Source code for prodimopy.plot_models

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from math import pi

from matplotlib import lines
from matplotlib import patches

import astropy.constants as const
import astropy.units as u
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as plticker
import numpy as np
import prodimopy.extinction
import prodimopy.plot

# has to be this way because of circular imports
[docs]class PlotModels(object): def __init__(self,pdf, colors=None, styles=None, markers=None, fs_legend=None, # TODO: init it with the system default legend font size ncol_legend=0): self.pdf=pdf if colors==None: # use system default colors not fixed ones. # FIXME: could be done more elegant (simply set colors to None, needs changes in the plot routines) self.colors=[None]*20 # self.colors = ["b", "g", "r", "c", "m", "y", "k", "sienna", "lime", "pink", "DarkOrange", "Olive","brown"] else: self.colors=colors if styles==None: self.styles=["-"]*len(self.colors) else: self.styles=styles if markers==None: self.markers=["D"]*len(self.colors) else: self.markers=markers if fs_legend is None: self.fs_legend=mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] else: self.fs_legend=fs_legend self.ncol_legend=ncol_legend def _sfigs(self,**kwargs): ''' Scale the figure size from matplotlibrc by the factors given in the array sfigs (in kwargs) the first element is for the width the second for the hieght ''' figsize=mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] if "sfigs" in kwargs: fac=kwargs["sfigs"] return (figsize[0]*fac[0],figsize[1]*fac[1]) elif "wfac" in kwargs and "hfac" in kwargs: wfac=kwargs["wfac"] hfac=kwargs["hfac"] return (figsize[0]*wfac,figsize[1]*hfac) else: return (figsize[0],figsize[1]) def _legend(self,ax,**kwargs): ''' plots the legend, deals with multiple columns ''' if "slegend" in kwargs: if not kwargs["slegend"]: return if "fs_legend" in kwargs: fs=kwargs["fs_legend"] else: fs=self.fs_legend # TODO: maybe remove fs_legend from init and just use rcparams if "loc_legend" in kwargs: loc=kwargs["loc_legend"] else: loc="best" handles,labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ncol=1 if self.ncol_legend>1 and len(labels)>self.ncol_legend: ncol=int(len(labels)/self.ncol_legend) leg=ax.legend(handles,labels,loc=loc,fancybox=False,ncol=ncol,fontsize=fs) lw=mpl.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] leg.get_frame().set_linewidth(lw) def _set_dashes(self,line): ''' Utility routine to set the dashed stuff for a line. This routine should be used instead of using set_dashes directly, if the default value (still hardcoded) should be used. TODO: in matplotlib 2.0 is an option for this ... so this function can be removed in the future ''' majver=int((mpl.__version__).split(".")[0]) if majver<2: line.set_dashes((4,4)) def _dokwargs(self,ax,**kwargs): ''' Handles the passed kwargs elements (assumes that defaults are already set) ''' if "ylim" in kwargs: ax.set_ylim(kwargs["ylim"]) if "xlim" in kwargs: ax.set_xlim(kwargs["xlim"]) if "xlog" in kwargs: if kwargs["xlog"]: ax.semilogx() else: ax.set_xscale("linear") if "ylog" in kwargs: if kwargs["ylog"]: ax.semilogy() else: ax.set_yscale("linear") if "xlabel" in kwargs: ax.set_xlabel(kwargs["xlabel"]) if "ylabel" in kwargs: ax.set_ylabel(kwargs["ylabel"]) if "title" in kwargs: if kwargs["title"]!=None and kwargs["title"].strip()!="": ax.set_title(kwargs["title"]) def _initfig(self,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Inits Figure and Axes object. If an Axes object is passed, it is returned together with the Figure object. This is for a single plot (i.e. only one panel) Returns ------- :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` ''' if ax is not None: fig=ax.get_figure() else: fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=self._sfigs(**kwargs)) return fig,ax def _closefig(self,fig): ''' Save and close the plot (Figure). If self.pdf is None than nothing is done and the figure is returend Parameters ========== fig : :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` A matplotliblib Figure object that will be saved in `self.pdf` if it exists or just returned again. ''' # trans=mpl.rcParams['savefig.transparent'] if self.pdf is not None: self.pdf.savefig(figure=fig,transparent=False) plt.close(fig) return None else: return fig
[docs] def plot_lines(self,models,lineIdents,useLineEstimate=True,jansky=False, showBoxes=True,lineObs=None,lineObsLabel="Obs.",peakFlux=False, showCont=False,xLabelGHz=False,showGrid=True,**kwargs): """ Plots the fluxes for a given selection of lines or lineEstimates. Parameters ---------- models : array_like The list of models of type :class:`` lineIdents : array_like a list of line identifiers. Each entry should contain `["ident",wl]` (e.g. `["CO",1300],["CO",800]]`. Those values are passed to :func:`~prodimopy.Data_ProDiMo.getLineEstimate`. The order of the lineIdents also defines the plotting order of the lines (from left to right) useLineEstimate : boolean if `True` the lines are selected from the lineEstimates otherwise the lines are taken from the full line radiative transfer. Default: `True` jansky : boolean plot the fluxes in units of Jansky Default: `True` showBoxes : boolean show boxes that indicate the the region within a factor of 3 to the line flux. Default: `True` lineObs : list(:class:``) a list of :class:`` should include all the lines that were include in the line transfer and in the same order. The observations are plotted together with the model line fluxes. if `None` no observations are plotted. Default: `None` peakFlux : boolean If `True` use the peakFlux from the line profile instead of the total line fluex. Is sometimes usefull to make predictions for observations, as in that case the peakFlux is often used