Source code for prodimopy.plot

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import collections
import copy
import math

from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

import astropy.units as u
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import prodimopy.extinction
import prodimopy.plot_models

# has to be this way because of circular imports
[docs]class Plot(object): ''' Plot routines for a single ProDiMo model. ''' def __init__(self,pdf,fs_legend=None,title=None): self.pdf=pdf if fs_legend is None: self.fs_legend=mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] else: self.fs_legend=fs_legend self.ncol_legend=5 self.title=title # special colors, forgot the source for it :( somewhere from the internet) # FIXME: make an option to activate them self.pcolors={"blue": "#5DA5DA", "orange": "#FAA43A", "green": "#60BD68", "pink": "#F17CB0", "brown": "#B2912F", "purple": "#B276B2", "yellow": "#DECF3F", "red": "#F15854", "gray": "#4D4D4D"} def _legend(self,ax,**kwargs): ''' plots the legend, deals with multiple columns ''' handles,labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() if "loc_legend" in kwargs: loc=kwargs["loc_legend"] else: loc="best" if len(labels)>0: ncol=1 if self.ncol_legend>1 and len(labels)>self.ncol_legend: ncol=int(len(labels)/self.ncol_legend) leg=ax.legend(handles,labels,loc=loc,fancybox=False,ncol=ncol,fontsize=self.fs_legend) lw=mpl.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] leg.get_frame().set_linewidth(lw) def _dokwargs(self,ax,**kwargs): ''' Handles the passed kwargs elements (assumes that defaults are already set) TODO: make this a general function .... ''' if "ylim" in kwargs: ax.set_ylim(kwargs["ylim"]) if "xlim" in kwargs: ax.set_xlim(kwargs["xlim"]) if "xlog" in kwargs: if kwargs["xlog"]: ax.semilogx() else: ax.set_xscale("linear") if "ylog" in kwargs: if kwargs["ylog"]: ax.semilogy() else: ax.set_yscale("linear") if "xlabel" in kwargs: ax.set_xlabel(kwargs["xlabel"]) if "ylabel" in kwargs: ax.set_ylabel(kwargs["ylabel"]) if self.title!=None and (not "notitle" in kwargs): if self.title.strip()!="": ax.set_title(self.title.strip()) if "title" in kwargs: if kwargs["title"]!=None and kwargs["title"].strip()!="": ax.set_title(kwargs["title"].strip()) else: ax.set_title("") def _initfig(self,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Inits Figure and Axes object. If an Axes object is passed, it is returned together with the Figure object. This is for a single plot (i.e. only one panel) Returns ------- :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` :class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` ''' if ax is not None: fig=ax.get_figure() else: fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=self._sfigs(**kwargs)) return fig,ax def _closefig(self,fig): ''' Save and close the plot (Figure). If self.pdf is None than nothing is done and the figure is returned #set the transparent attribut (used rcParam savefig.transparent) ''' # trans=mpl.rcParams['savefig.transparent'] if self.pdf is not None: self.pdf.savefig(figure=fig,transparent=False) plt.close(fig) return None else: return fig def _sfigs(self,**kwargs): ''' Scale the figure size from matplotlibrc by the factors given in the array sfigs (in kwargs) the first element is for the width the second for the heigth ''' if "sfigs" in kwargs: fac=kwargs["sfigs"] return scale_figs(fac) else: return scale_figs([1.0,1.0])
[docs] def plot_grid(self,model,zr=False,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the spatial grid. Also all the standard parameter like xlim, ylim etc. can be used. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the model data zr : boolean show the height z as z/r (scaled by the radius) ''' print("PLOT: plot_grid ...") fig,ax=self._initfig(ax) y=model.z if zr: y=model.z/model.x ax.plot(model.x,y,marker="s",ms=0.03,linestyle="None",color=self.pcolors["gray"]) if not zr: ax.semilogy() ax.semilogx() self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) ax.set_xlabel("r [au]") if zr: ax.set_ylabel("z/r") else: ax.set_ylabel("z [au]") return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_NH(self,model,sdscale=False,muH=None,marker=None,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the total vertical hydrogen column number density as a function of radius. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the model data sdscale : boolean show additionally a scale with units in |gcm^-2| Returns ------- :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` or `None` object if `self.pdf` is `None` the Figure object is reqturned, otherwise otherwise the plot is written directly into the pdf object(file) and `None` is returned. ''' print("PLOT: plot_NH ...") fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) if muH is None: muH=model.muH x=model.x[:,0] y=model.NHver[:,0] ax.plot(x,y,marker=marker,ms=3.0,color="black") ax.set_xlim(min(x),max(x)) ax.semilogy() ax.semilogx() ax.set_xlabel(r"r [au]") ax.set_ylabel(r"N$_\mathrm{\langle H \rangle,ver}\,\mathrm{[cm^{-2}]}$") self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax) # second sale on the right if sdscale: ax2=ax.twinx() y=model.NHver[:,0]*muH # just plot it again, is the easiest way (needs to be the same style etc) ax2.plot(x,y,color="black") ax2.set_ylabel(r"$\Sigma\,\mathrm{[g\,cm^{-2}]}$") # FIXME: does not allow to manually set xlim # need to check if that works with the two scales ax2.set_xlim(min(x),max(x)) # this needs to be done to get the correct scale ylim=np.array(ax.get_ylim())*muH ax2.set_ylim(ylim) # FIXME: check if this is required! ax2.semilogy() # ax.yaxis.tick_right() # ax.yaxis.set_label_position("right") # ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('both') return self._closefig(fig)
