemical species included in the model. """ self.nheat=None """ int : The number of heating processes included in the model. """ self.ncool=None """ int : The number of cooling processes included in the model. """ self.p_dust_to_gas=None """ float : The global dust to gass mass ratio (single value, given Parameter) """ self.p_v_turb=None """ float : The global turbulent velocity (single value) `UNIT:` |kms^-1| """ self.p_rho_grain=None """ float : The global grain mass density (the density of one dust grain) `UNIT:` |gcm^-3| """ self.mstar=None """ float : The stellar mass in solar units. is taken from ProDiMo.out """ self.x=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The x coordinates (radial direction). `UNIT:` au, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.z=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The z coordinates (vertical direction). `UNIT:` au, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.vol=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The volume for each grid point `UNIT:` |cm^3|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.rhog=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The gas density. `UNIT:` |gcm^-3|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.rhod=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The dust density. `UNIT:` |gcm^-3|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.d2g=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The dust to gas mass ratio form ProDiMo `UNIT:` , `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.sdg=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The gas vertical surface density. This is for only one half of the disk (i.e. from z=0 to z+), like in |prodimo|. For the total surface density multiply by two. `UNIT:` |gcm^-2|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.sdd=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The dust vertical surface density. This is for only one half of the disk (i.e. from z=0 to z+), like in |prodimo|. For the total surface density multiply by two. `UNIT:` |gcm^-2|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.nHtot=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The total hydrogen number density. `UNIT:` |cm^-3|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.muH=None """ float : The conversion constant from nHtot to rhog It is assume that this is constant throught the disk. It is given by by `rhog/nHtot` `UNIT:` `g` """ self.NHver=None # """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : Vertical total hydrogen column density. `nHtot` is integrated from the disk surface to the midplane at each radial grid point. The intermediate results are stored at each grid point. For example NHver[:,0] gives the total column density as a function of radius. `UNIT:` |cm^-2|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.NHrad=None # """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : Radial total hydrogen column density. Integrated along radial rays, starting from the star. Otherwise same behaviour as `NHver`. `UNIT:` |cm^-2|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.nd=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The dust number density. `UNIT:` |cm^-3|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The gas temperature. `UNIT:` K, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The dust temperature. `UNIT:` K, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.pressure=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The gas pressure `UNIT:` |ergcm^-3|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.soundspeed=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The isothermal sound speed. `UNIT:` |kms^-1|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.velocity=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The velocity field (vector) given as vx,vy,vz `UNIT:` |kms^-1|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz,2) """ self.damean=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The mean dust particle radius. Is defined as <a3>**(1/3) `UNIT:` micron, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.da2mean=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The surface weighted mean dust particle radius. `UNIT:` micron, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.dNlayers=None """ array_like(int,ndim=2) : The number of ice layers on the dust grains. `UNIT:` dimensionless, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.Hx=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : The X-ray energy deposition rate per hydrogen nuclei `UNIT:` erg <H>\\ :sup:`-1`, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.zetaX=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : X-ray ionisation rate per hydrogen nuclei. `UNIT:` |s^-1|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.zetaCR=None # """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : Cosmic-ray ionisation rate per molecular hydrogen (H2) `UNIT:` |s^-1|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.zetaSTCR=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : Stellar energetic particle ionisation rate per H2 `UNIT:` |s^-1|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.tauX1=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : Radial optical depth at 1 keV (for X-rays). `UNIT:` , `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.tauX5=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : Radial optical depth at 5 keV (for X-rays). `UNIT:` , `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.tauX10=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : Radial optical depth at 10 keV (for X-rays). `UNIT:` , `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.AVrad=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : Radial visual extinction (measerd from the star outwards). `UNIT:` , `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.AVver=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : Vertical visual extinction (measured from the disk surface to the midplane). `UNIT:`, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.AV=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : Given by min([AVver[ix,iz],AVrad[ix,iz],AVrad[nx-1,iz]-AVrad[ix,iz]]) Gives the lowest visiual extinction at a certain point. Where it is assumed radiation can escape either vertically upwards, radially inwards or radially outwards. `UNIT:` , `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.nlam=None """ int : The number of wavelength bands used in the continuum radiative transfer. """ self.lams=None """ array_like(float,ndim=1) : The band wavelengths considered in the radiative transfer. \n`UNIT:` microns, `DIMS:` (nlam) """ self.radFields=None """ array_like(float,ndim=3) : Radiation field (mean intensity) for each wavelength band. `UNIT:` erg |s^-1| |cm^-2| |sr^-1| |Hz^-1|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz,nlam) """ self.chi=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : Geometrial UV radiation field in units of the Drain field. `UNIT:` Draine field, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.chiRT=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : UV radiation field as properly calculated in the radiative transfer, in units of the Drain field. `UNIT:` Draine field, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.kappaRos=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : Rosseland mean opacity. In case of gas radiative transfer for the dust plus the gas. `UNIT:` |cm^-1|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.tauchem=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : Chemical timescale (steady-state) `UNIT:` yr, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.taucool=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : Cooling timescale. `UNIT:` yr, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.taudiff=None """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : Vertical radiative diffussion timescale (using the Rosseland mean opacities). `UNIT:` yr, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.spnames=None # """ dictionary : Dictionary providing the index of a particular species (e.g. spnames["CO"]). This index can than be used for arrays having an species dimension (like nmol). The electron is included. `UNIT:` , `DIMS:` (nspec) """ self.solved_chem=None """ array_like(int,ndim=2) : Flag for chemistry solver (values, 0,1,2) (see ProDiMo code) 1 means everything okay, 0 failure, 2 time-dependent step needed DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.nmol=None """ array_like(float,ndim=3) : Number densities of all chemical species (mainly molecules) `UNIT:` |cm^-3|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz,nspec) """ self.cdnmol=None """ array_like(float,ndim=3) : Vertical column number densities for each chemical species at each point in the disk. Integrated from the surface to the midplane at each radial grid point. `UNIT:` |cm^-2|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz,nspec) """ self.rcdnmol=None """ array_like(float,ndim=3) : Radial column number densities for each species at each point in the disk. Integrated from the star outwards along fixed radial rays given by the vertical grid. `UNIT:` |cm^-2|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz,nspec) """ self.rateH2form=None """ array_like(float,ndim=3) : The H2 formation ratio `UNIT:` |s^-1|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.rateH2diss=None """ array_like(float,ndim=3) : The different H2 dissociation rates. `UNIT:` |s^-1|, `DIMS:` (nx,nz,3) """ self.heat=None """ array_like(float,ndim=3) : Heating rates for the various heating processes. `UNIT:` |ergcm^-3s^-1| `DIMS:` (nx,nz,nheat) """ """ array_like(float,ndim=3) : Cooling rates for the various coling. `UNIT:` |ergcm^-3s^-1| `DIMS:` (nx,nz,ncool) """ self.heat_names=None """ list (string) All the names of the cooling processes. """ self.cool_names=None """ list (string) All the names of the cooling processes. """ self.heat_mainidx=None """ array_like(float,ndim=3) : Index of the main heating process at the given grid point. `UNIT:` , `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.cool_mainidx=None """ array_like(float,ndim=3) : Index of the main cooling process at the given grid point. `UNIT:` , `DIMS:` (nx,nz) """ self.lineEstimates=None """ list(:class:``) : All the line estimates from FlineEstimates.out. Each spectral line in FlineEstimates corresponds to one :class:`` object. """ self.lines=None """ array_like(:class:``) : Alle the spectral lines from line_flux.out (proper Linetransfer). Each spectral line in line_flux.out corresponds to one :class:`` object """ self._sed=None # the spectral energy distribution (from proper ray tracing) """ :class:`` : The Spectral Energy Distribution for the model (SED) as calculated in the radiative transfer with ray tracing. Can only be accessed via getter setter to deal with inclinations see :class:`` for details. """ self.contImages=None """ :class:`` : Reads the continuum images data (image.out) if available. The full images are only read if requested for a particular wavelength see :class:`` for details. """ self.starSpec=None """ :class:`` : The (unattenuated) stellar input spectrum. see :class:`` for details. """ self.gas=None """ :class:`` : Holds various properties of the gas component (e.g. opacities). see :class:`` """ self.dust=None """ :class:`` : Holds various properties of the dust component (e.g. opacities). see :class:`` """ self.env_dust=None # dust properties for the envelope structure see :class:`` """ :class:`` : Holds various properties of the dust component (e.g. opacities) of the envelope. Only relevant if |prodimo| is used in the envelope mode. see :class:`` """ self.elements=None """ :class:`` : Holds the initial gas phase element abundances """ self.species=None """ :class:`` : Holds the initial species data """ self.sedObs=None """ :class:`` : Holds the provided SED observations (photometry, spectra, extinction etc.) TODO: maybe put all the observations into one object (e.g. also the lines) """ self.lineObs=None """ :class:`` : Holds the provide line observations (e.g. LINEObs.dat and line profiles) TODO: maybe put all the observations into one object (e.g. also the lines) """ self.FLiTsSpec=None """ :class:`` : Holds the FLiTs spectrum if it exists. """ self.chemnet=None """ :class:`` : Holds the used chemical network of the model from Reactions.out. Is only read on demand. """ self._log=True """ boolean Allows to switch off some log statements (not consistently implemented yet) """ # this are some cache variables for lazy initialization. Using them allows to do # certain calculations only if the quantities are accessed (used) # self._cool_cache=None self._heat_cache=None self._radFields_cache=None self._nmol_cache=None self._sdg=None self._sdd=None self._vol=None self._cdnmol=None self._rcdnmol=None self._chemnet=None
[docs] def sedinc(self,iinc=0): ''' Get the sed for a certain inclination ''' # just for security nincs=len(self._sed._inclinations) if nincs==1: self._sed._DataSED__incidx=0 elif iinc>=nincs: self._sed._DataSED__incidx=nincs-1 else: self._sed._DataSED__incidx=iinc return self._sed