to estimate observing times. Only works with useLineEstimate=False and jansky=True TODO: split lines and lineEstimates plots TODO: if not FlineEstimates than it would be also possible to plot all lines for which line transfer is done """ print("PLOT: plot_lines ...") if peakFlux is True and (useLineEstimate is True or jansky is False): print("WARN: ","peakFlux=True can only be used for useLineEstimate=False and jansky=True") peakFlux=False # FIXME: enable sfigs for both cases if len(lineIdents)>10: fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=self._sfigs(sfigs=[2.0,1.0])) else: fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=self._sfigs(**kwargs)) imodel=0 lticks=list() ymin=1.e100 ymax=1.e-100 for model in models: iline=1 x=list() y=list() yCont=list() for ident in lineIdents: line=None x.append(iline) if useLineEstimate: line=model.getLineEstimate(ident[0],ident[1]) else: # use the line fluxes, uses only the wavelength line=model.getLine(ident[1],ident=ident[0]) # it can happen that one of the models does not contain a certain line # Convert lineflux to Jansky if line is not None: if jansky: if peakFlux: y.append(np.max(line.profile.flux)-line.fcont) else: y.append(line.flux_Jy) if showCont is True: yCont.append(line.fcont) else: y.append(line.flux) else: y.append(None) if imodel==0: if xLabelGHz is True: lticks.append(r"$\mathrm{"+line.ident+r"}$ "+r"{:.1f}".format(line.frequency)+r"$\,$GHz") else: # lticks.append(r"$\mathrm{"+prodimopy.plot.spnToLatex(ident[0])+r"}$ "+r"{:.2f}".format(line.wl)) # FIXME: spnToLatex does not work here with all line names ... lticks.append(r"$\mathrm{"+line.ident+r"}$ "+r"{:.2f}".format(line.wl)) iline=iline+1 mew=None ms=4 if self.markers[imodel]=="+" or self.markers[imodel]=="x": mew=1.5 ms=4 elif self.markers[imodel]=="*" or self.markers[imodel]=="p": ms=4 ax.plot(x,y,marker=self.markers[imodel],linestyle='None',ms=ms,mew=mew, color=self.colors[imodel],markeredgecolor=self.colors[imodel],, zorder=10) y=np.array(y) ymin=np.nanmin([np.nanmin(y[y is not None]),ymin]) ymax=np.nanmax([np.nanmax(y[y is not None]),ymax]) if showCont: # shift the continuum a bit ax.plot(x,yCont,marker="s",linestyle='None',ms=ms,mew=mew, color=self.colors[imodel],markeredgecolor=self.colors[imodel], zorder=12) imodel=imodel+1 # boxes for factor 3 and 10 relative to the last model if showBoxes and lineObs is None: for i in range(len(x)): if y[i] is not None: xc=x[i]-0.3 yc=y[i]/3.0 height=y[i]*3.0-y[i]/3.0 width=0.6 ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((xc,yc),width,height,color="0.8")) height=y[i]*10.0-y[i]/10.0 yc=y[i]/10.0 ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((xc,yc),width,height,color="0.5",fill=False,linewidth=0.5)) if lineObs!=None: # use the line idents, assumes that the lineobs are consistent # with the line transfer .... ist not really checked by ProDiMo, but # also does not make much sense otherwise. Cannot use the line estimates # here nlines=len(lineIdents) ylinesObs=np.zeros(shape=(nlines)) ylinesObsErr=np.zeros(shape=(2,nlines)) ylinesObsErr2=np.zeros(shape=(2,nlines)) ylinesObsUl=list() i=0 for ident in lineIdents: lineIdx=model._getLineIdx(ident[1],ident=ident[0]) ylinesObs[i]=lineObs[lineIdx].flux # for the errors and errorbars ylinesObsErr[:,i]=lineObs[lineIdx].flux_err ylinesObsErr2[0,i]=(lineObs[lineIdx].flux)/2.0 ylinesObsErr2[1,i]=lineObs[lineIdx].flux # print linesObs[i].flag if lineObs[lineIdx].flag=="ul": ylinesObsUl.append(ylinesObs[i]/0.5) ylinesObsErr[0,i]=ylinesObs[i]*0.4 ylinesObsErr[1,i]=0.0 ylinesObsErr2[0,i]=lineObs[lineIdx].flux*(1.0-1.e-10) else: ylinesObsUl.append(0.0) i+=1 # the observations # takes the x from above if showBoxes: ax.errorbar(x,ylinesObs,yerr=ylinesObsErr2,fmt=".",ms=0.0,color="lightgrey",linewidth=10) ax.errorbar(x,ylinesObs,yerr=ylinesObsErr,uplims=ylinesObsUl,fmt="o",ms=4.0,color="black",capsize=2,label=lineObsLabel,zorder=5) ax.set_xlim(0.5,iline-0.5) loc=plticker.FixedLocator(np.arange(1,len(lticks)+1,1)) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(loc) if "ylim" in kwargs: ax.set_ylim(kwargs["ylim"]) else: ax.set_ylim(ymin/2,ymax*2) ax.semilogy() if jansky: if peakFlux: ax.set_ylabel(r" peak line flux [Jy]") else: ax.set_ylabel(r" line flux [Jy km$\,$s$^{-1}$]") else: ax.set_ylabel(r" line flux [W$\,$m$^{-2}$]") if showGrid: xgrid=np.array(x) # ygrid=ax.get_yticks() # print(ygrid) ax.vlines(xgrid-0.5,ymin=ax.get_ylim()[0],ymax=ax.get_ylim()[1],linestyle="solid",linewidth=0.5,color="grey",zorder=-100) # ax.hlines(ygrid,xmin=ax.get_xlim()[0],xmax=ax.get_xlim()[1],linestyle="solid",linewidth=0.5,color="grey",zorder=100) ax.yaxis.grid(color="grey",zorder=-100) ax.set_xticklabels(lticks,rotation=80,minor=False,fontdict={"fontsize": 7}) # zed=[tick.label.set_fontsize(7) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks()] self._legend(ax,**kwargs) if "title" in kwargs and kwargs["title"]!=None: ax.set_title(kwargs["title"]) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_NH(self,models,sdscale=False,marker=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the total vertical hydrogen column density as a function of radius for all given models. Parameters ---------- models : list(:class:``) the models to plot sdscale : boolean set to `True` to show the scale in g/cm^2 for the second y axis Default : `False` marker : str if not None plot also the given marker symbol. Default : `None` ''' print("PLOT: plot_NH ...") fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=self._sfigs(**kwargs)) xmin=1.e100 xmax=0 iplot=0 for model in models: x=model.x[:,0] y=model.NHver[:,0] # print y.min() line,=ax.plot(x,y,self.styles[iplot],marker=marker,ms=3.0,color=self.colors[iplot], if line.is_dashed(): self._set_dashes(line) iplot=iplot+1 if min(x)<xmin: xmin=min(x) if max(x)>xmax: xmax=max(x) ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.semilogy() ax.set_xlabel(r"r [au]") ax.set_ylabel(r"N$_\mathrm{<H>}$ [cm$^{-2}]$") self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax,**kwargs) if sdscale: ax2=ax.