Source code for prodimopy.plot_mc

.. module:: plot_mc
   :synopsis: Plotting routines for molecular cloud |prodimo| models (0D chemistry).

.. moduleauthor:: Ch. Rab

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import prodimopy.plot as pplt

# That crashes in the bash on Mac OS X.. maybe because of installation
[docs]class PlotMcModel(object): """ Plot routines for a single molecular cloud |prodimo| model (0D chemistry). TODO: Redesign this. it is not very usefull to have this dokwargs legend ... etc. routines copied all the time """ def __init__(self,pdf, colors=None, styles=None, markers=None, fs_legend=6, # TODO: init it with the system default legend fontsize ncol_legend=0): """ Parameters ---------- name : pdf a :class:`matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf.PdfPages` object used to save the plot. colors : list a list of matplotlib colors used for different models. (default: None) styles : list a list of matplotlib styles used for different models. (default: None) markers : list a list of matplotlib markers used for different models. (default: None) Attributes ---------- """ self.pdf=pdf if colors==None: self.colors=["b","g","r","c","m","y","k","sienna","lime","pink","DarkOrange","Olive"] else: self.colors=colors if styles==None: self.styles=["-"]*len(self.colors) else: self.styles=styles if markers==None: self.markers=[None]*len(self.colors) else: self.markers=markers self.fs_legend=fs_legend self.ncol_legend=ncol_legend def _dokwargs(self,ax,**kwargs): """ Handles the passed kwargs elements (assumes that defaults are already set) """ if "ylim" in kwargs: ax.set_ylim(kwargs["ylim"]) if "xlim" in kwargs: ax.set_xlim(kwargs["xlim"]) if "xlog" in kwargs: if kwargs["xlog"]: ax.semilogx() if "ylog" in kwargs: if kwargs["ylog"]: ax.semilogy() def _legend(self,ax): ''' plots the legend, deals with multiple columns ''' handles,labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ncol=1 if self.ncol_legend>1 and len(labels)>self.ncol_legend: ncol=int(len(labels)/self.ncol_legend) ax.legend(handles,labels,loc="best",fancybox=False,framealpha=0.75,ncol=ncol,fontsize=self.fs_legend) def _closefig(self,fig): ''' Save and close the plot (Figure). If self.pdf is None than nothing is done and the figure is returned #set the transparent attribut (used rcParam savefig.transparent) ''' # trans=mpl.rcParams['savefig.transparent'] if self.pdf is not None: self.pdf.savefig(figure=fig,transparent=False) plt.close(fig) return None else: return fig
[docs] def plot_species(self,model,spnames,**kwargs): ''' Plot the species abundances as function of age (time). Parameters ---------- model : :class:`prodimopy.read_mc.Data_mc` a :class:`prodimopy.read_mc.Data_mc` object used to save the plot. spnames : list or str The names of the species that should be plotted. Can also be a single string. .. todo:: the x axis (ages) is always plotted in log-scale so the zero age ( initial abundance) is not shown. Needs more flexibility. ''' if type(spnames)==str: spnames=[spnames] fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1) i=0 xmax=1.e-99 xmin=1.e99 for spname in spnames: if (spname in model.species): ax.plot(model.ages,model.abundances[:,model.species.index(spname)], self.styles[i], marker=self.markers[i], color=self.colors[i],label=spname) xmax=max([max(model.ages),xmax]) # exclude zero because of log plot # nozeros= xmin=min([min(model.ages[model.ages>0.0]),xmin]) i=i+1 else: print("Species "+spname+" not found.") # no data to plot just return if i==0: return ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.semilogx() ax.semilogy() self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) ax.set_xlabel(r"years") ax.set_ylabel(r" species abundance") self._legend(ax) # if "title" in kwargs and kwargs["title"] != None: # ax.set_title(kwargs["title"]) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs]class PlotMcModels(object): """ Plot routines for a molecular cloud |prodimo| models (0D chemistry). """ def __init__(self,pdf, colors=None, styles=None, markers=None, fs_legend=6, # TODO: init it with the system default legend fontsize ncol_legend=0): """ Parameters ---------- name : pdf a :class:`matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf.PdfPages` object used to save the plot. colors : list a list of matplotlib colors used for different models. (default: None) styles : list a list of matplotlib styles used for different models. (default: None) markers : list a list of matplotlib markers used for different models. (default: None) Attributes ---------- """ self.pdf=pdf if colors==None: self.colors=["b","g","r","c","m","y","k","sienna","lime","pink","DarkOrange","Olive"] else: self.colors=colors if styles==None: self.styles=["-"]*len(self.colors) else: self.styles=styles if markers==None: self.markers=[None]*len(self.colors) else: self.markers=markers self.fs_legend=fs_legend self.ncol_legend=ncol_legend def _dokwargs(self,ax,**kwargs): """ Handles the passed kwargs elements (assumes that defaults are already set) """ if "ylim" in kwargs: ax.set_ylim(kwargs["ylim"]) if "xlim" in kwargs: print(kwargs["xlim"]) ax.set_xlim(kwargs["xlim"]) if "xlog" in kwargs: if kwargs["xlog"]: ax.semilogx() if "ylog" in kwargs: if kwargs["ylog"]: ax.semilogy() def _legend(self,ax): ''' plots the legend, deals with multiple columns ''' handles,labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ncol=1 if self.ncol_legend>1 and len(labels)>self.ncol_legend: ncol=int(len(labels)/self.ncol_legend) ax.legend(handles,labels,loc="best",fancybox=False,framealpha=0.75,ncol=ncol,fontsize=self.fs_legend) def _closefig(self,fig): ''' Save and close the plot (Figure). If self.pdf is None than nothing is done and the figure is returned #set the transparent attribut (used rcParam savefig.transparent) ''' # trans=mpl.rcParams['savefig.transparent'] if self.pdf is not None: self.pdf.savefig(figure=fig,transparent=False) plt.close(fig) return None else: return fig
[docs] def plot_species(self,models,spname,ice=False,ax=None,**kwargs): """ Plot the given species (spname) for all the given models. Parameters ---------- models : array_like(:class:`prodimopy.read_mc.Data_mc`,ndim=1) list of molecular cloud models spname : str The name fo the species to plot """ if ax is not None: fig=ax.get_figure() else: fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1) i=0 xmax=1.e-99 xmin=1.e99 ymax=1.e-99 ymin=1.e99 for model in models: if (spname in model.species): abun=model.abundances[:,model.species.index(spname)] line,=ax.plot(model.ages,abun, self.styles[i], marker=self.markers[i], color=self.colors[i], ymax=max([max(abun),ymax]) ymin=min([min(abun[model.ages>0.0]),ymin]) if ice and (spname+"#" in model.species): abun=model.abundances[:,model.species.index(spname+"#")] line,=ax.plot(model.ages,abun, "--", marker=self.markers[i], color=line.get_color()) ymax=max([max(abun),ymax]) ymin=min([min(abun[model.ages>0.0]),ymin]) xmax=max([max(model.ages),xmax]) # exclude zero because of log plot # nozeros= xmin=min([min(model.ages[model.ages>0.0]),xmin]) i=i+1 # no data to plot just return if i==0: print("Species "+spname+" not found.") return ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin*0.9,ymax*1.1) ax.semilogx() ax.semilogy() self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) ax.set_xlabel(r"years") ylabel=r" $\mathrm{\epsilon("+pplt.spnToLatex(spname)+")}$" if ice and (spname+"#" in model.species): ylabel+=r", $\mathrm{\epsilon("+pplt.spnToLatex(spname+"#")+") dashed}$" ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) self._legend(ax) # if "title" in kwargs and kwargs["title"] != None: # ax.set_title(kwargs["title"]) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_species_diff(self,models,spname,ax=None,**kwargs): """ Plot the difference of the species abundance relative to the last model. The relative diffferencie is definded as abs(modelval/modelrefval-1.0) Parameters ---------- models : array_like(:class:`prodimopy.read_mc.Data_mc`,ndim=1) list of molecular cloud models spname : str The name fo the species to plot """ if ax is not None: fig=ax.get_figure() else: fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1) i=0 xmax=1.e-99 xmin=1.e99 ymax=1.e-99 ymin=1.e99 for model in models[:-1]: if (spname in model.species): # FIXME: add small number to avoid problems with zero diff=np.absolute((model.abundances[1:,model.species.index(spname)]+1.e-200)/ (models[-1].abundances[1:,models[-1].species.index(spname)]+1.e-200)-1.0) # print(diff) ax.plot(model.ages[1:],diff, self.styles[i], marker=self.markers[i], color=self.colors[i], xmax=max([max(model.ages),xmax]) xmin=min([min(model.ages[1:]),xmin]) ymax=max([max(diff),ymax]) ymin=min([min(diff),ymin]) i=i+1 # no data to plot just return if i==0: print("Species "+spname+" not found.") return ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin*0.9,ymax*1.1) ax.semilogx() ax.semilogy() self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) ax.set_xlabel(r"years") ax.set_ylabel(r" rel. diff $\mathrm{\epsilon("+pplt.spnToLatex(spname)+")}$") self._legend(ax) # if "title" in kwargs and kwargs["title"] != None: # ax.set_title(kwargs["title"]) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_abunratio(self,models,spname1,spname2,**kwargs): fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1) i=0 xmax=1.e-99 xmin=1.e99 for model in models: if (spname1 in model.species and spname2 in model.species): ratio=model.abundances[:,model.species.index(spname1)]/model.abundances[:,model.species.index(spname2)] ax.plot(model.ages,ratio, self.styles[i], marker=self.markers[i], color=self.colors[i], xmax=max([max(model.ages),xmax]) # exclude zero because of log plot # nozeros= xmin=min([min(model.ages[model.ages>0.0]),xmin]) i=i+1 if i==0: print("Species "+spname1+"and/or "+spname2+" not found.") return ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.semilogx() ax.semilogy() self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) ax.set_xlabel(r"years") ax.set_ylabel(r" $\mathrm{\epsilon("+pplt.spnToLatex(spname1)+")/" +"\epsilon("+pplt.spnToLatex(spname2)+")}$") self._legend(ax) # if "title" in kwargs and kwargs["title"] != None: # ax.set_title(kwargs["title"]) return self._closefig(fig)