@property def sed(self): ''' not sure if this is the best solution, but need a getter it seems return the current one with inclination ''' # self._sed._DataSED__incidx=0 return self._sed @sed.setter def sed(self,value): ''' Get the sed for a certain inclination ''' self._sed=value @property def nmol(self): if self._nmol_cache is not None: self._nmol=np.array(self._nmol_cache,dtype=float) # remove the cache now self._nmol_cache=None return self._nmol @nmol.setter def nmol(self,value): self._nmol=value @property def cdnmol(self): if self._cdnmol is None: _calc_cdnmol(self) return self._cdnmol @cdnmol.setter def cdnmol(self,value): self._cdnmol=value @property def rcdnmol(self): if self._rcdnmol is None: _calc_rcdnmol(self) return self._rcdnmol @rcdnmol.setter def rcdnmol(self,value): self._rcdnmol=value @property def sdg(self): if self._sdg is None: calc_surfd(self) return self._sdg @sdg.setter def sdg(self,value): self._sdg=value @property def sdd(self): if self._sdd is None: calc_surfd(self) return self._sdd @sdd.setter def sdd(self,value): self._sdd=value @property def cool(self): if self._cool_cache is not None: self._cool=np.array(self._cool_cache,dtype=float) # remove the cache now self._cool_cache=None return self._cool @cool.setter def cool(self,value): self._cool=value @property def heat(self): if self._heat_cache is not None: self._heat=np.array(self._heat_cache,dtype=float) # remove the cache now self._heat_cache=None return self._heat @heat.setter def heat(self,value): self._heat=value @property def radFields(self): if self._radFields_cache is not None: self._radFields=np.array(self._radFields_cache,dtype=float) # remove the cache now self._radFields_cache=None return self._radFields @radFields.setter def radFields(self,value): self._radFields=value @property def vol(self): if self._vol is None: _calc_vol(self) return self._vol @vol.setter def vol(self,value): self._vol=value @property def chemnet(self): if self._chemnet is None: self._chemnet=pcnet.ReactionNetworkPout(, return self._chemnet @chemnet.setter def chemnet(self,value): self._chemnet=value def __str__(self): output="Info ProDiMo.out: \n" output+="NX: "+str(self.nx)+" NZ: "+str(" NSPEC: "+str(self.nspec) output+=" NLAM: "+str(self.nlam)+" NCOOL: "+str(self.ncool)+" NHEAT: "+str(self.nheat) output+="\n" output+="p_dust_to_gas: "+str(self.p_dust_to_gas) return output def _getLineIdx(self,wl,ident=None): if self.lines==None: return None wls=np.array([line.wl for line in self.lines]) if ident!=None: linestmp=[line for line in self.lines if line.ident==ident] if linestmp is not None and len(linestmp)>0: wlstmp=np.array([line.wl for line in linestmp]) itmp=np.argmin(abs(wlstmp[:]-wl)) # get the index of the whole line array. That should no find # the exact one (e.g. used the exact same wavelength idx=np.argmin(abs(wls[:]-linestmp[itmp].wl)) # print(self.lines[idx].ident) # check again # FIXME: causes problems with _lte lines (have the same wavelenghts) if self.lines[idx].ident!=ident: print("ERROR: Something is wrong found: ident",self.lines[idx].ident," and wl ",self.lines[idx].wl, "for ",ident,wl) return None else: return idx else: print("WARN: No line found with ident",ident," and wl ",wl) return None else: idx=np.argmin(abs(wls[:]-wl)) if (abs(wls[idx]-wl)/wl)>0.01: print("WARN: No line found within 1% of the given wavelengeth:",wl) return None else: return idx
[docs] def getLine(self,wl,ident=None,incidx=0): ''' Returns the spectral line closest to the given wavelentgh. Parameters ---------- wl : float the wavelength which is used for the search. `UNIT:` micron. ident : string, optional A line identification string which should also be considered for the search. (default: `None`) incidx : int select the inclination for the line. (default: 0) . 0 means the first one. If only one inclination exists always this one will be used (i.e. the vaue of incidx is ignored). Returns ------- :class:`` Returns `None` if no lines are included in the model. ''' idx=self._getLineIdx(wl,ident=ident) if idx is None: return None else: line=self.lines[idx] if len(line._inclinations)==1: line._DataLine__incidx=0 else: # only here I want to really set it line._DataLine__incidx=incidx return line
[docs] def gen_specFromLineEstimates(self,wlrange=[10,15],ident=None,specR=3000, unit="W",contOnly=False,noCont=False): ''' Generates a "Spectrum" from the line estimates results of ProDiMo and convolves it to the given spectral resolution. If the SED was also calculated the line fluxes will be added to the continuum, if not a continuum of zero flux is assumed. This routine can become very slow, depending on the number of lines within a given wavelenght range. It can be more efficient to produce smaller chuncks with not so many lines. Parameters ---------- wlrange : array_like Generate the spectrum in the wavelength range [start,end] Default: `[10,15]` Units: micron ident : str only the lines with this ident (like given in the line estimates) are considered. Default: `None` (all lines in the given wlrange are considered) specR : int the desired spectral resolution. If `None` a spectrum with simple the line fluxes added (i.e. as "delta function") is returned. Default: `3000` unit : str desired unit for the output. Current choices `W` (W/m^2/Hz) or 'Jy' (Jansky. `W` is the default option. contOnly : boolean only do it for the continuum (do not add any other lines). Default: `False` noCont : boolean assume zero continuum Default: `False` Returns ------- (tuple): tuple containing: wls(array_like): array of wavelenght points in micron, flux(array_like): flux values for each wavelenght point in |Wm^-2Hz^-1| or Jy (depending on the `unit` parameter) ''' import astropy.convolution as conv startT=timer() lmin=wlrange[0]/1.e4 lmax=wlrange[1]/1.e4 R=1.e6 if specR!=None and specR>(0.1*R): print("WARN: requested spectral resolution is too high use "+str(0.1*R)+" instead") # technical spectral resolution # determine the number of points required del_loglam=np.log10(1.0+1.0/R) # log(lam+dlam)-log(lam) N=1+int(np.log10(lmax/lmin)/del_loglam) mwlsline=np.logspace(np.log10(lmin),np.log10(lmax),N) if self.sed==None or noCont==True: contfluxline=mwlsline*0.0 # no continuum else: contfluxline=np.interp(mwlsline,self.sed.lam/1.e4,self.sed.fnuErg) # do everything in cgs units confac=(1.0*(u.W/(u.m**2))).to(u.erg/u.s/(**2)).value lineest=self.selectLineEstimates(ident=ident,wlrange=wlrange) print("INFO: gen_specFromLineEstimates: build spectrum for "+ str(len(lineest))+" lines ...") # this loop is taking most of the time , not the convolution. # I guess that could still be faster, but that mighte require a lot more # memory # from tqdm import tqdm # for line in tqdm(lineest): tonu=const.c.cgs.value/R for line in lineest: wlcm=line.wl/1.e4 # Find the closes wavelength point in the new grid. # idx=np.argmin(np.abs(mwlsline-wlcm)) # this does the same as above but seems to be 10 times faster idx=np.argmax(mwlsline>(wlcm)) if (mwlsline[idx]-wlcm)>(wlcm-mwlsline[idx-1]): idx-=1 # like in the idl script # R=mwlsline[idx]/(mwlsline[idx]-mwlsline[idx-1]) # print(R) # just use delta functions -> line profile is a delta function if not contOnly: if specR is None: contfluxline[idx]=contfluxline[idx]+(line.flux*confac) else: dnu=tonu/wlcm contfluxline[idx]=contfluxline[idx]+(line.flux*confac)/dnu print("INFO: gen_specFromLineEstimates: convolve spectrum ...") if specR is None: FWHMpix=1.0 mwlslinez=mwlsline contfluxline_conv=contfluxline else: # in the idl script this is interpreted as the FWHM, # but the convolution routine wants stddev use relation # FWHM=2*sqrt(2ln2)*stddev=2.355/stddev # this should than be consistent with the result from the # ProDiMo idl script FWHMpix=R/specR g=conv.Gaussian1DKernel(stddev=FWHMpix/2.355,factor=7) # Convolve data contfluxline_conv=conv.convolve(contfluxline,g) # print(z) # remove beginning and end ... strange values cut=2*int(FWHMpix) contfluxline_conv=contfluxline_conv[cut:(len(contfluxline_conv)-cut)] mwlslinez=mwlsline[cut:(len(mwlsline)-cut)] # now downgrade the grid to something reasonable outwls=np.linspace(np.min(mwlslinez),np.max(mwlslinez),int(len(mwlsline)/FWHMpix)*5) outflux=np.interp(outwls,mwlslinez,contfluxline_conv) outflux=outflux/confac if unit=="Jy": outflux=(outflux*u.W/u.m**2/u.Hz).to(u.Jy).value print("INFO: time: ","{:4.2f}".format(timer()-startT)+" s") return outwls*1.e4,outflux
[docs] def getLineEstimate(self,ident,wl): ''' Finds and returns the line estimate for the given ident which is closest to the given wavelength. If the ident is unknown None is returned. If the ident exist the routine always returns an line estimate object. Parameters ---------- ident : string The line identification string. Note that the ident is not necessarely equal to the corresponding chemical species. wl : float the wavelength which is used for the search. `UNIT:` micron. Returns ------- :class:`` Returns `None` if the line estimate is not found. Notes ----- The parameters of this method are not consistent with :meth:``. This might be confusing. However, there is a reasong for this. The number of included line estimates in a |prodimo| model can be huge and just searching with the wavelenght might become slow. However, this probably can be improved. To speed up the reading of `FlineEstimate.out` the extra radial info (see :class:`` of all the line estimates is not read. However, in this routine it is read for the single line estimate found. One should use this routine to access the radial info for a single line estimate. ''' found=-1 i=0 mindiff=1.e20 if self.lineEstimates is None: print("WARN: No lineEstimates are included (or not read) for this model.") return None # print ident, wl for le in self.lineEstimates: if le.ident==ident: diff=abs(le.wl-wl) if diff<mindiff: found=i mindiff=diff i=i+1 # that means the ident (species) was not found if found==-1: print("ERROR: Could not find any line estimates for ident: ",ident) return None if self.lineEstimates[found].rInfo==None: _read_lineEstimateRinfo(self,self.lineEstimates[found]) return self.lineEstimates[found]
[docs] def selectLineEstimates(self,ident,wlrange=None): """ Returns a list of all line estimates (i.e. all transitions) for the given line ident and/or in the given wavelength range. Parameters ---------- ident : string The line identification (species name) as defined in |prodimo|. The ident is not necessarely equal to the underlying chemial species name (e.g. isotopologues, ortho-para, or cases like N2H+ and HN2+). If wlrange is set ident can be `None` in that case all lines in the given wlrange are returned. wlrange : array_like All lines in the given wavelength range [start,end] and the given ident are returned. if the ident is `None` all lines are returned. Default: `None` Units: micron Returns ------- list(:class:``) : List of :class:`` objects, or empty list if nothing was found. Notes ----- In this routine the additional radial information of the line esitmate (see :class:``) is not read. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # select all line estimates for CO lests=model.selectLineEstimates("CO") # select only the 1300 micron CO line lests=model.selectLineEstimates("CO",wlrange=[1300,1310]) # select all linest in the given wavelength range lests=model.selectLineEstimates(None,wlrange=[1200,1400]) # print all of them to see what we got for lest in lests: print(lest) """ lines=list() if wlrange is None: for le in self.lineEstimates: if le.ident==ident: lines.append(le) else: # TODO: this might can be done more efficient for le in self.lineEstimates: if le.wl>=wlrange[0] and le.wl<=wlrange[1]: if ident is None or le.ident==ident: lines.append(le) if len(lines)==0: print("ERROR: Could not find and line estimates ...") return lines
[docs] def selectLines(self,ident): """ Returns a list of all line fluxes included in the line tranfer, for the given line ident. Parameters ---------- ident : string The line identification (species name) as defined in |prodimo|. The ident is not necessarely equal to the underlying chemial species name (e.g. isotopologues, ortho-para, or cases like N2H+ and HN2+) Returns ------- list(:class:``) : List of :class:`` objects, or empty list if nothing was found. """ if self.lines is None: return None lines=list() for le in self.lines: if le.ident==ident: lines.append(le) return lines
[docs] def getAbun(self,spname): ''' Returns the abundance for a given species. Parameters ---------- spname : string The name of the chemical species as define in |prodimo|. Returns ------- array_like(float,ndim=2) an array of dimension [nx,nz] with species abundance or `None` if the species was not found. Notes ----- The abundance is given relative to the total hydrogen nuclei density (i.e. ``nmol(spname)/nHtot``) A warning is printed in case the species was not found in spnames. ''' # check if it exists if not spname in self.spnames: print("WARN: getAbun: Species "+spname+" not found.") return None return self.nmol[:,:,self.spnames[spname]]/self.nHtot
[docs] def get_toomreQ(self,mstar=None): ''' Returns the Toomre Q parameter as a function of radius. (for the midplane). Q is given by Q(r)=k(r)*cs(r)/(pi * G * sigma(r)) for k we use the keplerian frequency, cs is the soundspeed (from the mdoel) and sigma is the total gas surface density (both halfs of the disk). Parameters ---------- mstar : float The stellar mass in solar units (optional). If `None` the value from the model is taken. Returns ------- array_like(float,ndim=1) an array of dimension [nx] with the Q param ''' if mstar is None: mstar=self.mstar mstarc=(mstar*u.M_sun).cgs.value grav=const.G.cgs.value r=(self.x[:,0]* # isothermal soundspeed cs=(self.soundspeed[:,0]* # surface density factor two for both half of the disks sigma=2.0*(self.sdg[:,0]*u.g/**2).cgs.value # assuem keplerian rotation for Epicyclic frequency kappa=np.sqrt(grav*mstarc/r**3) Q=kappa*cs/(math.pi*grav*sigma) return Q