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel(r"$\Sigma\,\mathrm{[g\,cm^{-2}]}$") # ax2.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) # this needs to be done to get the correct scale ylim=np.array(ax.get_ylim())*model.muH ax2.set_ylim(ylim) # cannot do the full kwargs again but if ylog in kwargs I also have # to set this here again. ax2.semilogy() if "ylog" in kwargs: if kwargs["ylog"]: ax2.semilogy() else: ax2.set_yscale("linear") return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_tcdspec(self,models,species,relToH=False,facGrayBox=3.0,ice=False,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the total vertical columndensity for the given species for all the models as a function of the radius. Parameters ---------- models : list(:class:``) the models to plot species : str the name of the species to plot. relToH : boolean Plot the columnd density relative to the total hydrogen columne density. Which is essential equal to the average abundance at a certain radius. DEFAULT: `False` facGrayBox : float Plot a gray area for each column density line with width given by `y / facGrayBox` and `y * facGrayBox`. Uses matplotlib:fill_between. Set to `None` if it should not be plotted. DEFAULT: 3 ice : boolean Plot also the ice phase column density if the ice species exists. ''' print("PLOT: plot_tcdspec ...") fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) # fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=self._sfigs(**kwargs)) xmin=1.e100 xmax=0 iplot=0 for model in models: if species in model.spnames: x=model.x[:,0] y=model.cdnmol[:,0,model.spnames[species]] if relToH==True: y=y/model.NHver[:,0] # FIXME: harcoded linewidths are not very nice linewidth=1.5 if self.styles[iplot]=="--": linewidth=2.0 if self.styles[iplot]==":": linewidth=2.0 line,=ax.plot(x,y,self.styles[iplot],marker=None,linewidth=linewidth, color=self.colors[iplot], # FIXME: should only be applied for real dashed # However, there are other ways to set the dashed line style (in words ..) if line.get_linestyle()=="--": self._set_dashes(line) if ice and species+"#" in model.spnames: y=model.cdnmol[:,0,model.spnames[species+"#"]] if relToH==True: y=y/model.NHver[:,0] lineice,=ax.plot(x,y,"--",marker=None,linewidth=linewidth, color=line.get_color()) # FIXME: should only be applied for real dashed # However, there are other ways to set the dashed line style (in words ..) if lineice.get_linestyle()=="--": self._set_dashes(line) iplot=iplot+1 if min(x)<xmin: xmin=min(x) if max(x)>xmax: xmax=max(x) if iplot==0: print("WARN: Species "+species+" not found in any model!") plt.close(fig) return # TODO: make a paremter so that it is possible to provide the index # of the reference model if facGrayBox is not None: # x = models[-2].x[:, 0] # y = models[-2].cdnmol[:, 0, model.spnames[species]] ax.fill_between(x,y/facGrayBox,y*facGrayBox,color='0.8') ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.semilogy() ax.set_xlabel(r"r [au]") speclabel=prodimopy.plot.spnToLatex(species) if ice and species+"#" in model.spnames: speclabel=speclabel+","+prodimopy.plot.spnToLatex(species+"#") if relToH==True: ax.set_ylabel(r"average $\mathrm{\epsilon("+speclabel+")}$ ") else: ax.set_ylabel(r"N$_\mathrm{"+speclabel+"}$ "+"[cm$^{-2}$]") self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_tauline(self,models,lineIdent,xlog=True,**kwargs): """ Plots the line optical depths as a function of radius for a given line. Parameters ---------- models : list(:class:``) the models to plot lineIdent : array_like(ndim=1) two elment array. First item lineIdent (e.g. CO) second item wavelenght (mu m) see also :meth:`` FIXME: better treatment if no lines are found (should not crash). """ print("PLOT: plot_tauline ...") fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1) xmin=1.e100 xmax=0 iplot=0 for model in models: x=model.x[:,0] lineEstimate=model.getLineEstimate(lineIdent[0],lineIdent[1]) if lineEstimate is None: continue y=list() ytauDust=list() for rInfo in lineEstimate.rInfo: y.append(rInfo.tauLine) ytauDust.append(rInfo.tauDust) ax.axhline(y=1.0,linestyle="-",color="black",linewidth=0.5) ax.plot(x,y,self.styles[iplot],marker=None,color=self.colors[iplot], # ax.plot(x,ytauDust,"--",marker=None,color="black") iplot=iplot+1 if min(x)<xmin: xmin=min(x) if max(x)>xmax: xmax=max(x) # nothing to plot if iplot==0: print("WARN: no lineEstimates to plot ") return ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) if "xlim" in kwargs: ax.set_xlim(kwargs["xlim"]) if "xmin" in kwargs: ax.set_xlim(xmin=kwargs["xmin"]) if "ylim" in kwargs: ax.set_ylim(kwargs["ylim"]) if xlog==True: ax.semilogx() ax.semilogy() ax.set_xlabel(r"r [au]") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{\tau_{line}}$") if lineEstimate is not None: ax.set_title(lineEstimate.ident+" "+"{:.2f}".format(lineEstimate.wl)+r" $\mathrm{\mu m}$") self._legend(ax) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_avgabun(self,models,species,**kwargs): ''' Plots the average abundance of the species as a function of radius. The avergae abundance is given by the vertical column density of the species divided by the total hydrogen column density. Parameters ---------- models : list(:class:``) The models to plot. species : str The name of the species to plot. ''' print("PLOT: plot_avgabun ...") fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1) iplot=0 for model in models: # get the species if (species in