# FIXME: this is not really a general plot ....
[docs] def plot_cont_dion(self,model,zr=True,oconts=None,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' plot routine for 2D contour plots. plots the regions where either X-rays, CR or SP are the dominant H2 ionization source ''' values=model.zetaX[:,:]*0.0 values[:,:]=np.nan values[model.zetaX*2.0>(model.zetaCR+model.zetaSTCR)]=1.0 values[model.zetaSTCR>(model.zetaCR+model.zetaX*2.0)]=0.0 values[model.zetaCR>(model.zetaSTCR+model.zetaX*2.0)]=-1.0 # print(values) print("PLOT: plot_cont_dion ...") cX="#F15854" cSP="#5DA5DA" cCR="#4D4D4D" x=model.x if zr: y=model.z/model.x else: y=np.copy(model.z) y[:,0]=y[:,0]+0.05 # levels=[1.5,0.5,0.0,-0.5,-1.5] # levels=MaxNLocator(nbins=4, prune="both").tick_values(-1.0,1.0) levels=[-1.2,-0.01,0.0,0.01,1.2] ticks=[0.5,0.0,-0.5] # ticks = # print(ticks) # sclae the figure size if necessary # TODO: maybe provide a routine for this, including scaling the figure size fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) # stupid trick to plot the masked areas # plot everything with one color, and than overplot the other stuff. valinv=model.zetaX[:,:]*0.0 valinv[:,:]=10 # valinv[valinv != 10.0]=np.nan CS2=ax.contourf(x,y,valinv,levels=[9.0,10.0,11.0],colors="0.6",hatches=["////","////","////"]) for c in CS2.collections: c.set_edgecolor("face") CS=ax.contourf(x,y,values,levels=levels,colors=(cCR,cSP,cSP,cX)) # This is the fix for the white lines between contour levels for c in CS.collections: c.set_edgecolor("face") ax.set_ylim([y.min(),y.max()]) ax.set_xlim([x.min(),x.max()]) ax.semilogx() ax.set_xlabel("r [au]") if zr: ax.set_ylabel("z/r") else: ax.set_ylabel("z [au]") self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) if oconts is not None: for cont in oconts: if cont.filled is True: ACS=ax.contourf(x,y,cont.field,levels=cont.levels, colors=cont.colors,linestyles=cont.linestyles,linewidths=cont.linewidths) else: ACS=ax.contour(x,y,cont.field,levels=cont.levels, colors=cont.colors,linestyles=cont.linestyles,linewidths=cont.linewidths) CB=fig.colorbar(CS,ax=ax,ticks=ticks,pad=0.01)['X','SP','CR']) # CB.set_ticks(ticks) CB.set_label("dominant ionization source",fontsize=self.fs_legend) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_cont(self,model,values,label="value",zlog=True,grid=False, zlim=[None,None],zr=True,cmap=None,clevels=None,clabels=None,contour=True, extend="neither",oconts=None,acont=None,acontl=None,nbins=70, bgcolor=None,cb_format="%.1f",scalexy=[1,1],patches=None, rasterized=False,returnFig=False,fig=None,ax=None,movie=False,**kwargs): ''' Plot routine for 2D filled contour plots. If an `ax` object is passed to this routine, it is use use to do the plotting. This is especially useful if you want to use that routine together with subplots (e.g. a grid of plots). See for example :func:`~prodimopy.plot.Plot.plot_abuncont_grid`. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the model data values : array_like(float,ndim=2) a 2D array with numeric values for the plotting. E.g. any 2D array of the :class:`` object. label : str The label for the colorbar (color scale). Default: `value` Should be the quqntity and unit of the field that is shown. zlog : boolean Using log scaling for the values. Default: True grid : boolean Use the grid (ix,iz) as spatial coordinates. Default: False zlim : array_like(float,ndim=2) The minimum and maximum values for the color scale. Default: `[None,None]` zr : boolean Use z/r as the spatial coordinate for the y-axis. Default: `True` cmap : str or :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap` this is simply passed on to the contourf routine of matplotlib see :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.contourf` for detail clevels : array_like(float,ndim=1) The contour levels to plot. Default: `None` This will also set the labels