[docs] def getSEDAnaMask(self,lam): ''' Returns a numpy mask where only the grid points outside the emission origin area for the given wavelength (continuum) are marked as invalid. This mask can be used in e.g. :func:`` .. warning:: in case of optically thin emission only the points of one half of the disk are considered. In that case an average quantity of this box(mask) will not be completely correct. Parameters ---------- lam : float the wavelength for which the emission origin region should be determined: UNITS: micron Returns ------- array_like(float,ndim=2) Numpy mask with `DIMS:` (nx,nz) ''' sedAna=self.sed.sedAna x15=interp1d(sedAna.lams,sedAna.r15,bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0,kind="linear")(lam) x85=interp1d(sedAna.lams,sedAna.r85,bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0,kind="linear")(lam) mask=np.ones(shape=(self.nx, for ix in range(self.nx): if self.x[ix,0]>=x15 and self.x[ix,0]<=x85: z85=interp1d(sedAna.lams,sedAna.z85[:,ix],bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0,kind="linear")(lam) z15=interp1d(sedAna.lams,sedAna.z15[:,ix],bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0,kind="linear")(lam) for iz in range( if self.z[ix,iz]<=z15 and self.z[ix,iz]>=z85: mask[ix,iz]=0 return mask
[docs] def getLineOriginMask(self,lineEstimate): ''' Returns a numpy mask where the grid points outside the emission origin area for the given `lineEstimate` are marked as invalid. This mask can be used in e.g. :func:`` Parameters ---------- lineEstimate : :class:`` a line Estimate object for which the operation should be done Returns ------- array_like(float,ndim=2) Numpy mask with `DIMS:` (nx,nz) ''' fcfluxes=np.array([x.Fcolumn for x in lineEstimate.rInfo]) Fcum=fcfluxes[:] for i in range(1,self.nx): Fcum[i]=Fcum[i-1]+fcfluxes[i] interx=interp1d(Fcum/Fcum[-1],self.x[:,0]) x15=interx(0.15) x85=interx(0.85) mask=np.ones(shape=(self.nx, for ix in range(self.nx): if (self.x[ix,0]>=x15 and self.x[ix,0]<=x85): for iz in range( rinfo=lineEstimate.rInfo[ix] # print(rinfo.z15,rinfo.z85) if self.z[ix,iz]<=rinfo.z15 and self.z[ix,iz]>=rinfo.z85: mask[ix,iz]=0 return mask
[docs] def get_VKep(self,mstar=None,type=2): ''' Returns the Keplerian rotation velocity [km/s] as a function of radius and height (same as in ProDiMo) Type 1: vkep=sqrt((G* mstar) / r) Type 2: vkep=sqrt((G* mstar * x**2) / r**3) Type 3: with pressure gradient (see Rosenfeld+ 2013) Parameters ---------- mstar : float The stellar mass in solar units (optional). If `None` the value from the model is taken. Returns ------- array_like(float,ndim=1) Rotation velocity [km/s] ''' if mstar is None: mstar=self.mstar mstarc=(mstar*u.M_sun).cgs.value grav=const.G.cgs.value tocm=((1* r=np.sqrt(self.x**2+self.z**2)*tocm if type==1: # FIXMEL Should be radius, but to be consisten do it like this. # but check again vkep=np.sqrt(grav*mstarc/(self.x*tocm)) else: vrot2=(grav*mstarc*(self.x*tocm)**2)/r**3 if type==2: # standard in ProDiMo vkep=np.sqrt(vrot2) elif type==3: # include the pressure term # pressuregradient like Rosenfeld+ 2013 dp=self.x*0.0 for iz in range( # this is used in e.g. Rosenfeld et al 2013 and others dp[:,iz]=np.gradient(self.pressure[:,iz],self.x[:,iz]*tocm) # this we use in ProDiMo currently I think that is correct # doesn't seem to much of a difference # dp[:,iz]=np.gradient(self.pressure[:,iz],r[:,iz]) vkep=np.sqrt(vrot2+(self.x*tocm)/self.rhog*dp) else: vkep=np.sqrt(vrot2) vkep=((vkep* return vkep
[docs] def get_KeplerOmega(self,mstar=None): ''' Returns the Keplerian orbital frequency [1/s] (for the midplane). omega=sqrt(G*mstar/r**3) Parameters ---------- mstar : float The stellar mass in solar units (optional). If `None` the value from the model is taken. Returns ------- array_like(float,ndim=1) Keplerian orbital frequency as function of radius [1/s] ''' if mstar is None: mstar=self.mstar mstarc=(mstar*u.M_sun).cgs.value grav=const.G.cgs.value r=(self.x[:,0]* # assuem keplerian rotation for Epicyclic frequency omega=np.sqrt(grav*mstarc/r**3) return omega
[docs] def int_ring(self,quantity,r1=None,r2=None): ''' Integrates the given quantitiy (needs to be a function of r) from rin to rout. No interpolation is done. Simply the nearest neighbour for rin and rout are taken. The integration is done in cgs units and also the return value is in cgs units. For example if the total gas surfacedensity is passed this routine gives the disk mass. (if r1=rin and r2=rout). Parameters ---------- quantity : array_like(float,ndim=1) the quantity to average. `DIMS:` (nx). r1: float inner radius [au]. optional DEFAULT: inner disk radius r2: float inner radius [au]. optional DEFAULT: outer disk radius ''' if r1 is None: r1idx=0 else: r1idx=np.argmin(np.abs(self.x[:,0]-r1)) if r2 is None: r2idx=self.nx-1 else: r2idx=np.argmin(np.abs(self.x[:,0]-r2)) print("INFO: Integrate from "+ "{:8.4f} ({:4d})".format(self.x[r1idx,0],r1idx)+" au to "+ "{:8.4f} ({:4d})".format(self.x[r2idx,0],r2idx)+" au") r=(self.x[:,0]* out=2.0*math.pi*np.trapz(quantity[r1idx:r2idx+1]*r[r1idx:r2idx+1],x=r[r1idx:r2idx+1]) return out
[docs] def avg_quantity(self,quantity,weight="gmass",weightArray=None,mask=None): ''' Calculates the weighted mean value for the given field (e.g. td). Different weights can be used (see `weight` parameter) Parameters ---------- quantity : array_like(float,ndim=2) the quantity to average. `DIMS:` (nx,nz). weight : str option for the weight. Values: `gmass` (gass mass) `dmass` (dust mass) or `vol` (Volume). DEFAULT: `gmass` weightArray : array_like(float,ndim=2) Same dimension as `quantity`. If `weightArray` is not `None` it is used as the weight for calculating the mean value. mask : array_like(boolean,ndim=2) A mask with the same dimension as `quantity`. All elements with `True` are masked, i.e. not considered in the average (see numpy masked_array). For example one can pass the result of :meth:`` to calculate average quantities over the emitting region of a line. Examples -------- Here is an example for making a mass weighted average for the gas temperature in the main line emitting region for the CO 1.3 mm line. `model` is the model data read with :func:``. .. code-block:: python avgtg=model.avg_quantity(,weight="gmass", mask=model.getLineOriginMask(model.getLineEstimate("CO",1300.))) ''',mask=mask),mask=mask) if weightArray is not None:,mask=mask) mean=np.sum(np.multiply(wA,quantitym)) return mean/np.sum(wA) else: if weight=="vol": mean=np.sum(np.multiply(vol,quantitym)) return mean/np.sum(vol) else: if weight=="dmass":,mask=mask) else:,mask=mask) mass=np.multiply(vol,rho) mean=np.sum(np.multiply(mass,quantitym)) mean=mean/np.sum(mass) return mean
[docs]class ModelParameters(MutableMapping): ''' Access to the Parameters of a model. Reads Parameter.out and provides some utiliy functions fo access a Parameters .. todo:: * Currently all Parameters are strings. make type conversions. * provide utility functions to access special Parameters * maybe inherit from Dictionary class and mat custom getters ''' def __init__(self,filename="Parameter.out",directory="."): """ Opens the file and fills a dictrionary with all Parameters. This dictionary cannot be changed anymore. One can only read the parameters. The get routine has some special treatment for certain parameters, but does not do any type converting. Except that list separated with "," will be returned a lists. .. todo:: things like `SPNOERASE= 30*" "` not interpreted yet Parameters ---------- filename : string The Filename of the Parameter file. directory : string The directory the contains the ProDiMo model output. """ self.mapping={} # self.update(data) fparams,fpath=_getfile(filename,directory=directory) lines=fparams.readlines() # print(lines) # some special treatment as it seems that arrays can be written out in fortran # over multiple lines .... properly an error in how the namelist is written, but could not fix it # (might also be just gfortran issue # very stupid for i in range(4,len(lines)-1,1): if "=" not in lines[i]: continue fields=lines[i].split("=") fields[1]=fields[1].strip() # check if there are more values in the next line if "=" not in lines[i+1]: fields[1]+=lines[i+1].strip() # the last character should always be a , don't need that self.mapping[fields[0].strip()]=(fields[1][:-1]).strip() # for line in fparams: # fields=line.split("=") # if len(fields)<2: continue # self.mapping[fields[0].strip()]=fields[1].strip() def __getitem__(self,key): value=self.mapping[key.upper()] # asssume that this is an array, do the splitting if "," in value: values=value.split(",") values=[val.strip() for val in values] values=[val[1:-1].strip() if val.startswith('"') else val for val in values] # some special treatments ... because we do not know the length of that array if key.upper()=="AGE_DISK": nage=int(self.mapping["N_AGE"]) return values[0:nage] else: return values # get rid of the " " for strings if value.startswith('"'): value=value[1:-1] return value def __delitem__(self,key): print("Don't delete Parameters ...") def __setitem__(self,key,value): print("Don't update Parameters ...") # if key in self: # del self[self[key]] # if value in self: # del self[value] # self.mapping[key]=value # self.mapping[value]=key def __iter__(self): return iter(self.mapping) def __len__(self): return len(self.mapping)
[docs]class DataLineProfile(): """ Data container for a spectral line profile for a single spectral line. """ def __init__(self,nvelo,restfrequency=None): """ Attributes ---------- """ self.nvelo=nvelo """ int : number of velocity points of the profile. """ self.restfrequency=restfrequency """ float : the restfrequency of the line. Usefull for conversoins. Optional. `UNIT:` GHz """ self.velo=np.zeros(shape=(self.nvelo)) """ array_like(float,ndim=1) : The velocity grid of the line profile. `UNIT:` kms/s, `DIMS:` (nvelo) """ self._flux=np.zeros(shape=(self.nvelo)) """ array_like(float,ndim=1) : The flux at each velocity point. `UNIT:` Jy, `DIMS:` (nvelo) """ self._flux_dust=np.zeros(shape=(self.nvelo)) """ array_like(float,ndim=1) : The flux of the dust at each velocity `UNIT:` Jy, `DIMS:` (nvelo) """ self._flux_conv=np.zeros(shape=(self.nvelo)) """ array_like(float,ndim=1) : The convolved flux at each velocity point. `UNIT:` Jy, `DIMS:` (nvelo) """ self._flux_unit="Jy" """ str : Set the unit which should be used to return the flux (can be switched) Current options: `Jy` and `ErgAng` (erg/s/cm^2/Ang) Default: `Jy` other current options meaning """ @property def flux(self): if self.flux_unit=="ErgAng": return (self._flux*u.Jy).to(u.erg/u.s/**2/u.angstrom, equivalencies=u.spectral_density(self.restfrequency*u.GHz)).value else: return self._flux @flux.setter def flux(self,val): self._flux=val @property def flux_dust(self): if self.flux_unit=="ErgAng": return (self._flux_dust*u.Jy).to(u.erg/u.s/**2/u.angstrom, equivalencies=u.spectral_density(self.restfrequency*u.GHz)).value else: return self._flux_dust @flux_dust.setter def flux_dust(self,val): self._flux_dust=val @property def flux_conv(self): if self.flux_unit=="ErgAng": return (self._flux_conv*u.Jy).to(u.erg/u.s/**2/u.angstrom, equivalencies=u.spectral_density(self.restfrequency*u.GHz)).value else: return self._flux_conv @flux_conv.setter def flux_conv(self,val): self._flux_conv=val @property def frequency(self): ''' The frequencies according to the velocity grid. Is relative to the restfrequency. `UNIT:` GHz FIXME: restfreq can be None ... FIXME: There is some risk that this is slow, but should not be use very often ''' return (self.velo*, equivalencies=u.doppler_optical(self.restfrequency*u.GHz)).value @property def fluxErgAng(self): ''' The fluxes in units of erg/s/cm^2/Angstrom. FIXME: Deprecated FIXME: needs frequency which breaks if restfrequency is None FIXME: There is some risk that this is slow, but should not be used very often FIXME: now just takes the restfrequency for conversion which is not correct however for the continuum we also take the restfrequency as we have only one value Usually this does not introduce a signficant error. ''' return (self._flux*u.Jy).to(u.erg/u.s/**2/u.angstrom, equivalencies=u.spectral_density(self.restfrequency*u.GHz)).value @property def flux_unit(self): return self._flux_unit @flux_unit.setter def flux_unit(self,val): if val!="Jy" and val!="ErgAng": raise ValueError("flux unit not supported") self._flux_unit=val
[docs] def convolve(self,R): ''' Convolves the given profile to the spectrayl resolution R. The profile is convolved with a Gaussian where R determines the FWHM of that Gaussian. The results are stored in `flux_conv` Parameters ---------- R : float the spectral resolution. Returns ------- float : The FWHM of the Gaussian in units of `km/s` i.e. the spectral resolution. ''' facFWHM=2.355 # for getting the FWHM of a gaussian (i.e. stddev to FWHM if R is None or R<=0.0: self._flux_conv=self._flux return delta_v=(const.c/R).to( delta_v=delta_v/facFWHM # need stdv for the gaussian but R is interpreted as the FWHM gaussian=np.exp(-(self.velo)**2./(2.*delta_v**2.)) # FIXME: does not work if the continuum is not removed # also the 0 micht not be the continuum flux=self._flux[:]-self._flux[0] norm=np.trapz(flux,self.velo) flux_convolved=np.convolve(flux,gaussian,'same') flux_convolved*=norm/np.trapz(flux_convolved,self.velo) self._flux_conv=flux_convolved+self._flux[0] return delta_v*facFWHM
def __str__(self): return "nvelo: "+str(self.nvelo)