model.spnames): y=model.cdnmol[:,0,model.spnames[species]] y=y/model.NHver[:,0] x=model.x[:,0] ax.plot(x,y,self.styles[iplot],marker=None,color=self.colors[iplot], iplot=iplot+1 if iplot==0: print("Species "+species+" not found in any model!") return ax.set_xlabel(r"r [au]") ax.set_ylabel(r"average $\epsilon(\mathrm{"+prodimopy.plot.spnToLatex(species)+"})$") # do axis style ax.semilogy() self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_abunvert(self,models,r,species,**kwargs): ''' Plot abundances at the given radius `r` as a function of height. Parameters ---------- models : list(:class:``) The models to plot. r : float The radius at which the plot should be made UNIT: `[au]` species : str The species name for which the abundance should be plotted. .. todo:: Make this a wrapper of :func:`~prodimopy.PlotModels.plot_vertical`. Just pass `nmol` as fieldname and species name ''' print("PLOT: plot_abunvert ...") rstr=r"r$\approx${:.2f} au".format(r) fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1) iplot=0 for model in models: # closed radial point to given radius ix=(np.abs(model.x[:,0]-r)).argmin() old_settings=np.seterr(divide='ignore') x=np.log10(model.NHver[ix,:]) np.seterr(**old_settings) # reset to default y=model.nmol[ix,:,model.spnames[species]]/model.nHtot[ix,:] line,=ax.plot(x,y,self.styles[iplot],marker=None,color=self.colors[iplot], if line.is_dashed(): self._set_dashes(line) iplot=iplot+1 ax.set_xlim([17.5,x.max()]) # print ax.get_xlim() # ax2 = ax.twiny() # ax2.set_xlabel("z/r") # ax2.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) # #ax2.set_xticks(ax.get_xticks()) # ax2.set_xticklabels(["{:.2f}".format(x) for x in nhver_to_zr(ix, ax.get_xticks(), model)]) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{\log N_{<H>} [cm^{-2}]}$ @"+rstr) ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{\epsilon("+prodimopy.plot.spnToLatex(species)+"})$") # do axis style ax.semilogy() self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax) # ax.text(0.025, 0.025, rstr, # verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', # transform=ax.transAxes,alpha=0.75) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_radial(self,models,fields,ylabel,zidx=0,ax=None,showlegend=True,**kwargs): ''' Plots a quantitiy in radial direction. Fields must have the same number of entries as models and must contain arrays with the dimension of nx. Parameters ---------- models : list(:class:``) the models to plot. fields : list(array_like(float,ndim=1)) A list of the data to plot. Each entry in the list needs to be an array with dimension of `NX` and corresponds to one model. The order has to be the same as for the `models` list. Example to produce a proper fields list. .. code-block:: python zidx=5 fields=[mod.rhog[:,zidx] for mod in models] ylabel : str The label for the y Axis of the plot. zidx : int The z index for which height the radial plot should be made. This is use to properly calculat the radius. DEFAULT: `z=0` ''' print("PLOT: radial ...") fig,ax=self._initfig(ax) iplot=0 xmin=1.e100 xmax=0 ymin=1.e100 ymax=-1.e00 for model in models: x=np.sqrt(model.x[:,zidx]**2+model.z[:,zidx]**2) y=fields[iplot] line,=ax.plot(x,y,self.styles[iplot],marker=None,color=self.colors[iplot], if line.is_dashed(): self._set_dashes(line) iplot=iplot+1 if min(x)<xmin: xmin=min(x) if max(x)>xmax: xmax=max(x) if min(y)<ymin: ymin=min(y) if max(y)>ymax: ymax=max(y) ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax) ax.semilogy() ax.set_xlabel(r"r [au]") ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) if showlegend: self._legend(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
# FIXME: plot radial and plot_midplane are more or less the same thing # extend plot_radial so that also a string can be used as a field name # e.g. that does not require to bould the fields array ... # however, also the species thing should still work ... # FIXME: xlim is difficult to set automatically if a field is given. # however, in that case xlim can always be set manually
[docs] def plot_midplane(self,models,fieldname,ylabel, xfieldname=None,xlabel=None,species=None,patches=None, scaleToRin=False,**kwargs): ''' Plots a quantitiy in in the midplane as a function of radius. Parameters ---------- models : list(:class:``) the models to plot fieldname : str fieldname is any atrribute of :class:`` ylabel : str The label for the y axis of the plot. xfieldName : str xfieldName is any atrribute of :class:`` and will be used as the x coordinate in the plot. If `xfieldName=None` the x coordinate of the models is used. DEFAULT: `None` xlabel : str The label for teh x-coordinate of the plot. species : str The name of a chemical species. If set the abundance of this species is plotted. DEFAULT: `None` patches : matplotlib.patches object A matplotlib patches object that is overplotted on the figure. scaleToRin : boolean If `True` the `r-Rin` is used for the x-coordinate of the plot. ''' print("PLOT: plot_midplane ...") fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=self._sfigs(**kwargs)) iplot=0 xmin=1.e100 xmax=0 ymin=1.e100 ymax=-1.e00 for model in models: if xfieldname is not None: x=getattr(model,xfieldname)[:,0] else: x=model.x[:,0] if scaleToRin: x=x-model.x[0,0]+1.e-5*model.x[0,0] if species!