shown in the colour bar. If `None` the levels are determined by the `MaxNLocator` routine and will be 6. clabels : array_like(str,ndim=1) Overwrite the labels for the colorbar. Default: `None` contour : boolean Show contour lines for the `clevels`. Default: `True` extend : str The extend of the colorbar. Default: `neither` (see :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar`) oconts : array_like(:class:`~prodimopy.plot.Contour`,ndim=1) list of :class:`~prodimopy.plot.Contour` objects which will be drawn as additional contour levels. See also the example at the top of the page. acont : array_like(float,ndim=2) Should not be used anymore. Default: `None` Use `oconts` instead. acontl : array_like(float,ndim=1) Should not be used anymore. Default: `None` nbins : int The number of bins for the color scale. Default: 70 bgcolor : str The background color of the plot. Default: `None` Can be useful to set the background color in the plot to `black` for example. cb_format : str The format string for the colorbar labels. Default: `%.1f` scalexy : array_like(float,ndim=1) A scaling factor (multiplicative) for the x and y coordinates. Default: `[1,1]` W.g. plot in 1000 of au instead of au. ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` a matplotlib axis object which will be used for plotting patches : array_like(:class:`matplotlib.patches.Patch`,ndim=1) a list of patches objects. For each object in the list, simply ax.add_patch() is called (at the very end of the routine) movie : boolean Special mode for movies ... .. todo:: * Option for passing a norm (`:class:matplotlib.colors.LogNorm`). But that does not work nicely with contourf and colorbars ... works with imshow and pcolormesh though ... maybe switch to pcolormesh. ''' if not ("nolog" in kwargs): print("PLOT: plot_cont ...") # prepare the data values if zlog is True: pvals=plog(values) values[np.isnan(values)]=0.0 # TODO: that looks very complicated if zlim[1]==None: maxval=np.log10(values.max()) else: maxval=np.log10(zlim[1]) if zlim[0]==None: minval=np.log10(values[values>0.0].min()) else: minval=np.log10(zlim[0]) else: pvals=values if zlim[1]==None: maxval=values.max() else: maxval=zlim[1] if zlim[0]==None: minval=values.min() else: minval=zlim[0] levels=MaxNLocator(nbins=nbins).tick_values(maxval,minval) if clevels is not None: if zlog: clevels=np.log10(clevels) ticks=clevels else: ticks=MaxNLocator(nbins=6,prune="both").tick_values(minval,maxval) # TODO: maybe provide a routine for this, including scaling the figure size if ax is None: fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=self._sfigs(**kwargs)) else: fig=ax.get_figure() returnFig=True # prepare the spatial coordinates if grid: x=model.x[:,:]*0.0 y=model.z[:,:]*0.0 zr=False # Thhre is properly smarter way to do that # for iz in range( # x[:,iz]=np.array(range(model.nx))+0.5 # for ix in range(model.nx): # y[ix,:]=np.array(range( x=None y=None ax.set_ylabel("iz ") ax.set_xlabel("ir") kwargs["xlog"]=False kwargs["zlog"]=False kwargs["axequal"]=True elif zr: x=model.x*scalexy[0] y=model.z/model.x ax.set_ylabel("z/r") ax.set_xlabel("r [au]") else: x=model.x*scalexy[0] y=np.copy(model.z)*scalexy[1] # if one wants log scale on the y axis (height) avoid problems with # z=0.0 in thee prodimo grid. if "ylog" in kwargs and kwargs["ylog"]==True: y[:,0]=y[:,0]+np.min(y[:,1])*scalexy[1] ax.set_ylabel("z [au]") ax.set_xlabel("r [au]") # zorder is needed in case if rasterized is true if grid: CS=ax.contourf(pvals.T,levels=levels,extend=extend,zorder=-20,extent=(-0.5,model.nx-0.5,0.0,,cmap=cmap) else: CS=ax.contourf(x,y,pvals,levels=levels,extend=extend,zorder=-20,origin="image",cmap=cmap) # This is the fix for the white lines between contour levels for c in CS.collections: c.set_edgecolor("face") # rasterize the filled contours only, text ect. not if rasterized: ax.set_rasterization_zorder(-19) # axis equal needs to be done here already ... at least it seems so if "axequal" in kwargs: # FIXME: check how this really works ... do not know why both are used # but using ax.axis('equal') only, does not really do the trick if kwargs["axequal"]: ax.axis('equal') ax.set_aspect('equal',adjustable='box') if not grid: ax.set_ylim([y.min(),y.max()]) ax.set_xlim([x.min(),x.max()]) # under certain circumstances semilogx can cauese problems if later on # the scale is changed again. So check if the user actually wanst to change it if not ("xlog" in kwargs): ax.semilogx() # ax.text(0.27, 0.95,kwargs["title"], horizontalalignment='center', # verticalalignment='center',fontsize=8, # transform=ax.transAxes) self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) if contour: if clevels is not None: # if zlog: clevels=np.log10(clevels) # ticks=clevels ax.contour(CS,levels=clevels,colors='white',linestyles="--",linewidths=1.0) else: ax.contour(CS,levels=ticks,colors='white',linestyles="--",linewidths=1.0) if oconts is not None: for cont in oconts: if grid: ACS=ax.contour(cont.field.T,levels=cont.levels,extent=(-0.5,model.nx-0.5,0.0,, colors=cont.colors,linestyles=cont.linestyles,linewidths=cont.linewidths) else: if cont.filled is True: ACS=ax.contourf(x,y,cont.field,levels=cont.levels, colors=cont.colors,linestyles=cont.linestyles,linewidths=cont.linewidths) else: ACS=ax.contour(x,y,cont.field,levels=cont.levels, colors=cont.colors,linestyles=cont.linestyles,linewidths=cont.linewidths) if cont.showlabels: ax.clabel(ACS,inline=True,inline_spacing=cont.label_inline_spacing, fmt=cont.label_fmt,manual=cont.label_locations,fontsize=cont.label_fontsize) if acont is not None: print("WARN: plot_cont: please use the oconts for additional contours ...") # for l in acontl: # ACS=ax.contour(x, y,pvals,levels=[l], colors='black',linestyles="solid",linewidths=1.5) # ax.clabel(ACS, inline=1, fontsize=8,fmt=str(l)) ACS=ax.contour(x,y,acont,levels=acontl,colors='white',linestyles="solid",linewidths=1.5) # quick fix for second contour ... # ACS2=ax.contour(x, y,model.nHtot,levels=[1.e6], colors='black',linestyles="solid",linewidths=2.5) # ax.clabel(ACS, inline=1, fontsize=8,fmt="%.0f") # ax.plot(np.sqrt(model.x[:,0]*model.x[:,0]+model.z[:,45]*model.z[:,45]),model.z[:,45],color="black") # ax.plot(np.sqrt(model.x[:,0]*model.x[:,0]+model.z[:,35]*model.z[:,35]),model.z[:,35],color="black") # ax.plot(model.x[:,0],model.z[:,48],color="black") # ax.plot(model.x[:,0],model.z[:,35],color="black") if bgcolor is not None: ax.set_axis_bgcolor(bgcolor) CB=fig.colorbar(CS,ax=ax,ticks=ticks,pad=0.01,format=cb_format) # FIXME: this is not very flexible and confusing if clabels is not None: # # CB.set_ticks(ticks) CB.set_label(label) if patches is not None: for patch in patches: ax.add_patch(patch) if movie: return fig,CS if returnFig: return fig else: return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def streamplot_overlay(self,model,axes,resolution=0.1,streamprops={}): ''' Creates a streamplot using the plt.streamplot routine from for the vx and vz velocity components of the model. Is plotted on top of the passed axes object (e.g. from a contour plot). Please note for a "normal" ProDiMo model the vx and vz components are zero and so nothing will be plotted. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` The ProDiMo model data. axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` The axes object on which the streamplot should be plotted. resolution : float The resolution of the regular grid on which the velocity components are interpolated. Unit: au. Default: 0.1 streamprops : dict A dictionary with properties for the streamplot. This is passed on to the streamplot routine of matplotlib. Default: {} ''' from scipy.interpolate import griddata print(model) print("Axes",axes) defstreamprops={"color" : 'k',"density" : 3,"linewidth" : 0.4,"arrowsize": 0.5} defstreamprops["maxlength"]=np.max(axes.get_ylim())/3 for key in streamprops.keys(): defstreamprops[key]=streamprops[key] rmin=model.x[0,0] rmax=model.x[-1,0] zmax=model.z[-1,-1] rmax=np.min([rmax,zmax]) # always square at the moment [xC,zC]=np.meshgrid(np.arange(rmin,rmax,resolution),np.arange(0,rmax,resolution),indexing='ij') points=np.array([model.x.flatten(),model.z.flatten()]).T vxC=griddata(points,model.velocity[:,:,0].flatten(),(xC,zC),method="linear") vzC=griddata(points,model.velocity[:,:,2].flatten(),(xC,zC),method="linear") axes.streamplot(xC[:,0],zC[0,:],vxC.T,vzC.T,**defstreamprops)
[docs] def plot_abuncont(self,model,species='O',rel2H=True,label=None,zlog=True, zlim=[None,None],zr=True,cmap=None,clevels=None,clabels=None,contour=True, extend="neither",oconts=None,acont=None,acontl=None,nbins=70, bgcolor=None,cb_format="%.1f",scalexy=[1,1],patches=None, rasterized=False,ax=None,movie=False,**kwargs): ''' Plots the 2D abundance structure of a species. This is a convenience function and is simply a wrapper for :func:`~prodimopy.plot.Plot.plot_cont` routine. The routine checks if the species exists, calculates the abundance and sets some defaults (e.g. label) for the :func:`~prodimopy.plot.Plot.plot_cont` routine and calls it. However, all the defaults can be overwritten by providing the corresponding parameter. Contributors: L. Klarmann, Ch. Rab .. todo:: can be improved with better and smarter default values (e.g. for the colorbar) Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the model data species : str the name of the species as given in |prodimo| rel2H : boolean plot abundances relative to the total H nuclei number density. If `False` the number density of the species is plotted label : str the label for the colorbar. If None the default is plotted For all other parameters see :func:`~prodimopy.plot.Plot.plot_cont` ''' print('PLOT: plot_abuncont ...') values,labelN,zlogN,zlimN,extendN=self._prepareAbunForPlot(model,species,label,rel2H,zlog,zlim,extend) return self.plot_cont(model,values,label=labelN,zlog=zlogN, zlim=zlimN,zr=zr,cmap=cmap,clevels=clevels,clabels=clabels,contour=contour, extend=extendN,oconts=oconts,acont=acont,acontl=acontl,nbins=nbins, bgcolor=bgcolor,cb_format=cb_format,scalexy=scalexy,patches=patches, rasterized=rasterized,nolog=True,ax=ax,movie=movie,**kwargs)
[docs] def plot_abuncont_grid(self,model,speciesList=['e-','H2','CO',"H2O"],nrows=2,ncols=2,rel2H=True,label=None,zlog=True, zlim=[None,None],zr=True,cmap=None,clevels=None,clabels=None,contour=True, extend="neither",oconts=None,acont=None,acontl=None,nbins=70, bgcolor=None,cb_format="%.1f",scalexy=[1,1],patches=None, rasterized=False,**kwargs): ''' Convenience routine to plot a grid of abundance plots in the same way as :func:`~prodimopy.plot.Plot.plot_abuncont`. The number of plots is given by `nrows` times `ncols` and should be equal to the number of species in `speciesList` Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the model data speciesList : array_like(str,ndim=1) : a list of species names that should be plotted. The plots will be made in order of that list, starting from top left to the bottom right of the grid. nrows : int how many rows should the subplots grid have. ncols : in how many columns should teh subplots grid have. zlim : array_like can either be of the form [zmin,zmax] ore a list of such entries ([zmin1,zmax1],[zmin1,zmax1], ....). For the latter the number of entries must be equal to the number of species. For the other parameters see :func:`~prodimopy.plot.Plot.plot_abuncont` ''' print("PLOT: plot_abuncont_grid ...") fig,axes=plt.subplots(nrows,ncols,figsize=scale_figs([ncols,nrows])) if zlim==None: zlims=[(None,None)]*len(speciesList) elif len(np.shape(zlim))==1: print(zlim) zlims=[zlim]*len(speciesList) else: zlims=zlim iax=0 for species,zliml in zip(speciesList,zlims): if species not in model.spnames: print("ERROR: Species "+species+" dose not exist in model.") iax=iax+1 continue values,labelG,zlogG,zlimG,extendG=self._prepareAbunForPlot(model,species,label,rel2H,zlog,zliml,extend) self.plot_cont(model,values,label=labelG,zlog=zlogG, zlim=zlimG,zr=zr,cmap=cmap,clevels=clevels,clabels=clabels,contour=contour, extend=extendG,oconts=oconts,acont=acont,acontl=acontl,nbins=nbins, bgcolor=bgcolor,cb_format=cb_format,scalexy=scalexy,patches=patches, rasterized=rasterized,fig=fig,ax=axes.flatten()[iax],nolog=True,**kwargs) iax=iax+1 fig.tight_layout() return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_reaccont(self,model,chemana,rtype,level=1,showAbun=False,values=None, label=None,cmap=None,zlog=True,zlim=[None,None], clevels=None,clabels=None,contour=True, extend="neither",oconts=None,nbins=70, bgcolor=None,cb_format="%.1f",patches=None, rasterized=True,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Make a contour plot with the reactions numbers from chemanalyse on top. As spatial coordinates the indices of the spatial grid are used. This is a convenience function and is simply a wrapper for :func:`~prodimopy.plot.Plot.plot_cont` routine. The same can be achieved by simply using plot_cont and plot the numbers on top (see last part of this routine). Then one has more flexibility. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the model data chemana : class:`` data resulting from `` on a single species rtype : str keyword which sets the type of reactions to be shown (destruction or formation) must be set to either 'd' (destruction) or 'f' (formation) level : int 1 means most important, 2 second most important etc. showAbun : boolean Show the abundances of the species that is analysed as filled contours. values : array_like(float,ndim=2) a 2D array with numeric values for the plotting like in :func:`~prodimopy.plot.Plot.plot_cont`. Howver, it an also be `None` (default) in that case the total formation/destruction rate is plotted. sfigs : array_like(float,ndim=2) Is part of kwargs. But this one is relevant here as one might needs to make the figure larger to see the reactoins numbers. e.g. just pass `sfigs=[2.,2.]` ''' if showAbun: values=model.getAbun(chemana.species) label=r"$\epsilon("+spnToLatex(chemana.species)+"$)" if zlog: label="log "+label if rtype is None or rtype!="d": rtype="f" reacs=chemana.get_reac_grid(level,rtype) rlabel="form." if rtype=="d": rlabel="dest." if values is None: if rtype=="d": values=chemana.totdrate else: values=chemana.totdrate label=r"(total "+rlabel+" rate) $[cm^{-3} s^{-1}]$" if zlog: label="log "+label if not "title" in kwargs: if level==1: tit="main "+rlabel+" reactions" else: tit=str(level).strip()+r"$^{nd}$ "+rlabel+" reactions" kwargs["title"]=tit fig=self.plot_cont(model,values,label=label,zlog=zlog,grid=True, zlim=zlim,zr=False,cmap=cmap,clevels=clevels,clabels=clabels,contour=contour, extend=extend,oconts=oconts,acont=None,acontl=None,nbins=nbins, bgcolor=bgcolor,cb_format=cb_format,scalexy=[1.0,1.0],patches=patches, rasterized=rasterized,nolog=True,ax=ax,movie=False,returnFig=True,**kwargs) # this is potentially very slow xstart=0 xend=model.nx ystart=0 if "xlim" in kwargs: if kwargs["xlim"][0] is not None: xstart=kwargs["xlim"][0] if kwargs["xlim"][1] is not None: xend=kwargs["xlim"][1] if "ylim" in kwargs: if kwargs["ylim"][0] is not None: ystart=kwargs["ylim"][0] if kwargs["ylim"][1] is not None: yend=kwargs["ylim"][1] for i in range(xstart,xend,1): for j in range(ystart,yend,1): fig.axes[0].text(i,j,reacs[0][i,j],fontsize=3.0,horizontalalignment="center",verticalalignment="bottom",color="white") return fig