[docs]class DataLine(object): """ Data container for a single spectral line read from `line_flux.out`. """ def __init__(self): ''' Attributes ---------- ''' self.wl=0.0 """ float : Restwavelenght of the line. UNIT: `micron` """ self.frequency=0.0 """ float : Restfrequency of the line. UNIT: `GHz` """ self.prodimoInf="" """ string : Some information String from PRoDiMo (i.e. transition) """ self.species="" """ string : The chemical species of the line. Identical to ident. """ self.ident="" """ string : The identification of the line (i.e. as given in ``) """ self.distance=None """ float : The distance use for the line calculations. UNIT: pc """ # self.flux """ float : The integrated line flux for the current inc. UNIT: `W/m^2` """ # self.fcont """ float : The continuum flux at the line position for the current inc. UNIT: Jy """ # self.profile """ :class:`` : The line profile for this particular line and for the current inc. """ # self.inclination """ float : The inclination use for the line calculations. UNIT: deg """ self._fluxs=list() """ array_like(float,ndim=1) : The integrated line flux. UNIT: `W/m^2` """ self._fconts=list() """ array_like(float,ndim=1) : The continuum flux at the line position. UNIT: Jy """ self._profiles=list() """ array_like(:class:``,ndim=1): : The line profile for this particular line for each inclination. """ self._inclinations=list() """ array_like(float,ndim=1) : The list of inclinations to use for the line calculations. UNIT: deg """ self.__incidx=0 # which inclination to use @property def flux(self): return self._fluxs[self.__incidx] @property def fcont(self): return self._fconts[self.__incidx] @property def profile(self): return self._profiles[self.__incidx] @property def inclination(self): return self._inclinations[self.__incidx] def __str__(self): text=(self.ident+"/"+ self.prodimoInf+"/"+ str(self.wl)+"/"+ str(self.frequency)+"/"+ str(self.distance)+"/"+"\n") for i,inc in enumerate(self._inclinations): text=text+str(inc)+"/"+str(self._fluxs[i])+"/"+str(self._fconts[i])+"\n" return text @property def flux_Jy(self): ''' The flux of the line in Jansky km |s^-1|. ''' return _flux_Wm2toJykms(self.flux,self.frequency) @property def fcontErgAng(self): ''' The flux of the continuum in erg/s/cm^2/Angstrom ''' return (self.fcont*u.Jy).to(u.erg/u.s/**2/u.angstrom, equivalencies=u.spectral_density(self.frequency*u.GHz)).value @property def luminosityErgs(self): ''' Returns the luminosity in erg/s ''' return ((self.luminosityWatt*u.Watt).to(u.erg/u.s)).value @property def luminosityWatt(self): ''' Returns the line luminosity in Watt ''' return (4.0*math.pi*(self.distance*u.pc).to(u.m)**2*self.flux*u.Watt/u.m**2).value
[docs] def convolve(self,R): ''' Convolves all the profiles (for each inclination) for this lines. simply calls :func:`` ''' for i in range(len(self._inclinations)): self._profiles[i].convolve(R)
[docs]class DataLineObs(DataLine): ''' Holds the observational data for one line. Differently to DataLine DataLineObs does not care about multiple inclinations. So simply some setter and getters are used to fill the list quantities (first entry). ''' def __init__(self,flux,flux_err,fwhm,fwhm_err,flag): super(DataLineObs,self).__init__() self.flux=flux self.flux_err=flux_err self.fwhm=fwhm self.fwhm_err=fwhm_err self.flag=flag.lower() self.profile=None self.profileErr=None @property def flux(self): return self._fluxs[0] @flux.setter def flux(self,flux): self._fluxs.append(flux) @property def profile(self): # FIXME: check what happens if _profiles is empty return self._profiles[0] @profile.setter def profile(self,value): # Not very nice, but per definition there can be only one line profile # from the observations (this avoids mutliple entries) if len(self._profiles)>0: self._profiles[0]=value else: self._profiles.append(value)
[docs]class DataFLiTsSpec(object): ''' Data container for a FLiTs spectrum. Currently provides only the wavelength grid and the flux in Jy, as produced by FLiTs. ''' def __init__(self): self.wl=None """ array_like : Wavelength grid in micron. """ self.flux=None """ array_like : Flux in Jy. """ self.flux=None """ array_like : Flux of the spectrum in Jy. """
[docs] def convolve(self,specR,sample=1): ''' Returns a convolved version of the Spectrum. Does not change the original FLiTs spectrum. Parameters ---------- specR : int The desired spectral resolution. Returns ------- (tuple): tuple containing: wls(array_like): array of wavelenght points in micron, flux(array_like): flux values for each wavelenght point in Jansky. .. todo:: allow for different units. ''' print("INFO: convolve FLiTs spectrum ... ") from astropy.convolution import convolve_fft from astropy.convolution import Gaussian1DKernel wl=self.wl flux=self.flux # Make a new wl grid wl_log=np.logspace(np.log10(np.nanmin(wl)),np.log10(np.nanmax(wl)),num=np.size(wl)*sample) # Find stddev of Gaussian kernel for smoothing # taken from here R_grid=(wl_log[1:-1]+wl_log[0:-2])/(wl_log[1:-1]-wl_log[0:-2])/2 sigma=np.median(R_grid)/specR if sigma<1: sigma=1 # Interpolate on logarithmic grid f_log=np.interp(wl_log,wl,flux) # in the idl script this is interpreted as the FWHM, # but the convolution routine wants stddev use relation # FWHM=2*sqrt(2ln2)*stddev=2.355/stddev # this should than be consistent with the result from the # ProDiMo idl script gauss=Gaussian1DKernel(stddev=sigma/2.355) flux_conv=convolve_fft(f_log,gauss) # Interpolate back on original wavelength grid flux_sm=np.interp(wl,wl_log,flux_conv) cut=2*int(sigma) flux_smc=flux_sm[cut:(len(flux_sm)-cut)] wlc=wl[cut:(len(wl)-cut)] return wlc,flux_smc
[docs]class DataLineEstimate(object): ''' Data container for a single line estimate. ''' def __init__(self,ident,wl,jup,jlow,flux): """ Parameters ---------- ident : string wl : float jup : int jlow : int flux : float """"" self.ident=ident """ string : The line identifications (species) """ self.wl=wl """ float : The wavelength of the line. `UNIT: micron` """ self.jup=jup """ int : Upper level as defined in ProDiMo ((not the real one!) """ self.jlow=jlow """ int : Lower level as defined in ProDiMo (not the real one!). """ self.flux=flux self.rInfo=None """ list(:class:``) : The extra radial information of the line. """ self.__posrInfo=None # stores the position of the radial information to access is later on @property def frequency(self): ''' Frequency of the line in [GHz]. ''' return (self.wl*u.micrometer).to(u.GHz,equivalencies=u.spectral()).value @property def flux_Jy(self): ''' The flux of the line Jansky km |s^-1| ''' return _flux_Wm2toJykms(self.flux,self.frequency) def __str__(self): text=(self.ident+"/"+ str(self.wl)+"/"+ str(self.jup)+"/"+ str(self.jlow)+"/"+ str(self.flux)) return text
[docs]class DataLineEstimateRInfo(object): ''' Data container for the extra radial information for a single line estimate. The data is read from `FlineEstimates.out`. This object corresponds to one line of the radial information in `FlineEstimates.out` ''' def __init__(self,ix,iz,Fcolumn,tauLine,tauDust,z15,z85,ztauD1,Ncol): """ Parameters ---------- ix : int iz : int Fcolumn : float tauLine : float tauDust : float z15 : float z85 : float ztauD1 : float Ncol : float Attributes ---------- """ self.ix=ix """ int : The x-coordinate index. """ self.iz=iz """ int : The z-coordinate index. """ self.Fcolumn=Fcolumn """ float : the line flux in the particular column (check again, i guess the iz coordinate is irrelevant for that) """ self.tauLine=tauLine """ float : the total vertical optical depth of the line measured from tauDust=1 upwards f(r) """ self.tauDust=tauDust """ float : the total vertical optical depth of the dust at the wl of the line as f(r) """ self.z15=z15 """ float : z-level where the line flux reaches 15% of the total flux as f(r) (integrated from top to bottom of the disk); `UNIT:` au """ self.z85=z85 """ float : z-level where the line flux reaches 85% as f(r) (integrated from top to bottom of the disk); `UNIT:` au """ self.ztauD1=ztauD1 """ float : z-level where taudust_ver(lambda_line)=1; `UNIT:` au Is `None` for FlineEstimates version < 3 """ self.Ncol=Ncol """ float : The column density of the species as f(r) measured from ztauD1 upwards; `UNIT:` |cm^-2| It considers both halfs of the disks (i.e. for the case of tauDust <1 ) so the values can be different to :attr:`` where only one half of the disk is considered. Is `None` for FlineEstimates version < 3 """
[docs]class DataGas(object): ''' Holds the data for the gas (mainly from dust_opac.out) TODO: currently only the init cs is read, not the x,y data ''' def __init__(self,nlam): self.nlam=nlam self.lam=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) # for convinence as often energy is also used for gas [eV] self.abs_cs=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) # unit cm^2/H self.sca_cs=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) # unit cm^2/H
[docs]class DataDust(object): ''' Holds the data for the dust (mainly from dust_opac.out) TODO: dust composition is not yet read Attributes ---------- ''' def __init__(self,amin,amax,apow,nsize,nlam): self.amin=amin ''' float : The minimum grain size of the size distribution. `UNIT:` micron ''' self.amax=amax ''' float : The maximum grain size of the size distribution. `UNIT:` micron ''' self.apow=apow ''' float : The powerlaw exponent of the grain size distribution. ''' self.nsize=nsize ''' int : The number for grain size bins ''' self.lam=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) ''' array_like(float,ndim=1) : The wavelength grid for the dust opacities. UNIT: `micron` ''' ''' array_like(float,ndim=1) : The energy grid for the dust opacities. UNIT: `eV` For convinience (i.e. for the X-ray regime) TODO: check the unit ''' self.kext=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) # in cm^2 g^-1 ''' array_like(float,ndim=1) : The dust extinction coefficient for each wavelength per g of dust. UNIT: `|cm^2g^-1|` ''' self.kabs=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) ''' array_like(float,ndim=1) : The dust absorption coefficient for each wavelength per g of dust. UNIT: `|cm^2g^-1|` ''' self.ksca=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) ''' array_like(float,ndim=1) : The dust scattering coefficient for each wavelength per g of dust. `UNIT: `|cm^2g^-1|` ''' self.ksca_an=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) # tweaked anisotropic scattering ''' array_like(float,ndim=1) : The dust anisotropic (approximation) scattering coefficient for each wavelength per g of dust. UNIT: `|cm^2g^-1|` ''' # FIXME: not read by default yet, might not exist so do not init self.asize=None ''' array_like(float,ndim=1) : The grain size for each size bin. `UNIT:` micron ''' self.sigmaa=None ''' array_like(float,ndim=2) : The radial surface density (g cm^-2) profiles for each individual grain. size (shape=[nsize,nr]. Might not exit! '''
[docs]class DataElements(object): ''' Data for the Element abundances (the input). Holds the data from `Elements.out`. The data is stored as OrderedDict with the element names as keys. Attributes ---------- ''' def __init__(self): self.abun=OrderedDict() """ OrderedDict : Ordered Dictionary holding the element abundaces realtive to hydrogen """ self.abun12=OrderedDict() """ OrderedDict : abundances in the +12 unit """ self.massRatio=OrderedDict() """ OrderedDict : mass ratios """ self.amu=OrderedDict() """ OrderedDict : atomic mass unit """ self.muHamu=None """ float : rho = muH*n<H> with muH/amu = muHamu see the Elements.out file """ def __str__(self): output="name 12 X/H\n" for key in self.abun12.keys(): output=output+"{:3s}".format(key)+" "+"{:6.3f}".format(self.abun12[key])+" "+"{:6.3e}".format(self.abun[key])+"\n" return output
[docs]class DataSpecies(object): ''' Data for the Species (the input). Holds the data from `Species.out`. The data is stored as OrderedDict with the element names as keys. Attributes ---------- ''' def __init__(self): self.mass=OrderedDict() """ OrderedDict(float) : The mass of the species `UNIT:` g. """ self.charge=OrderedDict() """ OrderedDict(int) : The mass of the species `UNIT:` g. """ self.chemPot=OrderedDict() """ OrderedDict(float) : chemical potential as determined by ProDiMo. """
[docs] def get_spdata(self,name): ''' Returns all data of the species with `name`. Parameters ---------- name : str or int The name of the species. if int then use it as index Returns ------- (mass,charge,chemPot) ''' if isinstance(name,int): return (list(self.mass.values())[name], list(self.charge.values())[name], list(self.chemPot.values())[name]) else: return (self.mass[name],self.charge[name],self.chemPot[name])
def __str__(self): output="Number of species: "+str(len(self.mass.keys()))+"\n" output+="Name mass [g] charge chemPot [eV]\n" for name,mass,charge,chemPot in zip(self.mass.keys(),self.mass.values(),self.charge.values(),self.chemPot.values()): output+="{:<15s} {:7.2e} {:5d} {:12.4f}".format(name,mass,charge,chemPot)+"\n" return output
[docs]class DataContinuumObs(object): ''' Holds the observational data for the continuum (the dust). Holds the photometric data, spectra (experimental) and radial profiles (experimental). ''' def __init__(self,nlam=None): if nlam is not None: self.nlam=nlam self.lam=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) self.fnuErg=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) self.fnuJy=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) self.fnuErgErr=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) self.fnuJyErr=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) self.flag=np.empty(nlam,dtype="U2") else: self.nlam=None self.lam=None self.fnuErg=None self.fnuJy=None self.fnuErgErr=None self.fnuJyErr=None self.flag=None self.specs=None # holds a list of spectra if available (wl,flux,error) self.R_V=None self.E_BV=None self.A_V=None self.radprofiles=None