=None: y=getattr(model,fieldname)[:,0,model.spnames[species]]/model.nHtot[:,0] else: y=getattr(model,fieldname)[:,0] line,=ax.plot(x,y,self.styles[iplot],color=self.colors[iplot],,ms=3) if self.styles[iplot]=="--": self._set_dashes(line) if "markradius" in kwargs: r=kwargs["markradius"] ix=(np.abs(model.x[:,0]-r)).argmin() ax.scatter(x[ix],y[ix],marker="o",color=self.colors[iplot],edgecolor="face") iplot=iplot+1 if min(x)<xmin: xmin=min(x) if max(x)>xmax: xmax=max(x) if min(y)<ymin: ymin=min(y) if max(y)>ymax: ymax=max(y) # Some special stuff for the XRT paper, because it did not # work with patches # ax.axhline(1.e-17,linestyle="-",color="0.7",linewidth=1.0,zorder=-20) # ax.axhline(1.e-19,linestyle="--",color="0.7",linewidth=1.0,zorder=-20) # TODO: check this patches stuff again, it seems to cause problems # in some of the pdf viewers if patches is not None: for patch in patches: if type(patch) is lines.Line2D: ax.add_line(patch) else: ax.add_patch(patch) ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax) ax.semilogy() if xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) elif scaleToRin: ax.set_xlabel(r"r-R$_\mathrm{in}$ [au]") else: ax.set_xlabel(r"r [au]") ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_vertical_nH(self,models,r,field,ylabel,species=None,patches=None,showR=True,**kwargs): ''' Plots a quantity (field) as a function of height (column density) at a certain radius. If field is a string it is interpreted as a field name in the ProDiMo data structure. If field is a list the list is directly used. The list needs to contain 2D arrays with the same shape as other ProDiMo fields ''' print("PLOT: plot_vertical_nH ...") rstr=r"r$\approx${:.0f} au".format(r) fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=self._sfigs(**kwargs)) iplot=0 xmin=1.e100 xmax=-1.e100 ymin=1.e100 ymax=-1.e100 for model in models: # closest radial point to given radius ix=(np.abs(model.x[:,0]-r)).argmin() old_settings=np.seterr(divide='ignore') x=np.log10(model.NHver[ix,:]) np.seterr(**old_settings) # reset to default if species==None: isstr=False # FIXME: the python 3 compiler shows an error here for basestring try: # this is for pyhton 2/3 compatibility isstr=isinstance(field,basestring) except NameError: isstr=isinstance(field,str) if isstr: y=getattr(model,field)[ix,:] else: y=(field[iplot])[ix,:] else: y=getattr(model,field)[ix,:,model.spnames[species]] line,=ax.plot(x,y,self.styles[iplot],marker=None,color=self.colors[iplot], if self.styles[iplot]=="--": self._set_dashes(line) if "markmidplane" in kwargs: print(x) ax.scatter(x[0],y[0],marker="o",color=self.colors[iplot],edgecolor="face") iplot=iplot+1 if min(x)<xmin: xmin=min(x) if max(x)>xmax: xmax=max(x) if min(y)<ymin: ymin=min(y) if max(y)>ymax: ymax=max(y) # TODO: check this patches stuff again, it seems to cause problems # in some of the pdf viewers if patches is not None: for p in patches: ax.add_patch(p) # some special stuff for the XRT paper # ax.axhline(1.e-17,linestyle="-",color="0.7",linewidth=1.0,zorder=-20) # ax.axhline(1.e-19,linestyle="--",color="0.7",linewidth=1.0,zorder=-20) # idxr=np.argmin(np.abs(model.x[:,0]-r)) # idxNHrad=np.argmin(np.abs(model.NHrad[idxr,:]-2.e24)) # nhVer=np.log10(model.NHver[idxr,idxNHrad]) # ax.axvline(nhVer,color="0.7",zorder=-20,linewidth=1.0) # ax.semilogx() ax.semilogy() if showR: ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{log\,N_{<H>,ver}\,[cm^{-2}]}$ at "+rstr) else: ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{log\,N_{<H>,ver}\,[cm^{-2}]}$") ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) # TODO: that should be an option and not fixed, I also do not know what the 15 is ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plticker.LogLocator(base=10.0,numticks=15)) self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_vertical(self,models,r,fieldname,ylabel,fieldnameIdx=None,species=None,ylog=True,xlog=False, zr=True,xfield="zr",showlegend=True,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots a quantity (fieldname) as a function of height (various options) at the given radius. The routine searches for the closest radial grid point for the given radius, no interpolation is done. Parameters ---------- fieldname : str The name of a field(attribute) of the model data object (:class:``) fieldnameIdx : int An additional index in case the quantity to plot has more than the two spatial dimensions. e.g. fiels[ix,iz,fieldnameIdx] species : str A species name. If provided the abundance of this species is plotted. `fieldname` has to be `nmol` in that case. xfield : str Chose the field/quantity that should be used for the x-axis (height). Options: * `zr` z/r, default * `NHver` vertial hydrogen column density. * `AVver` vertial visual extinction. * `tg` gas temperature. If none of those or an unknown value is given the `z` coordinate is used. ''' print("PLOT: plot_vertical ...") rstr=r"r$\approx${:.1f} au".format(r) fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) iplot=0 xmin=1.e100 xmax=-1.e100 ymin=1.e100 ymax=-1.e100 for model in models: # closest radial point to given radius ix=(np.abs(model.x[:,0]-r)).argmin() if zr and xfield=="zr": x=model.z[ix,:]/model.x[ix,0] # xfield=="nH" is just for backward compatibility, should not be use elif xfield=="NHver" or xfield=="nH": old_settings=np.seterr(divide='ignore') x=np.log10(model.NHver[ix,:]) np.seterr(**old_settings) # reset to defaul zr=False elif xfield=="tg":[ix,:] zr=False elif xfield=="AVver": old_settings=np.seterr(divide='ignore') x=np.log10(model.AVver[ix,:]) np.seterr(**old_settings) zr=False elif xfield=="grid": zr=False x=np.array(range( else: zr=False x=model.z[ix,:] if species==None: getattr(model,fieldname) if fieldnameIdx is not None: y=getattr(model,fieldname)[ix,:,fieldnameIdx] else: y=getattr(model,fieldname)[ix,:] else: y=getattr(model,fieldname)[ix,:,model.spnames[species]] y=y/model.nHtot[ix,:] # abundance" ax.plot(x,y,self.styles[iplot],marker=None,color=self.colors[iplot], iplot=iplot+1 if min(x)<xmin: xmin=min(x) if max(x)>xmax: xmax=max(x) if min(y)<ymin: ymin=min(y) if max(y)>ymax: ymax=max(y) if "xlim" in kwargs: ax.set_xlim(kwargs["xlim"]) else: if not zr: ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) if "ylim" in kwargs: ax.set_ylim(kwargs["ylim"]) # else: # ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax) if