[docs] def plot_line_origin(self,model,lineIdents,field,label="value",boxcolors=None,showBox=True,showRadialLines=True,showztauD1=True,boxlinewidths=1.5, boxlinestyles=None,boxhatches=None,lineLabels=None,showLineLabels=True,lineLabelsFontsize=6.0,lineLabelsAlign="left", showContOrigin=False, zlog=True,zlim=[None,None],zr=True,clevels=None,clabels=None,contour=False,extend="neither",oconts=None,nbins=70, bgcolor=None,cb_format="%.1f",scalexy=[1,1],patches=None,rasterized=False,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the line origins for a list of lineestimates given by their lineIdents (["ident",wavelength]). Does not give the exact same results as the corresponding idl routines as we do not use interpolation here. We rather use the same method for calculating the averaged values over the emission area and for plotting this area. Note most other parameters, especially for plotting styles (line widths), are also arrays/lists. Those lists should have the same lenght as the lineIdents list. The routine uses :func:`plot_cont` for plotting, hence a number of parameters have the same meaning as in plot_cont. They are just passed through to plot_cont). Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the model data lineIdents : array_like() list of line identifactor of the form `[["ident",wl],["ident2",wl2]]`. field : array_like(float,ndim=2) a 2D array with numeric values for the plotting. E.g. any 2D array of the :class:`` object. boxcolors : array_like list of colors for the boxes for each line one wants to plot (should have the same number of entries as lineIdents). If not given the default colors are used. showBox : boolean if `True` (default) the box for the emitting region for each line is shown. showRadialLines : boolean if `True` (default) than two dotted lines are shown for the z15 and z85 values at each radius. This is the main line emitting layer at each radius. showztauD1 : boolean show the z_level where taudust_ver=1 for each line. For detail of this quantity see :class:`` boxlinewidths : array_like the widths of the line for each box showing the line origin. Can be a scalar, in that case all boxes have the same linewidth. boxlinestyles : array_like the line styles for the boxes (line emitting regions). Can be a scalar, in that case all boxes have the same linestyle. boxhatches : array_like use hatching for the vertical line emitting regions. Only used if `showRadialLines` is `True`. Hatches are the ones from matplotlib (e.g. ["//"]) lineLabels : array_like list of labels for the lines. If not given the labels are generated from the lineIdents. showLineLabels : boolean show the labels for the lines. Default: `True`. lineLabelsFontsize : float fontsize for the line labels. Default: `6.0`. lineLabelsAlign : str alignment of the line labels. Default: `left`. Other options is `right`. showContOrigin : boolean Also show the box for the continuum emitting regions (at the wavelength of the line). Default: `False`. ''' if boxcolors is None: boxcolors=[self.pcolors["red"],self.pcolors["orange"],self.pcolors["brown"], self.pcolors["purple"],self.pcolors["gray"]] if boxlinestyles is None: boxlinestyles=["-"]*10 elif np.isscalar(boxlinestyles): boxlinestyles=[boxlinestyles]*10 if np.isscalar(boxlinewidths): boxlinewidths=[boxlinewidths]*10 # if it is only one line (no list of list) make it a list if (type(lineIdents[0])==str): lineIdents=[lineIdents] lestimates=list() for id in lineIdents: lestimates.append(model.getLineEstimate(id[0],id[1])) if patches is None: patches=list() if len(boxcolors)<len(lestimates) or len(boxlinestyles)<len(lestimates): print("Not enough boxcolors or boxlinestyles available! ") return ibox=0 for lesti in lestimates: # to be consistent we use the LineOriginMask to determine the box # as a result the plotted region is not necessarely the same as in idl # as we do not interpolate here,mask=model.getLineOriginMask(lesti)) x15=np.min(xmasked) x85=np.max(xmasked) xi15=np.argmin(np.abs(model.x[:,0]-x15)) xi85=np.argmin(np.abs(model.x[:,0]-x85)) z85s=[[model.x[rp.ix,0],rp.z85] for