[docs]class DataSED(object): ''' Holds the data for the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED). TODO: documentation for the fields. ''' def __init__(self,nlam,distance): self.nlam=nlam self.distance=distance self.lam=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) # the analysis data self.sedAna=None # Quantitites that depend on inclination # self.fnuErg=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) # self.nuFnuW=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) # self.fnuJy=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) # self.inclination=inclination # the bolometric luminosity will be calculated by integrating over the whole # frequency range, considering also the distance) # units are Solar luminosities # self.Lbol=None # is also calculated in read_sed # self.Tbol=None # the quantities that hold the data for all inclinations self._fnuErgs=list() self._nuFnuWs=list() self._fnuJys=list() self._inclinations=list() self._Lbols=list() self._Tbols=list() self.__incidx=0 # which inclination to use def __str__(self): text=(str(self.nlam)+"/"+ str(self.inclination)+"/"+ str(self.distance)+"/"+"\n") text=text+str(self._inclinations) return text @property def fnuErg(self): return self._fnuErgs[self.__incidx] @property def nuFnuW(self): return self._nuFnuWs[self.__incidx] @property def fnuJy(self): return self._fnuJys[self.__incidx] @property def inclination(self): return self._inclinations[self.__incidx] @property def Lbol(self): return self._Lbols[self.__incidx] @property def Tbol(self): return self._Tbols[self.__incidx]
[docs] def setLbolTbol(self): """ Calculates the bolometric temperature and lumionsity for the given values of the SED. quite approximate at the moment. """ # FIXME: correctness needs to be verified # caluclate the bolometric luminosity # *-1.0 because of the ordering of nu # calculate Tbol see Dunham 2008 Equation 6 # check what is here the proper value # in particular Tbol is very sensitive to this value # Lbol does not seem to change much (e.g. if 0.1 is used instead) # for the moment exclude the shortest wavelength as these is most likely scattering mask=self.lam>0.2 self._Lbols[self.__incidx]=np.trapz(self.fnuErg[mask],[mask])*-1.0 self._Lbols[self.__incidx]=self.Lbol*4.0*math.pi*(((self.distance*u.pc).to(**2 self._Lbols[self.__incidx]=self.Lbol/(const.L_sun.cgs).value # print(np.trapz((*sed.fnuErg), # print(np.trapz(sed.fnuErg, self._Tbols[self.__incidx]=1.25e-11*np.trapz(([mask]*self.fnuErg[mask]),[mask])/np.trapz(self.fnuErg[mask],[mask])
[docs]class DataSEDAna(object): ''' Holds the analysis data for the Spectral Energy Distribution (SEDana.out). ''' def __init__(self,nlam,nx): self.lams=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) self.r15=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) self.r85=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) self.z15=np.zeros(shape=(nlam,nx)) self.z85=np.zeros(shape=(nlam,nx))
[docs]class DataContinuumImages(object): ''' Holds the continuum images (image.out) and provides a method to read one particular image. The coordinates x,y are the same for all images, and only stored once. ''' def __init__(self,nlam,nx,ny,incl=None,filepath="./image.out"): self.nlam=nlam """ int: The number of wavelength points (== number of images) """ self.lams=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) """ array_like(float,ndim=1) : The wavelengths `UNIT:` micron, `DIMS:` (nlam) """ self.inclination=incl """ float: The inclination used for calculating that image. `UNIT:` deg """ self.nx=nx """ int: The number of x axis points (radial) of the image """ self.ny=ny """ int: The number of y axis points (or theta) of the image """ self.x=np.zeros(shape=(nx,ny)) """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : x coordindates `UNIT:` au, `DIMS:` (nx,ny) """ self.y=np.zeros(shape=(nx,ny)) """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : y coordindates `UNIT:` au, `DIMS:` (nx,ny) """ self._filepath=filepath def __str__(self): output="ny: "+str(self.nx)+" nx: "+str(self.ny)+" nlam: "+str(self.nlam) output+=" incl: "+str(self.inclination) return output
[docs] def getImage(self,wl): ''' Reads the intensities at a certain wavelength (image) from the image.out file. The image with the closest wavelength to the given wavelength (wl) will be returned Parameters ---------- wl : float the wavelength in micron of the requested image Returns ------- tuple : (array_like(float,ndim=2),float) : the image intensitis in units ... (dimension nx,ny) and the wavelength ''' idx=np.argmin(np.abs(self.lams-wl)) # read the colum according the the wavelength, first 4 columns are # ix,iz, x, y ... not required here intens=np.loadtxt(self._filepath,skiprows=6,usecols=4+idx,max_rows=self.nx*self.ny) return intens.reshape((self.nx,self.ny)),self.lams[idx]
[docs]class DataBgSpec(object): ''' Backgound field input spectrum ''' def __init__(self,nlam): self.nlam=nlam self.lam=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) self.Inu=np.zeros(shape=(nlam))
[docs]class DataStarSpec(object): ''' Stellar input spectrum. ''' def __init__(self,nlam,teff,r,logg,luv): """ Attributes ---------- """ self.nlam=nlam self.teff=teff self.r=r self.logg=logg self.luv=luv self.lam=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) """ array_like(float,ndim=1) : wavelength unit : micron """ """ array_like(float,ndim=1) : frequency unit : Hz """ self.Inu=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) """ array_like(float,ndim=1) : Intensitye unit: erg/cm2/s/Hz/sr """
[docs]class Chemistry(object): """ Data container for chemistry analysis. Holds the information for one particular molecule. """ def __init__(self,name): """ Parameters ---------- name : string The name of the model (can be empty). Attributes ---------- """ """ string : The name of the model (can be empty) """ self.totfrate=None """ array : Total formation rate at each spatial grid point. """ self.totdrate=None """ array : Total destruction rate at each spatial grid point. """ self.gridf=None """ array : Contains for each individual grid point a sorted list of the formation reactions including the index (0) and the rate (1) """ self.gridd=None """ array : Contains for each individual grid point a sorted list of the destruction reactions including the index (0) and the rate (1) """ self.fridxs=None """ array : List of all formation reaction indices for this species. """ self.dridxs=None """ array : List of all destruction reaction indices for this species. """ self.species=None """ str : name of species for which the chamanalysis should be done """ self.chemnet=None """ :class:`` array with nx,ny,species index, reaction number, and reaction rate for a given species """
[docs] def reac_to_str(self,reac,idx,rate=None): ''' Converts a Reaction to the outputformat we want for the chemanalysis. Parameters ---------- reac : :class:`` ''' # build the prods string assuming max three products reacstr="".join(["{:13s}".format(p) for p in reac.reactants]) reacstr+="".join(["{:13s}".format("") for p in range(3-len(reac.reactants))]) prodstr="".join(["{:13s}".format(p) for p in reac.products]) prodstr+="".join(["{:13s}".format("") for p in range(4-len(reac.products))]) if rate is not None: ratestr="{:10.2e}".format(rate) else: ratestr="" return "{:7d} {:7d} {:2s} {} -> {} {}".format(idx,,reac.type,reacstr,prodstr,ratestr)
[docs] def get_reac_grid(self,level,rtype): ''' Gets the counting index of the `x` important Reaction. If it does not exist it is set to 0. Parameters ---------- level : int The level of important `1` meand most important, `2` second most important etc. type : str Formation (pass `f`) or destruction Reaction (pass `d`) Returns ------- tuple : And array of shape (model.nx, where the first one containts the index of the Reactions for the list of reactions from chemanalysis (the outputfile) and the second one the rate itself (for this Reaction at each point). ''' if rtype=="d": grid=self.gridd ridxs=self.dridxs else: grid=self.gridf ridxs=self.fridxs nx=grid.shape[0] nz=grid.shape[1] gidx=np.zeros(shape=(nx,nz),dtype=int) grate=np.zeros(shape=(nx,nz)) for ix in range(nx): for iz in range(nz): idxs=grid[ix,iz,0] if len(idxs)<level: val=0 rate=0.0 else: val=list(ridxs).index(idxs[level-1])+1 rate=grid[ix,iz,1][level-1] gidx[ix,iz]=val grate[ix,iz]=rate return gidx,grate
[docs]def read_prodimo(directory=".",name=None,readlineEstimates=True,readObs=True, readImages=True,filename="ProDiMo.out", filenameLineEstimates="FlineEstimates.out", filenameLineFlux="line_flux.out", td_fileIdx=None): ''' Reads in all (not all yet) the output of a ProDiMo model from the given model directory. Parameters ---------- directory : str the directory of the model (optional). name : str an optional name for the model (e.g. can be used in the plotting routines) readlineEstimates : boolean read the line estimates file (can be slow, so it is possible to deactivate it) readObs : boolean try to read observational data (e.g. SEDobs.dat ...) filename : str the filename of the main prodimo output filenameLineEstimates : str the filename of the line estimates output filenameLineFlux : str the filename of the line flux output td_fileIdx : str in case of time-dependent model the index of a particular output age can be provided (e.g. "03") Returns ------- :class:`` the |prodimo| model data or `None` in case of errors. ''' # FIXME: tha reading in via a tar file still needs some work, disable it here for the momen # should be a parameter of this routine at some point # tarfile : string # the path to an e.g. tar file (also compressed, everything which works with the python tarfile). # The routine tries to read the files from the archive also considering the `directory` path # TODO define this properly filenameFLiTs="specFLiTs.out" startAll=timer() tarfile=None # guess a name if not set if name==None: if directory==None or directory=="." or directory=="": dirfields=os.getcwd().split("/") else: dirfields=directory.split("/") name=dirfields[-1] # if td_fileIdx is given alter the filenames so that the timedependent # files can be read. However this would actually also workd with other kind # of indices as td_fileIdx is a strong if td_fileIdx!=None: rpstr="_"+td_fileIdx+".out" filename=filename.replace(".out",rpstr) filenameLineEstimates=filenameLineEstimates.replace(".out",rpstr) filenameLineFlux=filenameLineFlux.replace(".out",rpstr) filenameFLiTs=filenameFLiTs.replace(".out",rpstr) f,dummy=_getfile(filename,directory,tarfile) # FIXME: with this the calling rouinte can continue # The calling routine has to take care of that # But this is not very nice if f is None: return None # read all date into the memory # easier to handle afterwards lines=f.readlines() f.close() # start of the array data block idata=24 data=Data_ProDiMo(name) # Read first the species, because only from there I can know if the electron # is included as Species or not # data is filled in the routine data.species=read_species(directory,tarfile=tarfile) if data.species is not None: # None should not happen data.nspec=len(data.species.mass) data.mstar=float(lines[0].split()[1]) data.p_dust_to_gas=float(lines[9].split()[1]) data.p_rho_grain=float(lines[10].split()[1]) data.p_v_turb=float(lines[18].split()[1]) strs=lines[21].split() data.nx=int(strs[1])[2]) # is not set in read_species() FIXME: not nice nspecreal=int(strs[3]) if data.nspec is None: # should not happen print("WARN: Setting data.nspec, because there is no Species.out") data.nspec=nspecreal+1 # +1 for the electron data.nheat=int(strs[4]) data.ncool=int(strs[5]) data.nlam=int(strs[6]) # TODO: move this to the constructure which takes nx,nz data.x=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.z=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.lams=np.zeros(shape=(data.nlam)) data.AV=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.AVrad=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.AVver=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.NHver=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.NHrad=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.d2g=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx,,, data.nd=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.soundspeed=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.rhog=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.pressure=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.solved_chem=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx,,dtype=np.int32) data.tauchem=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.taucool=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.taudiff=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.heat_mainidx=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx,,dtype=np.int32) data.cool_mainidx=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx,,dtype=np.int32) data.nHtot=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.damean=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.Hx=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.tauX1=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.tauX5=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.tauX10=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.zetaX=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.chi=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.chiRT=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.kappaRoss=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.zetaCR=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.zetaSTCR=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.da2mean=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.dNlayers=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.velocity=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx,,3)) data.heat_names=list() data.cool_names=list() data.rateH2form=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, data.rateH2diss=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx,,3)) # init