ylog: ax.semilogy() if xlog: ax.semilogx() if zr: ax.invert_xaxis() ax.set_xlabel(r"z/r @ "+rstr) elif xfield=="NHver" or xfield=="nH": ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{\log\,N_{<H>}\,[cm^{-2}]}$ @"+rstr) elif xfield=="AVver": ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{\log\,A_{V,ver}}$ @"+rstr) elif xfield=="tg": ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{\log\,T_{gas}\,[K]}$ @"+rstr) ax.invert_xaxis() elif xfield=="grid": ax.set_xlabel(r"grididx z @"+rstr) ax.invert_xaxis() else: ax.set_xlabel(r"z [au] @ "+rstr) ax.invert_xaxis() ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) # FIXME: make it general self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) if showlegend: self._legend(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_abunradial(self,models,species,perH2=False,**kwargs): ''' Plots the abundance of the given species as a function of radius for the midplane of the disk. Parameters ---------- models : list(:class:``) the models to plot species : str The name of the species to plot. perH2 : boolean Plot the abundance relative to molecular hydrogen number density instead of the total hydrogen number density. ''' print("PLOT: plot_abunradial ...") fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=self._sfigs(**kwargs)) iplot=0 xmin=1.e100 xmax=0 for model in models: x=model.x[:,0] if not species in model.spnames: continue if perH2: y=model.nmol[:,0,model.spnames[species]]/model.nmol[:,0,model.spnames["H2"]] else: y=model.nmol[:,0,model.spnames[species]]/model.nHtot[:,0] # this is not general, removed it # if iplot==0 or iplot==(len(models)-1): # line,=ax.plot(x,y,self.styles[iplot],marker=None,color=self.colors[iplot],,linewidth=2.5) # else: line,=ax.plot(x,y,self.styles[iplot],marker=None,color=self.colors[iplot], if line.is_dashed(): self._set_dashes(line) iplot=iplot+1 if min(x)<xmin: xmin=min(x) if max(x)>xmax: xmax=max(x) if iplot==0: print("Species: "+species+" not found.") return ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.semilogy() ax.set_xlabel(r"r [au]") ax.set_ylabel(r"midplane $\epsilon(\mathrm{"+prodimopy.plot.spnToLatex(species)+"})$") self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_sed(self,models,plot_starSpec=True,sedObs=None,sedObsModels=False,unit="erg", reddening=False,**kwargs): ''' Plots the Seds and the StarSpectrum (optionally). Parameters ---------- models : list(:class:``) the models to plot plot_starSpec : boolean If `True` also plot the stellar spectrum. sedObs : :class:`` One set of the SED observations to plot (photometry) sedObsModels : boolean If True use the :class:`` object from each model individually. So for each model the provided observations are plotted. unit : str In which unit the SED should be plotted. Allowed values: `erg` [erg/s/cm^2], `W` [W/m^2], `Jy`, `mJy`. reddening : boolean If True also apply the reddening of the SED using the given A_V value from the provided observational data. ''' print("PLOT: plot_sed ...") fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=self._sfigs(**kwargs)) iplot=0 xmin=1.e100 xmax=0 ymin=1.e100 ymax=-1.e00 for model in models: if model.sed==None: continue # only use every 5 element to speed up plotting x=model.sed.lam if unit=="W": y=model.sed.nuFnuW elif unit=="Jy": y=model.sed.fnuJy elif unit=="mJy": y=model.sed.fnuJy*1000.0 print("mJy") else:*model.sed.fnuErg if reddening is True and model.sedObs is not None and model.sedObs.A_V is not None: # idx validity of extinction function ist=np.argmin(np.abs(x-0.0912)) ien=np.argmin(np.abs(x-6.0)) y[ist:ien]=y[ist:ien]/prodimopy.extinction.reddening(x[ist:ien]*1.e4,a_v=model.sedObs.A_V,r_v=model.sedObs.R_V,model="f99") dist=((model.sed.distance*u.pc).to( pl=ax.plot(x,y,self.styles[iplot],marker=None,color=self.colors[iplot],, linewidth=1.0) colsed=pl[0].get_color() lwsed=pl[0].get_linewidth() if plot_starSpec: # scale input Stellar Spectrum to the distance for comparison to the SED r=((model.starSpec.r*u.R_sun).to( xStar=model.starSpec.lam[0::10] yStar=(*model.starSpec.Inu)[0::10] yStar=yStar*(r**2.0*pi*dist**(-2.0)) if unit=="W": yStar=(yStar*u.erg/(u.s***2)).to(u.Watt/u.m**2).value elif unit=="Jy" or unit=="mJy": yStar=(model.starSpec.Inu)[0::10] yStar=yStar*(r**2.0*pi*dist**(-2.0)) yStar=(yStar*u.erg/(u.s***2*u.Hz)).to(u.Jy).value if unit=="mJy": yStar=yStar*1000.0 ax.plot(xStar,yStar,self.styles[iplot],color=colsed,linewidth=0.5*lwsed,zorder=-1,linestyle="--") if max(yStar)>ymax: ymax=max(yStar) # ax.plot(xStar, yStar, self.styles[iplot], marker="*",ms=0.5,markeredgecolor=colsed, # color=colsed,linewidth=0.5*lwsed) if sedObsModels is True or (sedObs is not None and iplot==0): if sedObsModels is True: plSedObs=model.sedObs sedcolor=self.colors[iplot] else: plSedObs=sedObs sedcolor="0.5" if plSedObs is not None: okidx=np.where(plSedObs.flag=="ok") xsedObs=plSedObs.lam*plSedObs.fnuErg*plSedObs.fnuErgErr if unit=="W":*((plSedObs.fnuJy*u.Jy).si.value)*((sedObs.fnuJyErr*u.Jy).si.value) elif unit=="Jy": ysedObs=plSedObs.fnuJy ysedObsErr=plSedObs.fnuJyErr elif unit=="mJy": ysedObs=plSedObs.fnuJy*1000 ysedObsErr=plSedObs.fnuJyErr*1000 ax.errorbar(xsedObs[okidx],ysedObs[okidx], yerr=ysedObsErr[okidx],markeredgecolor="0.3", linestyle="",fmt="o",color=sedcolor,ms=2,linewidth=1.0, markeredgewidth=0.5,zorder=1000,ecolor='0.3') # nokidx=np.where(plSedObs.flag!