the caches, to avoid conversion to float if not necessary # TODO: check if itemsize is really required ... but the length should be enough # for this we use a cache data._radFields_cache=np.chararray(shape=(data.nx,,data.nlam),itemsize=13) data._nmol_cache=np.chararray((data.nx,,data.nspec),itemsize=13) data._heat_cache=np.chararray((data.nx,,data.nheat),itemsize=13) data._cool_cache=np.chararray((data.nx,,data.ncool),itemsize=13) # Make some checks for the format # new EXP format for x and z: newexpformat=lines[idata].find("E",0,25)>=0 # FIXME: that is not very nice # make at least some checks if the output format has changed or something # number of fixed fields in ProDiMo.out (before heating and cooling rates) nfixFields=21 # index after the J data/fields in ProDiMo iACool=nfixFields+data.nheat+data.ncool iASpec=iACool+1+data.nspec # FIXME: workaround to deal with el_is_sp # this means the e- is also included a species, it is then also included # in the output as the last element, simply skip that column then. iASpecskip=0 if (nspecreal==data.nspec): iASpecskip=1 iAJJ=iASpec+iASpecskip+data.nlam # read the species names, these are taken from the column titles colnames=lines[idata-1] # FIXME: Again hardconding. Might be better to read the Species names # from Species.out. Assumes that the name for each species has len 13. # Assume that the first species is e- and search for that # that is more flexible in case other names change # specStart = 233 + data.nheat * 13 + data.ncool * 13 + 13 # do not include the electron in the splitting because that one is speciesl specStart=colnames.find(" e-")+13 # FIXME: workaround to deal with e- as species (el_is_sp=true), in that # case it is included twice in the output but using nspec from ProDiMo.out # should be fine (i.e. ignore the last column of the species which is then e- again). spnames=colnames[specStart:specStart+(data.nspec-1)*13] spnames=spnames.split() # now insert the electron again. # but both are dictionaries so I guess it should be fine spnames.insert(0,"e-") if (len(spnames)!=data.nspec): print("ERROR: something is wrong with the number of Species!") return None # empty dictionary data.spnames=OrderedDict() # Make a dictionary for the spnames for i in range(data.nspec): data.spnames[spnames[i]]=i # read the heating and cooling names iheat=idata+data.nx* for i in range(data.nheat): data.heat_names.append(lines[iheat+i][3:].strip()) icool=idata+data.nx* for i in range(data.ncool): data.cool_names.append(lines[icool+i][3:].strip()) # read the band wavelenghts iwls=idata+data.nx* for i in range(data.nlam): data.lams[i]=float((lines[iwls+i].split())[1]) i=0 # startLoop=timer() for iz in range( for ix in range(data.nx): # stupid workaround for big disks/envelopes where x,y can be larger than 10000 au # there is no space between the numbers for x and z so always add one if none is there # this might can be removed in the future as the newest ProDiMo version use exp format now line=lines[idata+i] if (not newexpformat): if line[20]!=" ": line=line[:20]+" "+line[20:] # needs another fix if line[8]!=" ": line=line[:8]+" "+line[8:] # This line is what eats the time, but using genfromtxt for the ProDiMo.out # does not seem to be faster # fields=np.fromstring(line,sep=" ") fields=line.split() data.x[ix,zidx]=fields[2] data.z[ix,zidx]=fields[3] data.NHrad[ix,zidx]=fields[4] data.NHver[ix,zidx]=fields[5] data.AVrad[ix,zidx]=fields[6] data.AVver[ix,zidx]=fields[7] data.nd[ix,zidx]=fields[8][ix,zidx]=fields[9][ix,zidx]=fields[10] data.soundspeed[ix,zidx]=fields[11] data.rhog[ix,zidx]=fields[12] data.pressure[ix,zidx]=fields[13] data.solved_chem[ix,zidx]=fields[14] data.chi[ix,zidx]=fields[15] data.tauchem[ix,zidx]=fields[16] data.taucool[ix,zidx]=fields[17] data.taudiff[ix,zidx]=fields[18] data.heat_mainidx[ix,zidx]=fields[19] data.cool_mainidx[ix,zidx]=fields[20] data._heat_cache[ix,zidx,:]=fields[nfixFields:nfixFields+data.nheat] data._cool_cache[ix,zidx,:]=fields[(nfixFields+data.nheat):(nfixFields+data.nheat+data.ncool)] data.nHtot[ix,zidx]=fields[iACool] data._nmol_cache[ix,zidx,:]=fields[iACool+1:iASpec] data._radFields_cache[ix,zidx,:]=fields[(iASpec+iASpecskip):iAJJ] data.chiRT[ix,zidx]=fields[iAJJ] data.kappaRoss[ix,zidx]=fields[iAJJ+1] data.damean[ix,zidx]=fields[iAJJ+3] data.d2g[ix,zidx]=fields[iAJJ+4] data.Hx[ix,zidx]=fields[iAJJ+5] data.tauX1[ix,zidx]=fields[iAJJ+6] data.tauX5[ix,zidx]=fields[iAJJ+7] data.tauX10[ix,zidx]=fields[iAJJ+8] data.zetaX[ix,zidx]=fields[iAJJ+9] data.rateH2form[ix,zidx]=fields[iAJJ+10] data.rateH2diss[ix,zidx,:]=fields[iAJJ+11:iAJJ+11+3] data.zetaCR[ix,zidx]=fields[iAJJ+16] if len(fields)>(iAJJ+17): data.zetaSTCR[ix,zidx]=fields[iAJJ+17] if len(fields)>(iAJJ+18): data.da2mean[ix,zidx]=fields[iAJJ+18] data.dNlayers[ix,zidx]=fields[iAJJ+19] if len(fields)>(iAJJ+20): data.velocity[ix,zidx,:]=fields[iAJJ+20:iAJJ+23] else: data.velocity=None # for backward compatibilit, as it is a new field else: data.velocity=None # for backward compatibilit, as it is a new field data.da2mean=None data.dNlayers=None i=i+1 # endLoop=timer() # derived quantitites data.rhod=data.rhog*data.d2g # AV like defined in the prodimo idl script for ix in range(data.nx): for iz in range( data.AV[ix,iz]=np.min([data.AVver[ix,iz],data.AVrad[ix,iz],data.AVrad[data.nx-1,iz]-data.AVrad[ix,iz]]) # Read FlineEstimates.out if readlineEstimates==True: read_lineEstimates(directory,data,filename=filenameLineEstimates,tarfile=tarfile) else: data.lineEstimates=None data.elements=read_elements(directory,tarfile=tarfile) data.dust=read_dust(directory,tarfile=tarfile) fileloc=directory+"/dust_opac_env.out" if os.path.isfile(fileloc): data.env_dust=read_dust(directory,filename="dust_opac_env.out",tarfile=tarfile) data.starSpec=read_starSpec(directory,tarfile=tarfile) if os.path.exists(directory+"/gas_cs.out"): data.gas=read_gas(directory,tarfile=tarfile) if os.path.exists(directory+"/"+filenameLineFlux): data.lines=read_linefluxes(directory,filename=filenameLineFlux,tarfile=tarfile) if os.path.exists(directory+"/SED.out"): data.sed=read_sed(directory,tarfile=tarfile) if readObs: data.sedObs=read_continuumObs(directory) if data.lines is not None: if os.path.exists(directory+"/LINEobs.dat"): data.lineObs=read_lineObs(directory,len(data.lines)) # FIXME: workaround set also the frequency for the observed lline if data.lineObs is not None: for i in range(len(data.lines)): data.lineObs[i].frequency=data.lines[i].frequency if data.lineObs[i].profile is not None: data.lineObs[i].profile.restfrequency=data.lineObs[i].frequency if readImages: data.contImages=read_continuumImages(directory) if os.path.exists(directory+"/"+filenameFLiTs): data.FLiTsSpec=read_FLiTs(directory,filenameFLiTs) if os.path.exists(directory+"/Parameter.out"): data.params=ModelParameters(filename="Parameter.out",directory=directory) # print("INFO: Loop time: ","{:4.2f}".format(endLoop-startLoop)+" s") print("INFO: Reading time: ","{:4.2f}".format(timer()-startAll)+" s") # set muH data.muH=data.rhog[0,0]/data.nHtot[0,0] print(" ") return data
[docs]def read_elements(directory,filename="Elements.out",tarfile=None): ''' Reads the Elements.out file. Also adds the electron "e-" to the Elements. Parameters ---------- directory : str the directory of the model filename: str an alternative Filename Returns ------- :class:`` the Elements model data or `None` in case of errors. ''' f,dummy=_getfile(filename,directory,tarfile) if f is None: return None nelements=int(f.readline()) elements=DataElements() f.readline() for i in range(nelements): line=f.readline() fields=line.strip().split() name=fields[0].strip() # FIXME: Workaround with the quadropole solver an element ch is included # don't know what to do with that. if name=="ch": continue elements.abun12[name]=float(fields[1]) elements.abun[name]=10.0**(float(fields[1])-12.0) elements.amu[name]=float(fields[2]) elements.massRatio[name]=float(fields[3]) # also read muH (last element of the string) elements.muHamu=float(f.readline().strip().split()[-1]) return elements
[docs]def read_species(directory,filename="Species.out",tarfile=None): ''' Reads the Species.out file. Also adds the electron "e-" if necessary. Also sets data.nspec as only here I can know if e- was a real species in ProDiMo or not. If it was a real species I don't need to add that. Parameters ---------- directory : str the directory of the model pdata : :class:`` the ProDiMo Model data structure, where the data is stored filename: str an alternative Filename Returns ------- :class:`` the Species model data or `None` in case of errors. ..todo : * stochiometry is still missing ''' f,dummy=_getfile(filename,directory,tarfile) if f is None: return None species=DataSpecies() # skip the first line f.readline() species.mass=OrderedDict() species.charge=OrderedDict() species.chemPot=OrderedDict() for line in f: fields=line.strip().split() spname=fields[2].strip() species.mass[spname]=(float(fields[3].strip())*u.u).cgs.value species.charge[spname]=int(fields[4].strip()) species.chemPot[spname]=float(fields[5].strip()) # Only do this if it does not exist yet. # This is the only place where one can know if the e- is a real species # in ProDiMo or not (well could also use Parameter.out) if not "e-" in species.mass.keys(): species.mass["e-"]=const.m_e.cgs.value species.charge["e-"]=-1 species.chemPot["e-"]=0.0 else: # overwrite the mass, as it is not correct due to rounding in Species.out species.mass["e-"]=const.m_e.cgs.value # electron should be in first place like in ProDiMo.out species.mass.move_to_end("e-",last=False) species.charge.move_to_end("e-",last=False) species.chemPot.move_to_end("e-",last=False) return species
[docs]def read_lineEstimates(directory,pdata,filename="FlineEstimates.out",tarfile=None): ''' Read FlineEstimates.out Can only be done after ProDiMo.out is read. Parameters ---------- directory : str the directory of the model pdata : :class:`` the ProDiMo Model data structure, where the data is stored filename: str an alternative Filename ''' f,rfile=_getfile(filename,directory,tarfile,binary=True) if f is None: pdata.lineEstimates=None return None else: pdata.__fpFlineEstimates=rfile pdata.__tarfile=tarfile # check for version line=f.readline().decode() version=1 if len(line)>68: # position of version posver=line.find("version") if posver>=0: version=int(line[posver+len("version"):].strip()) nlines=int(f.readline().strip()) f.readline() pdata.lineEstimates=list() pdata.__versionFlineEstimates=version nxrange=list(range(pdata.nx)) startBytes=0 for i in range(nlines): # has to be done in fixed format # FIXME: it can be that nline is not really equal the nubmer of available line # this ir probably a bug in ProDiMo but maybe intended (see # OUTPUT_FLINE_ESTIMATE in ProDiMo, Therefore add a check line=f.readline() if not line: break line=line.decode() # FIXME: has now also a version tag!! this is for the new version if version==1: le=DataLineEstimate((line[0:9]).strip(),float(line[10:28]),int(line[29:32]),int(line[33:37]),float(line[38:49])) elif version==2 or version==3: try: le=DataLineEstimate((line[0:9]).strip(),float(line[10:28]),int(line[29:34]),int(line[35:40]),float(line[41:53])) except ValueError as err: print("Conversion problems: {0}".format(err)) print("Line (i,text): ",i,line) print("Field: ",line[0:9],line[10:28],line[29:34],line[35:40],line[41:53]) raise err else: raise ValueError('Unknown version of FlineEstimates.out! version='+str(version)) # Fine out the number of bytes in one radial line to use seek in the # next iterations if i==0: start=f.tell() le.__posrInfo=start # store the position for reading this info if required for j in nxrange: f.readline() startBytes=f.tell()-start else: le.__posrInfo=f.tell(),1) pdata.lineEstimates.append(le) f.close()
def _read_lineEstimateRinfo(pdata,lineEstimate): ''' Reads the additional Rinfo data for the given lineEstimate. ''' f,dummy=_getfile(pdata.__fpFlineEstimates,None,pdata.__tarfile,binary=True) if f is None: return None,0) nxrange=list(range(pdata.nx)) lineEstimate.rInfo=list() for j in nxrange: fieldsR=f.readline().decode().split() ix=int(fieldsR[0].strip()) iz=int(fieldsR[1].strip()) Fcolumn=float(fieldsR[2]) try: tauLine=float(fieldsR[3]) except ValueError as e: # print "read_lineEstimates line: ", le.ident ," error: ", e tauLine=0.0 tauDust=float(fieldsR[4]) z15=(float(fieldsR[5])* z85=(float(fieldsR[6])* ztauD1=None Ncol=None if pdata.__versionFlineEstimates==3: ztauD1=(float(fieldsR[7])* Ncol=float(fieldsR[8]) # ix -1 and iz-1 because in python we start at 0 rInfo=DataLineEstimateRInfo(ix-1,iz-1,Fcolumn,tauLine,tauDust,z15,z85,ztauD1,Ncol) lineEstimate.rInfo.append(rInfo) f.close()
[docs]def read_linefluxes(directory,filename="line_flux.out",tarfile=None): """ Reads the line fluxes output. Can deal with multiple inclinations. Parameters ---------- directory : str the model directory. filename : str the filename of the output file (optional). Returns ------- list(:class:``) List of lines. """ f,dummy=_getfile(filename,directory,tarfile) if f is None: return None records=f.readlines() f.close() dist=float(records[0].split("=")[1]) nlines=int(records[2].split("=")[1]) nvelo=int(records[3].split("=")[1]) lines=list() # determine if there are multiple inclinations # likely very slow ninc=sum('inclination[degree]' in s for s in records) # this might be faster, but also a bit dirtz # nrecords=len(records) # nlinesinc=4+nlines*(5+nvelo)+2 # print(nrecords,nlinesinc,(nrecords+2)/nlinesinc) pos=5 # loop for all inclinations for iinc in range(ninc): # print("start",iinc,pos,records[pos]) incl=float(records[pos-4].split("=")[1]) # print(incl) # print() # loop over all lines for i in range(nlines): # read the data for one line this the same data for inclinations if iinc==0: line=DataLine() rec=records[pos] try: line.species=(rec[10:20]).strip() line.ident=line.species line.prodimoInf=rec[21:36].strip() line.wl=float(rec[43:54].strip()) # * line.frequency=float(rec[63:76].strip()) # *u.GHz except: # print("read_linefluxes: try new format") line.species=(rec[10:20]).strip() line.ident=line.species line.prodimoInf=rec[21:41].strip() line.wl=float(rec[48:64].strip()) # * line.frequency=float(rec[74:90].strip()) # *u.GHz line.distance=dist else: # get the line the was already initialises line=lines[i] # thisis data the changes for each inclination rec=records[pos+1] line._fluxs.append(float(rec.split("=")[1].strip())) # *u.Watt/u.m**2 rec=records[pos+2] line._fconts.append(float(rec.split("=")[1].strip())) # *u.Jansky # simply store inclination and distance for each line line._inclinations.append(incl) # one line in the profile is for the continuum profile=DataLineProfile(nvelo-1,restfrequency=line.frequency) for j in range(nvelo-1): # skip the header line and the first line (continuum)? fields=records[pos+5+j].split() profile.velo[j]=float(fields[0]) # * profile.flux[j]=float(fields[1]) # *u.Jansky if (len(fields)>2): profile.flux_conv[j]=float(fields[2]) # *u.Jansky if (len(fields)>3): profile.flux_dust[j]=float(fields[3]) # *u.Jansky line._profiles.append(profile) # don't add the object again if iinc==0: lines.append(line) pos+=(nvelo+5) pos+=6 return lines
[docs]def read_lineObs(directory,nlines,filename="LINEobs.dat",tarfile=None): ''' Reads the lineobs Data. the number of lines have to be known. ''' f,dummy=_getfile(filename,directory,tarfile) if f is None: return None records=f.readlines() f.close() linesobs=list() versionStr=records[0].split() version=float(versionStr[0]) for rec in records[2:2+nlines]: fields=rec.split() lineobs=DataLineObs(float(fields[0].strip()),\ float(fields[1].strip()),\ float(fields[2].strip()),\ float(fields[3].strip()),\ fields[4].strip()) # FIXME: not very nice # in case of upper limits flux might be zero in that case use sig. if lineobs.flux<1.e-100: lineobs.flux=lineobs.flux_err linesobs.append(lineobs) # the additional data # check if there is actually more data if (len(records)>2+nlines+1): # FIXME: do this proberly (the reading etc. and different versions) profile=(records[2+nlines+1].split())[0:nlines] autoC=(records[2+nlines+2].split())[0:nlines] vvalid=(records[2+nlines+3].split())[0:nlines] # speres = (records[2 + nlines+4].split())[0:nlines] offset=5 if version>2.0: offset=6 # now go through the profiles for i in range(nlines): proffilename=records[offset+nlines+i+1].strip() if profile[i]=="T": if "nodata"==proffilename: print("WARN: Something is wrong with line "+str(i)) linesobs[i].profile,linesobs[i].profileErr=read_lineObsProfile(proffilename,directory=directory) return linesobs
[docs]def read_lineObsProfile(filename,directory=".",tarfile=None): ''' reads a line profile file which can be used for ProDiMo ''' f,dummy=_getfile(filename,directory,tarfile) if f is None: return None records=f.readlines() f.close() # First line number of velo points and central wavelength, which we do not # need here (I think this is anyway optional nvelo=int(records[0].split()[0].strip()) # skip header lines profile=DataLineProfile(nvelo) for i in range(2,nvelo+2): fields=records[i].split() profile.velo[i-2]=float(fields[0].strip()) profile.flux[i-2]=float(fields[1].strip()) # also fill the convolved flux, which is just the same as the flux # for observations profile.flux_conv[i-2]=profile.flux[i-2] # TODO: some profiles might do not include an err field # Check if actually some do? if (nvelo+2)>=len(records): err=0.0 else: if records[nvelo+2].strip()!="": err=float(records[nvelo+2].split()[0].strip()) else: err=0.0 return profile,err
[docs]def read_gas(directory,filename="gas_cs.out",tarfile=None): ''' Reads gas_cs.out Returns ------- :class:`` ''' f,dummy=_getfile(filename,directory,tarfile) if f is None: return None nlam=int(f.readline().strip()) # skip one line f.readline() gas=DataGas(nlam) for i in range(nlam): fields=[float(field) for field in f.readline().split()] gas.lam[i]=float(fields[0]) gas.abs_cs[i]=float(fields[1]) gas.sca_cs[i]=float(fields[2])[:]=((gas.lam[:]*u.micron).to(u.eV,equivalencies=u.spectral())).value f.close() return gas
[docs]def read_continuumImages(directory,filename="image.out"): ''' Reads the image.out file. To avoid unnecessary memory usage, the Intensities are not read in this routine. For this use :func:`` ''' f,fname=_getfile(filename,directory=directory) if f is None: return None incl=float(f.readline().split()[0]) nrnt=f.readline().split() nlam=f.readline().split()[0] images=DataContinuumImages(int(nlam),int(nrnt[0]),int(nrnt[1]),incl=incl,filepath=fname) images.lams[:]=np.array(f.readline().split()).astype(float) f.close() # Read the coordinates xy=np.loadtxt(fname,skiprows=6,usecols=(2,3),max_rows=images.nx*images.ny) images.x=xy[:,0].reshape(images.nx,images.ny) images.y=xy[:,1].reshape(images.nx,images.ny) return images
[docs]def read_continuumObs(directory,filename="SEDobs.dat"): ''' Reads observational continuum data (SED). Reads the file SEDobs.dat (phtotometric points) and all files ending with `*spec.dat` (e.g. the Spitzer spectrum) FIXME: does not work yet with tar files ''' contObs=None rfile=directory+"/"+filename if os.path.exists(rfile): print("READ: Reading File: ",rfile," ...") f=open(rfile,'r') nlam=int(f.readline().strip()) f.readline() # header line contObs=DataContinuumObs(nlam=nlam) for i in range(nlam): elems=f.readline().split() contObs.lam[i]=float(elems[0]) contObs.fnuJy[i]=float(elems[1]) contObs.fnuJyErr[i]=float(elems[2]) contObs.flag[i]=str(elems[3])*u.micrometer).to(u.Hz,equivalencies=u.spectral()).value contObs.fnuErg=(contObs.fnuJy*u.Jy).cgs.value contObs.fnuErgErr=(contObs.fnuJyErr*u.Jy).cgs.value f.close() # check for the spectrum files # types of spectra that are understood, is more of a unofficial naming convention types=["Spitzer","ISO","PACS","SPIRE"] fnames=list() for spectype in types: fnames.extend(glob.glob(directory+"/"+spectype+"*spec*.dat")) if fnames is not None and len(fnames)>0: if contObs is None: contObs=DataContinuumObs() contObs.specs=list() for fname in fnames: print("READ: Reading File: ",fname," ...") # use basename in the if to avoid problems with directory names # containing the string of one of the types. if types[0] in os.path.basename(fname): spec=np.loadtxt(fname,skiprows=3) elif types[1] in os.path.basename(fname): spec=np.loadtxt(fname,skiprows=1) elif types[2] in os.path.basename(fname): spec=np.loadtxt(fname) elif types[3] in os.path.basename(fname): spec=np.loadtxt(fname,skiprows=1) # convert frequency to micron, SPIRE data spec[:,0]=(spec[:,0]*u.GHz).to(u.micron,equivalencies=u.spectral()).value else: print("Don't know about type of "+fname+" Spectrum. Try anyway") spec=np.loadtxt(fname) # If there is no error provided just and a zero column if spec.shape[1]<3: spec=np.c_[spec,np.zeros(spec.shape[0])] contObs.specs.append(spec) # check if there is some extinction data fn_ext=directory+"/extinct.dat" if os.path.exists(fn_ext): print("READ: Reading File: ",fn_ext," ...") if contObs is None: contObs=DataContinuumObs() fext=open(fn_ext,"r") fext.readline() contObs.E_BV=float(fext.readline()) fext.readline() contObs.R_V=float(fext.readline()) contObs.A_V=contObs.R_V*contObs.E_BV fext.close() # # check if there is an # fn_images= directory+"/" # if os.path.exists(fn_images): # if contObs is None: # contObs=DataContinuumObs() # # fext= open(fn_images,"r") # fext.readline() # fext.readline() # nimages=int(fext.readline()) # positionAngle = float(fext.readline()) # # for i in range(9): # line = f.readline() return contObs
[docs]def read_FLiTs(directory,filename="specFLiTs.out",tarfile=None): ''' Reads the FLiTs spectrum. Returns ------- :class:`` The Spectrum. ''' f,pfilename=_getfile(filename,directory,tarfile) if f is None: return None,None f.close() # currently read only the wavelength and the total flux and the continuum (col 3) # doesn't work for including the continuum # # likely slow, just to get the number of entries f=open(pfilename) lines=f.readlines() nent=len(lines) specFLiTs=DataFLiTsSpec() specFLiTs.wl=np.zeros(shape=(nent)) specFLiTs.flux=np.zeros(shape=(nent)) specFLiTs.flux_cont=np.zeros(shape=(nent)) for i,line in enumerate(lines): arr=line.split() # sometimes only the first two columns a filled, deal with it specFLiTs.wl[i]=float(arr[0]) specFLiTs.flux[i]=float(arr[1]) # fill the continuum just from the first column as it is sometime empty # FIXME: not sure while sometimes FLiTs does not produce a continuum value, this is just a workaround if len(arr)==2: specFLiTs.flux_cont[i]=float(arr[1]) else: specFLiTs.flux_cont[i]=float(arr[3]) f.close() return specFLiTs
[docs]def read_sed(directory,filename="SED.out",filenameAna="SEDana.out",tarfile=None): ''' Reads the ProDiMo SED output including the analysis data. ''' f,dummy=_getfile(filename,directory,tarfile) if f is None: return None records=f.readlines() f.close() # determine if there are multiple inclinations # likely very slow # -1 becaus we ignore the analytic one ninc=sum('inclination[degree]' in s for s in records)-1 distance=float(records[0].split()[-1]) nlam=int(records[2]) sed=DataSED(nlam,distance) ridx=nlam+2+3 # need this already here sed._Lbols=[None]*ninc sed._Tbols=[None]*ninc for iinc in range(ninc): sed._inclinations.append(float(records[ridx].split()[-1])) ridx+=3 fnuErg=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) nuFnuW=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) fnuJy=np.zeros(shape=(nlam)) for i in range(nlam): elems=records[ridx].split() if iinc==0: sed.lam[i]=float(elems[0])[i]=float(elems[1]) # FIXME: Workaround to catch strange values from ProDiMo .. should be fixed # in ProDiMo try: fnuErg[i]=float(elems[2]) nuFnuW[i]=float(elems[3]) fnuJy[i]=float(elems[4]) except ValueError as err: print("WARN: Could not read value from SED.out: ",err) ridx+=1 sed._fnuErgs.append(fnuErg) sed._nuFnuWs.append(nuFnuW) sed._fnuJys.append(fnuJy) sed._DataSED__incidx=iinc sed.setLbolTbol() # next inc ridx+=1 # The analysis data, if it is not there not a big problem f,dummy=_getfile(filenameAna,directory,tarfile) if f is None: sed.sedAna=None return sed nlam,nx=f.readline().split() nlam=int(nlam) nx=int(nx) sed.sedAna=DataSEDAna(nlam,nx) for i in range(nlam): elems=f.readline().split() sed.sedAna.lams[i]=float(elems[0]) sed.sedAna.r15[i]=float(elems[1]) sed.sedAna.r85[i]=float(elems[2]) for j in range(nx): elems=f.readline().split() sed.sedAna.z15[i,j]=float(elems[0]) sed.sedAna.z85[i,j]=float(elems[1]) f.close() return sed
[docs]def read_starSpec(directory,filename="StarSpectrum.out",tarfile=None): ''' Reads StarSpectrum.out ''' f,dummy=_getfile(filename,directory,tarfile) if f is None: return None teff=float((f.readline().split())[-1]) elems=f.readline().split() r=float(elems[-1]) logg=float(elems[2]) luv=float(f.readline().split()[-1]) nlam=int(f.readline()) f.readline() starSpec=DataStarSpec(nlam,teff,r,logg,luv) for i in range(nlam): elems=f.readline().split() starSpec.lam[i]=float(elems[0])[i]=float(elems[1]) starSpec.Inu[i]=float(elems[2]) f.close() return starSpec
[docs]def read_bgSpec(directory,filename="BgSpectrum.out",tarfile=None): ''' Reads the BgSpectrum.out file. Returns ------- :class:`` the background spectra or `None` if not found. ''' f,dummy=_getfile(filename,directory,tarfile) if f is None: return None nlam=int(f.readline()) f.readline() bgSpec=DataBgSpec(nlam) for i in range(nlam): elems=f.readline().split() bgSpec.lam[i]=float(elems[0])[i]=float(elems[1]) bgSpec.Inu[i]=float(elems[2]) return bgSpec
[docs]def read_dust(directory,filename="dust_opac.out",tarfile=None): ''' Reads dust_opac.out and if it exists dust_sigmaa.out. Does not read the dust composition yet FIXME: reading of dust_opac.out should be in separate routine. Returns ------- :class:`` ''' f,dummy=_getfile(filename,directory,tarfile) if f is None: return None fields=[int(field) for field in f.readline().split()] ndsp=fields[0] nlam=fields[1] # skip three lines for i in range(ndsp): f.readline() # apow amax etc. strings=f.readline().split() if len(strings)>0: amin=((float(strings[6])* amax=((float(strings[7])* apow=float(strings[8]) nsize=int(strings[9]) dust=DataDust(amin,amax,apow,nsize,nlam) else: dust=DataDust(-1,-1,0.0,-1,nlam) f.readline() for i in range(nlam): fields=[float(field) for field in f.readline().split()] dust.lam[i]=float(fields[0]) dust.kext[i]=float(fields[1]) dust.kabs[i]=float(fields[2]) dust.ksca[i]=float(fields[3]) if len(fields)>4: dust.ksca_an[i]=float(fields[5]) # skip kprn f.close()[:]=((dust.lam[:]*u.micron).to(u.eV,equivalencies=u.spectral())).value # is optional but returns None if file is not there # does not have to be there if os.path.isfile(directory+"/"+filename): dust.asize,dust.sigmaa=read_dust_sigmaa(directory) return dust
[docs]def read_dust_sigmaa(directory,filename="dust_sigmaa.out",tarfile=None): ''' Reads the radial surface density profiles for each grain size. Parameters ---------- directory : str The directory where the file is located (the ProDiMo model directory). filename : str The filename. Default: "dust_sigmaa.out" ''' f,pfilename=_getfile(filename,directory,tarfile) if f is None: return None,None f.close() # don't need it use np for simplicity # a bit quick an dirty data=np.loadtxt(pfilename,comments="#") # the first row in the array are the grain sizes. # convert from cm to micron asize=(data[0,:]* # used transposed array, to be consistent with ohter stuff. sigmaa=np.transpose(data[1:,:]) return asize,sigmaa