="ok") # ax.plot(xsedObs[nokidx],ysedObs[nokidx],linestyle="", # marker=".",markeredgecolor="0.3",markeredgewidth=0.5, # color=sedcolor) ulidx=np.where(plSedObs.flag=="ul") ax.plot(xsedObs[ulidx],ysedObs[ulidx],linestyle="",marker="v",color="0.5",ms=2.0) # yerr=ysedObsErr[okidx],markeredgecolor="0.3",markeredgewidth=0.2, # linestyle="",fmt="o",color=sedcolor,ms=1,linewidth=1.0,zorder=1000,ecolor='0.3') # ax.errorbar(xsedObs[ulidx],ysedObs[ulidx],uplims=True, # yerr=ysedObsErr[okidx],markeredgecolor="0.3",markeredgewidth=0.2, # linestyle="",fmt="o",color=sedcolor,ms=1,linewidth=1.0,zorder=1000,ecolor='0.3') if plSedObs.specs is not None: for spec in plSedObs.specs: nu=(spec[:,0]*u.micrometer).to(u.Hz,equivalencies=u.spectral()).value fnuerg=(spec[:,1]*u.Jy).cgs.value fnuergErr=(spec[:,2]*u.Jy).cgs.value ax.fill_between(spec[:,0],nu*(fnuerg-fnuergErr),nu*(fnuerg+fnuergErr),color='0.8') # ax.errorbar(,nu*fnuerg, # yerr=nu*fnuergErr,ms=2,linewidth=0.4, # markeredgewidth=0.5,zorder=1000,ecolor="0.5", # linestyle="-",color="0.3") ax.plot(spec[:,0],nu*fnuerg,linestyle=":",linewidth=0.5, color=sedcolor,zorder=2000) if min(x)<xmin: xmin=min(x) if max(x)>xmax: xmax=max(x) if y[-1]<ymin: ymin=y[-1] if max(y)>ymax: ymax=max(y) iplot=iplot+1 if iplot==0: return # set defaults, can be overwritten by the kwargs ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.set_ylim([ymin,None]) ax.semilogx() ax.semilogy() ax.set_xlabel(r"wavelength [$\mu$m]") if unit=="W": ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{\lambda F_{\lambda}\,[W\,m^{-2}]}$") elif unit=="Jy": ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{flux\,[Jy]}$") elif unit=="mJy": ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{flux\,[mJy]}$") else: ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{\nu F_{\nu}\,[erg\,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}]}$") self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_dust_opac(self,models,xenergy=False,opactype="both",pseudoaniso=False,**kwargs): ''' Plots the dust opacities, absorption, scattering or extinction. Parameters ---------- opactype : str `both` absorption and scattering (separately), `abs` only absorption, `sca` only scattering, `ext` only extinction pseudoaniso : boolean Use the pseudo anisotropic scattering opacity (Default: `False`). ''' print("PLOT: plot_dust_opac ...") fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=self._sfigs(**kwargs)) iplot=0 xmax=0 ymin=1.e100 ymax=-1.e00 for model in models: ksca=model.dust.ksca if pseudoaniso: ksca=model.dust.ksca_an # plot versus energy (keV), usefull for xrays if xenergy: x=((model.dust.lam*u.micron).to(u.keV,equivalencies=u.spectral()).value) else: x=model.dust.lam if opactype=="ext": y=model.dust.kabs+ksca # TODO: this is not consistent with providing the linestyle via the # command line linest=self.styles[iplot] ax.plot(x,y,color=self.colors[iplot],linestyle=linest,label=label) else: if opactype=="both" or opactype=="abs": y=model.dust.kabs # TODO: this is not consistent with providing the linestyle via the # command line if opactype=="both":" abs" linest="-" else: linest=self.styles[iplot] lineabs,=ax.plot(x,y,color=self.colors[iplot],linestyle=linest, label=label) if opactype=="both" or opactype=="sca": # TODO: this is not consistent with providing the linestyle via the # command line y=ksca if opactype=="both": col=lineabs.get_color() linest="--"" sca" else: col=self.colors[iplot] linest=self.styles[iplot] line,=ax.plot(x,y,color=col,linestyle=linest, label=label) if line.is_dashed(): self._set_dashes(line) # y=model.dust.ksca_an*1000.0 # line, =ax.plot(x, y, color=lineabs.get_color(),linestyle=":", #" sca (pa)") iplot=iplot+1 if max(x)>xmax: xmax=max(x) if np.nanmin(y)<ymin: ymin=np.nanmin(y) if max(y)>ymax: ymax=max(y) # TODO: sometimes it is just zero if ymin<1.e-100: ymin=1.e-20 # set defaults, can be overwritten by the kwargs # ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) # ax.set_ylim([ymin,ymax]) ax.semilogx() ax.semilogy() if opactype=="ext": ax.set_ylabel(r"ext. opacity $\mathrm{[cm^2 g(dust)^{-1}]}$") if opactype=="both": ax.set_ylabel(r"opacity $\mathrm{[cm^2 g(dust)^{-1}]}$") elif opactype=="abs": ax.set_ylabel(r"abs. opacity $\mathrm{[cm^2 g(dust)^{-1}]}$") elif opactype=="sca": ax.set_ylabel(r"sca. opacity $\mathrm{[cm^2 g(dust)^{-1}]}$") if xenergy: ax.set_xlabel(r"Energy [keV]") else: ax.set_xlabel(r"wavelength $\mathrm{[\mu m]}$") self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_starspec_xray(self,models,nuInu=False,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the X-ray spectrum. ''' print("PLOT: plot_starspec_xray ...") fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) iplot=0 xmax=0 ymin=1.e100 ymax=-1.e00 for model in models: idx=np.argmin(np.abs(model.starSpec.lam-0.0124)) x=model.starSpec.lam[0:idx:2] x=x*(u.micrometer).cgs x=(const.h.cgs*const.c.cgs/x).to(u.keV) x=x.value y=(model.starSpec.Inu)[0:idx:2] if nuInu: y=y*[0:idx:2] x=x[::-1] y=y[::-1] ax.plot(x,y,color=self.colors[iplot],linestyle=self.styles[iplot], # ax.plot(x, y, color=self.colors[iplot],linestyle=self.styles[iplot], # marker=self.markers[iplot],ms=2,markeredgecolor=self.colors[iplot], # iplot=iplot+1 if max(x)>xmax: xmax=max(x) if np.nanmin(y)<ymin: ymin=np.nanmin(y) if max(y)>ymax: ymax=max(y) xmin=0.1 # keV # TODO: sometimes it is just zero if ymin<1.e-100: ymin=1.e-20 # set defaults, can be overwritten by the kwargs ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.set_ylim([ymin,ymax]) ax.semilogx() ax.semilogy() if nuInu: ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{\nu I_\nu\,[erg\,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}\,sr^{-1}]}$") else: ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{I_\nu\,[erg\,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}\,sr^{-1}\,Hz^{-1}]}$") ax.set_xlabel(r"Energy [keV]") self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_starspec(self,models,step=10,xunit="micron",nuInu=True,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the full Stellar Spectrum for each model. Parameters ---------- models : list(:class:``) the models to plot step : int Only plot every `step` point of the