[docs]def calc_NHrad_oi(data): ''' Calculates the radial column density from out to in (border of model space to star/center) TODO: move this to utils ''' NHradoi=0.0*data.nHtot for ix in range(data.nx-2,1,-1): # first ix point (ix=0= remains zero r1=(data.x[ix+1,:]**2+data.z[ix+1,:]**2)**0.5 r2=(data.x[ix,:]**2+data.z[ix,:]**2)**0.5 dr=r1-r2 dr=dr* nn=0.5*(data.nHtot[ix+1,:]+data.nHtot[ix,:]) NHradoi[ix,:]=NHradoi[ix+1,:]+nn*dr return NHradoi
[docs]def calc_surfd(data): ''' Caluclates the gas and dust vertical surface densities at every point in the model. Only one half of the disk is considered. If one needs the total surface density simply multiply the value from the midplane (zidx=0) by two. TODO: make it "private" no need to use it directly. ''' print("INFO: Calculate surface densities") tocm=(1.0* data._sdg=0.0*data.rhog data._sdd=0.0*data.rhod for ix in range(data.nx): for iz in range(,-1,-1): # from top to bottom dz=(data.z[ix,iz+1]-data.z[ix,iz]) dz=dz*tocm nn=0.5*(data.rhog[ix,iz+1]+data.rhog[ix,iz]) data._sdg[ix,iz]=data._sdg[ix,iz+1,]+nn*dz nn=0.5*(data.rhod[ix,iz+1]+data.rhod[ix,iz]) data._sdd[ix,iz]=data._sdd[ix,iz+1,]+nn*dz
def _calc_vol(data): ''' Inits the vol field (:attr:`` for each individual grid point. This is useful to estimate mean quantities which are weighted by volume but also by mass. The routine follows the same method as in the (the IDL skript) ''' print("INFO: Calculate volumes") tocm=(1.0* data._vol=np.zeros(shape=(data.nx, fourthreepi=4.0*math.pi/3.0 for ix in range(data.nx): ix1=np.max([0,ix-1]) ix2=ix ix3=np.min([data.nx-1,ix+1]) x1=math.sqrt(data.x[ix1,0]*data.x[ix2,0])*tocm x2=math.sqrt(data.x[ix2,0]*data.x[ix3,0])*tocm # does not depend on iz for iz in range( iz1=np.max([0,iz-1]) iz2=iz iz3=np.min([,iz+1]) tanbeta1=0.5*(data.z[ix,iz1]+data.z[ix,iz2])/data.x[ix,0] tanbeta2=0.5*(data.z[ix,iz2]+data.z[ix,iz3])/data.x[ix,0] data.vol[ix,iz]=fourthreepi*(x2**3-x1**3)*(tanbeta2-tanbeta1) # Test for volume stuff ... total integrated mass # mass=np.sum(np.multiply(data.vol,data.rhog)) # print("Total gas mass",(mass*u.g).to(u.M_sun)) def _calc_cdnmol(data): ''' Calculated the vertical column number densities for every species at every point in the disk (from top to bottom). Very simple and rough method. Only one half of the disk is considered. If one needs the total surface density simply multiply the value from the midplane (zidx=0) by two. TODO: make it "private" no need to use it directly. ''' if data._log: print("INFO: Calculate vertical column densities") tocm=(1.0* data._cdnmol=0.0*data.nmol for ix in range(data.nx): for iz in range(,-1,-1): # from top to bottom dz=(data.z[ix,iz+1]-data.z[ix,iz]) dz=dz*tocm nn=0.5*(data.nmol[ix,iz+1,:]+data.nmol[ix,iz,:]) data._cdnmol[ix,iz,:]=data._cdnmol[ix,iz+1,:]+nn*dz # check if integration is correct # for the total hydrogen column density the error is less than 1.e-3 # that should be good enough for plotting # nHverC=data._cdnmol[:,:,data.spnames["H"]]+data._cdnmol[:,:,data.spnames["H+"]]+data._cdnmol[:,:,data.spnames["H2"]]*2.0 # print(np.max(np.abs(1.0-nHverC[:,0]/data.NHver[:,0]))) def _calc_rcdnmol(data): ''' Calculated the radial column number densities for every species at every point in the disk. Very simple and rough method. TODO: make it "private" no need to use it directly. TODO: this can be quire inaccurate as the x info for the innermost points is not printed accurately to PRoDiMo.out which cause dr to be zero ''' if data._log: print("INFO: Calculate radial column densities") tocm=(1.0* data._rcdnmol=0.0*data.nmol for iz in range( for ix in range(1,data.nx,1): # first ix point (ix=0= remains zero r1=(data.x[ix,iz]**2+data.z[ix,iz]**2)**0.5 r2=(data.x[ix-1,iz]**2+data.z[ix-1,iz]**2)**0.5 dr=r1-r2 dr=dr*tocm nn=0.5*(data.nmol[ix,iz ,:]+data.nmol[ix-1,iz,:]) data._rcdnmol[ix,iz,:]=data._rcdnmol[ix-1,iz,:]+nn*dr # FIXME: test the integration error can be at most 16% ... good enough for now (most fields are better) # nHverC=data._rcdnmol[:,:,data.spnames["H"]]+data._rcdnmol[:,:,data.spnames["H+"]]+data._rcdnmol[:,:,data.spnames["H2"]]*2.0 # # print(nHverC[:,izt],data.NHrad[:,izt]) # print(np.max(np.abs(1.0-nHverC[1:,:]/data.NHrad[1:,:])))
[docs]def analyse_chemistry(species,model,to_txt=True,td_fileIdx=None,filenameReactions="Reactions.out", filenameChemistry='chemanalysis.out',name=None,directory=None): """ Function that analyses the chemistry in a similar way to Parameters ---------- species : str The species name one wants to analyze. model : :class:`` the |prodimo| model data. to_txt : boolean Write info about formation and destruction reactions for the selecte molecule to a txt file. Default: `True` td_fileIdx : str For time-dependent chemanalysis. Provide here the idx for the timestep. E.g. `"0001"` for the first one. .. todo:: * `name` and `directory` are not used anymore (I think) can be removed Returns ------- :class:`` Object that holds all the required information and can be use for the plotting routines or for :func:`` """ chemistry=Chemistry(None) # has to be from the particular model. if directory is None: if name==None: start=timer() # Read the netork # cnet=pchemnet.ReactionNetworkPout(modeldir=directory) # print(cnet) # print("") speciesidx=model.spnames[species] if td_fileIdx is not None: # FIXME: that might not work if one overwrite filenameChemistry filenameChemistry=filenameChemistry.replace(".out","_"+td_fileIdx+".out") fchem,dummy=_getfile(filenameChemistry,directory,None) if fchem is None: return None # skip first line fchem.readline() # stores all the formation reaction indices and rates for each grid point gridf=np.empty((model.nx,,2),dtype=np.ndarray) gridd=np.empty((model.nx,,2),dtype=np.ndarray) totfrate=np.zeros((model.nx, # total formation rate at each point) totdrate=np.zeros((model.nx, # total formation rate at each point) fidx=list() # indices of all unique formation reactions didx=list() # indices of all unique destruction reactions fidxcount=list() # count how often the reaction occours over the whole grid didxcount=list() # count how often the reaction occours over the whole grid # now read the Reaction network # TODO: move some of this to the ReactionNetwork class to make it more general # e.g. select routine which gets a product species as input and returns all the # formation reatoins (a list, or a network) chemnet=pcnet.ReactionNetworkPout(modeldir=directory) # TODO: there might be some potential for performance improvements in this loop for line in fchem: fields=line.split() ix=int(fields[0])-1 iz=int(fields[1])-1 reacidx=int(fields[3]) rate=float(fields[4]) if gridf[ix,iz,0] is None: gridf[ix,iz,0]=np.array([],dtype=int) gridf[ix,iz,1]=np.array([]) if gridd[ix,iz,0] is None: gridd[ix,iz,0]=np.array([],dtype=int) gridd[ix,iz,1]=np.array([]) # get the reaction and see if it is formation or destruction reac=chemnet.reactions[reacidx-1] # fortran starts at 1, python at 0 if species in reac.products: # formation reaction isort=np.searchsorted(-gridf[ix,iz,1],-rate) # with the minus a descending order is achieved gridf[ix,iz,0]=np.insert(gridf[ix,iz,0],isort,reacidx) gridf[ix,iz,1]=np.insert(gridf[ix,iz,1],isort,rate) totfrate[ix,iz]+=rate if not reacidx in fidx: fidx.append(reacidx) fidxcount.append(0) # the counter else: fidxcount[fidx.index(reacidx)]+=1 # the counter elif species in reac.reactants: # formation reaction isort=np.searchsorted(-gridd[ix,iz,1],-rate) # with the minus a descending order is achieved gridd[ix,iz,0]=np.insert(gridd[ix,iz,0],isort,reacidx) gridd[ix,iz,1]=np.insert(gridd[ix,iz,1],isort,rate) totdrate[ix,iz]+=rate if not reacidx in didx: didx.append(reacidx) didxcount.append(0) # the counter else: didxcount[didx.index(reacidx)]+=1 # the counter sortidx=np.flip(np.array(fidxcount).argsort()) # fidx.sort(key=lambda x: fidxcount.index(x),reverse=True) fidx=np.array(fidx)[sortidx] sortidx=np.flip(np.array(didxcount).argsort()) didx=np.array(didx)[sortidx] # didx.sort(key=didxcount,reverse=True) chemistry.species=species chemistry.gridf=gridf chemistry.gridd=gridd chemistry.fridxs=fidx chemistry.dridxs=didx chemistry.totfrate=totfrate chemistry.totdrate=totdrate # FIXME: # that might be a bit of an overkill, because it includes all Reactoins of # the network, not only the ones for this particular species. chemistry.chemnet=chemnet if to_txt: output_chem_fname=directory+'/chemistry_reactions_'+species+'.txt' if td_fileIdx is not None: output_chem_fname=output_chem_fname.replace(".txt","_"+td_fileIdx+".txt") f=open(output_chem_fname,'w') f.writelines("-------------------------------------------------------\n") f.writelines("formation and destruction reactions \n") f.writelines("species: "+species+"\n\n") f.writelines("Formation reactions\n") for i,ridx in enumerate(chemistry.fridxs): f.writelines(chemistry.reac_to_str(chemnet.reactions[ridx-1],i+1)) f.writelines('\n') f.writelines("\n\n") f.writelines("Destruction reactions\n") for i,ridx in enumerate(chemistry.dridxs): f.writelines(chemistry.reac_to_str(chemnet.reactions[ridx-1],i+1)) f.writelines('\n') f.writelines("-------------------------------------------------------\n") f.close() print("Writing information to: "+output_chem_fname) # also print it to stdout with open(output_chem_fname) as f: print( print("INFO: Calc time: ","{:4.2f}".format(timer()-start)+" s") return chemistry
[docs]def reac_rates_ix_iz(model,chemana,ix=None,iz=None,locau=None): """ Function that analyses the chemana manually via a point-by-point analysis for a given species. Shows the most important formation and destruction rates for the given point ix,iz (or in au via Parameter `locau`). Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the model data chemana : :class:`` data resulting from :func:`` on a single species ix : int ix corresponding to desired radial location in grid, starting at 0 iz : int iz corresponding to desired radial location in grid, starting at 0 locau : array_like the desired coordinates in au [x,z]. The routine then finds the closest grid point for those coordinates. """ if locau is not None: ix=np.argmin(np.abs(model.x[:,0]-locau[0])) iz=np.argmin(np.abs(model.z[ix,:]-locau[1])) if ix is None or iz is None: print("Please provide either ix,iz or locau!") return print("Analysing point x=",str(model.x[ix,iz])+" au z="+str(model.z[ix,iz])+" au") print(' Detailed reaction rates for: %10s'%chemana.species) print('------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print(' grid point = %i %i'%(ix,iz)) print(' r,z [au] (cylindrical) = %.3f %.4f'%(model.x[ix,iz],model.z[ix,iz])) print(' n<H>,nd [cm^-3] = %.1e %.1e'%(model.nHtot[ix,iz],model.nd[ix,iz])) print(' Tgas,Tdust [K] = %.1e %.1e'%([ix,iz],[ix,iz])) print(' AV_rad,AV_ver = %.1e %.1e'%(model.AVrad[ix,iz],model.AVver[ix,iz])) print(' %10s'%chemana.species+' abundance = %e'%model.getAbun(chemana.species)[ix,iz]) print('------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print(' Total form. rate [cm^-3 s^-1] = {:10.2e}'.format(chemana.totdrate[ix,iz])) for i,ridx in enumerate(chemana.gridf[ix,iz,0]): print(chemana.reac_to_str(chemana.chemnet.reactions[ridx-1],list(chemana.fridxs).index(ridx)+1,rate=chemana.gridf[ix,iz,1][i])) print('------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print(' Total dest. rate [cm^-3 s^-1] = {:10.2e}'.format(chemana.totdrate[ix,iz])) for i,ridx in enumerate(chemana.gridd[ix,iz,0]): print(chemana.reac_to_str(chemana.chemnet.reactions[ridx-1],list(chemana.dridxs).index(ridx)+1,rate=chemana.gridd[ix,iz,1][i])) print('------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print("")
def _flux_Wm2toJykms(flux,frequency): ''' Converts a flux from W m^-2 to Jy km/s Parameters ---------- flux: float the flux in units of [W m^-2] frequency: float the frequency of the flux in [GHz] Returns ------- float The flux of the line. `UNIT: Jansky km s^-1` ''' res=flux*u.Watt/(u.m**2.0)'km/s') res=(res).to(u.Jansky,equivalencies=u.spectral_density(frequency*u.GHz)) return (res*ckm).value def _getfile(filename,directory=None,tarfile=None,binary=False): ''' Utility function to open a particular file from a ProDiMo model. ''' pfilename=filename if tarfile is not None: if directory is not None and directory!=".": pfilename=directory+"/"+filename,"r") if binary: f=tararchive.extractfile(pfilename) else: f=io.TextIOWrapper(tararchive.extractfile(pfilename)) else: if directory is not None: pfilename=directory+"/"+filename try: if binary: f=open(pfilename,'rb') else: f=open(pfilename,'r') except: f=None if f is None: print(("WARN: Could not open "+pfilename+"!")) else: print("READ: Reading File: ",pfilename," ...") return f,pfilename ############################################################################### # For testing if __name__=="__main__": # import sys # import # import time # # pd=read_prodimo("/home/rab/MODELS/XRTPaperNew/TEST_full") # print pd # print pd.nmol[pd.nx-1,0,pd.spnames["N2#"]] # print # # start=time.time() # read_lineEstimates("/home/rab/MODELS/XRTPaperNew/TEST_full", pd) # print "Time: ",time.time()-start # # line=pd.getLineEstimate("N2H+", 1000.0) # line=pd.getLineEstimate("N2H+", 1000.0) # print line # lines=pd.selectLineEstimates("N2H+") # print len(lines) tdir="../testdata" data=read_prodimo(tdir) linesObs=read_lineObs(tdir,len(data.lines)) print(data.lines[0]) print(data.lines[1]) print(linesObs[0]) profile=read_lineObsProfile(tdir+"/LineProfile_CO_21.dat") print(profile) print(profile.flux) print(profile.velo)