spectrum. xunit : str Unit for the x-axis. Currently `mircon` and `eV` are possible. nuInu : boolean Plut nu times Inu instead of Inu only. ''' print("PLOT: plot_starspec ...") fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) iplot=0 xmin=1.e100 xmax=0 ymin=1.e100 ymax=-1.e00 for model in models: x=model.starSpec.lam[0::step] if xunit=="eV": x=(x*u.micron).to(u.eV,equivalencies=u.spectral()).value # switch the axes xmin=(1000.0*u.micron).to(u.eV,equivalencies=u.spectral()).value xmax=x.max() xlabel=r"energy [eV]" else: xmin=x.min() xmax=1000.0 xlabel=r"wavelength [$\mathrm{\mu}$m]" y=(model.starSpec.Inu)[0::step] if nuInu: y=y*[0::step] ax.plot(x,y,color=self.colors[iplot],linestyle=self.styles[iplot], ms=2,markeredgecolor=self.colors[iplot],linewidth=1.0, # marker=self.markers[iplot], iplot=iplot+1 if min(x)<xmin: xmin=min(x) if max(x)>xmax: xmax=max(x) if y[-1]<ymin: ymin=y[-1] if max(y)>ymax: ymax=max(y) # TODO: sometimes it is just zero if ymin<1.e-100: ymin=1.e-20 # set defaults, can be overwritten by the kwargs ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.set_ylim([ymin,ymax]) ax.semilogx() ax.semilogy() if nuInu: ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{\nu I_\nu\,[erg\,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}\,sr^{-1}]}$") else: ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{I_\nu\,[erg\,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}\,sr^{-1}\,Hz^{-1}]}$") # ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{\nu F_{\nu}\,[erg\,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}]}$") ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_line_profil(self,models,wl,ident=None,linetxt=None,lineObs=None, unit="Jy",normalized=False,**kwargs): print("WARN: plot_line profil ... please use plot_lineprofile instead. This routine will be removed in the next version.") return self.plot_lineprofile(models,wl,ident=ident,linetxt=linetxt,lineObs=lineObs, unit=unit,normalized=normalized,**kwargs)
[docs] def plot_lineprofile(self,models,wl,ident=None,contsub=True,linetxt=None,lineObs=None,incidx=0, normalized=False,convolved=False,style=None,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the line profile for the given line (id wavelength and line ident) Parameters ---------- models : array_like(:class:``,dim=1) the models wl : float The wavelength of the line in micrometer. Plotted is the line with the wavelength closest to `wl`. ident : str The optional line ident which is additionally use to identify the line. contsub : boolean Remove the continuum. Default: `True` linetxt : str A string the is used as the label for the line. Default: `None` lineObs : array_like(ndim=1) list of :class:`` objects. Must be consistent with the list of lines from the line radiative transfer. incidx : int which inclination (index) should be used for plotting (0 is the first one and default). If lineObj is passed only one inclination (the one set in that obj) will be plotted. normalized : boolean if `True` normalize the profile to the peak flux of each line convolved : boolean if `True` plot the convolved profile. style : str if style is `step` the profile is plotted as a step function assuming the values are the mid point of the bin. ''' print("PLOT: plot_lineprofile ...") fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) iplot=0 xmin=1.e100 xmax=-1.e100 ymin=1.e100 ymax=-1.e100 for model in models: line=model.getLine(wl,ident=ident,incidx=incidx) if line==None: continue # text for the title if iplot==0 and linetxt is None: linetxt=line.species+"@"+"{:.2f}".format(line.wl)+r" $\mathrm{\mu m}$" x=line.profile.velo # Remove the continuum if convolved: y=line.profile.flux_conv if contsub: y=y-line.profile.flux_conv[0] else: y=line.profile.flux if contsub: y=y-line.profile.flux[0] # normalize to their peak if normalized: y=y/np.max(y) if style=="step": ax.step(x,y,self.styles[iplot],marker=None,color=self.colors[iplot],,where="mid") else: ax.plot(x,y,self.styles[iplot],marker=None,color=self.colors[iplot], # ax.plot(x,line.profile.flux_dust,":",marker=None,color=self.colors[iplot], iplot=iplot+1 if min(x)<xmin: xmin=min(x) if max(x)>xmax: xmax=max(x) if min(y)<ymin: ymin=min(y) if max(y)>ymax: ymax=max(y) if iplot==0: print("WARN: No lines found: ") return # plot the line profile if it exists if lineObs is not None: # FIXME: this is not very nice # make a warning if lineObs and line Data are not consistent # it could be that they are for one model lineIdx=models[0]._getLineIdx(wl,ident=ident) line=lineObs[lineIdx] if line.profile is not None: x=line.profile.velo y=line.profile.flux # # FIXME: # if line.profile.flux_unit=="ErgAng": # y=line.profile.fluxErgAng # else: # y=line.profile.flux # normalize to their peak if normalized: y=y/np.max(y) if line.profileErr is not None: # FIXME: profile error also needs to be converted to the proper units ax.fill_between(x,y-line.profileErr ,y+line.profileErr,color='0.8',zorder=0) ax.plot(x,y,marker=None,color="black",label="Obs.",zorder=0) if min(x)<xmin: xmin=min(x) if max(x)>xmax: xmax=max(x) if min(y)<ymin: ymin=min(y) if max(y)>ymax: ymax=max(y) # set defaults, can be overwritten by the kwargs ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.set_ylim([ymin,ymax*1.1]) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{velocity\,[km\;s^{-1}}$]") if normalized: ax.set_ylabel("normalized flux") else: if line.profile.flux_unit=="ErgAng": ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{flux\,[erg s^{-1}cm^{-2}\AA^{-1}]}$") else: ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{flux\,[Jy]}$") self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) ax.text(0.03,0.96,linetxt,ha='left',va='top',transform=ax.transAxes) self._legend(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)