rp in lesti.rInfo[xi15:xi85+1]] z15s=[[model.x[rp.ix,0],rp.z15] for rp in lesti.rInfo[xi85:xi15-1:-1]] points=z85s+z15s if zr is True: for point in points: point[1]=point[1]/point[0] if showBox: if len(points)>1: patch=mpl.patches.Polygon(points,closed=True,fill=False,color=boxcolors[ibox], linestyle=boxlinestyles[ibox], zorder=100,linewidth=boxlinewidths[ibox]) patches.append(patch) else: print("WARN: Unable to calculate a proper region for the line origin: "+str(lesti)) if showContOrigin is True: if (model.sed is not None and model.sed.sedAna is not None): pointsc=self._getSEDana_boxpoints(lesti.wl,model,zr) if len(pointsc)>1: patchc=mpl.patches.Polygon(pointsc,closed=True,fill=False, color=boxcolors[ibox],zorder=100, linewidth=1.0,linestyle="--") patches.append(patchc) else: print("WARN: Unable to calculate a proper region for the continuum origin: "+str(lesti)) ibox+=1 fig=self.plot_cont(model,field,label=label,zlog=zlog, zlim=zlim,zr=zr,clevels=clevels,clabels=clabels,contour=False, extend=extend,oconts=oconts,acont=None,acontl=None,nbins=nbins, bgcolor=bgcolor,cb_format=cb_format,scalexy=scalexy,patches=patches, rasterized=rasterized,returnFig=True,ax=ax,**kwargs) if ax is None: ax=fig.axes[0] # show the full emitting layer as function of radius # maybe this slows down the pl if showRadialLines or showztauD1: iest=0 r=model.x[:,0] for lesti in lestimates: z15=[rinf.z15 for rinf in lesti.rInfo] z85=[rinf.z85 for rinf in lesti.rInfo] if zr is True: z15=z15/r z85=z85/r if showBox is False: lsrad=boxlinestyles[iest] else: lsrad=":" if showRadialLines: ax.plot(r,z15,color=boxcolors[iest],linestyle=lsrad,linewidth=1.0) ax.plot(r,z85,color=boxcolors[iest],linestyle=lsrad,linewidth=1.0) if boxhatches is not None: ax.fill_between(r,z15,z85,edgecolor=boxcolors[iest],hatch=boxhatches[iest],facecolor="none",linewidth=0.0) # can be None just check the first entry if showztauD1 and lesti.rInfo[0].ztauD1 is not None: ztauD1=[rinf.ztauD1 for rinf in lesti.rInfo] if zr: ztauD1=ztauD1/r ax.plot(r,ztauD1,color=boxcolors[iest],linestyle="--",linewidth=1.0) iest+=1 if showLineLabels: ibox=0 for idline,lesti in zip(lineIdents,lestimates): if lineLabels is not None: label=lineLabels[ibox] else: label="$"+spnToLatex(idline[0])+"$ "+("{:10.2f}".format(lesti.wl)).strip()+r" $\mu$m" # FIXME: quick and dirty, ref fontsize =6.0 vpos=ibox/(18.0-(lineLabelsFontsize/6.0-1.0)*12) if lineLabelsAlign=="right": ax.text(0.95,0.97-vpos,label, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top',fontsize=lineLabelsFontsize, transform=ax.transAxes,color=boxcolors[ibox], bbox=dict(boxstyle='square,pad=0.1',fc='white',ec='none')) else: ax.text(0.02,0.97-vpos,label, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top',fontsize=lineLabelsFontsize, transform=ax.transAxes,color=boxcolors[ibox], bbox=dict(boxstyle='square,pad=0.1',fc='white',ec='none')) ibox+=1 return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_ionrates_midplane(self,model,ax=None,**kwargs): print("PLOT: plot_ionrates_midplane ...") cX=self.pcolors["red"] cSP=self.pcolors["blue"] cCR=self.pcolors["gray"] x=model.x[:,0] # print pdata.zetaCR[ix,:] y1=model.zetaCR[:,0] y2=model.zetaX[:,0]*2.0 # convert to per H2 TODO: maybe do this in ProDiMo already to be consistent y3=model.zetaSTCR[:,0] # convert to per H2 TODO: maybe do this in ProDiMo already to be consistent fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) ax.plot(x,y2,color=cX,label=r"$\zeta_\mathrm{X}$") ax.plot(x,y3,color=cSP,label=r"$\zeta_\mathrm{SP}$") ax.plot(x,y1,color=cCR,label=r"$\zeta_\mathrm{CR}$") # print ax.get_xlim() ax.set_xlabel(r"r [au]") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{\zeta\,per\,H_2\,[s^{-1}]}$") ax.semilogy() self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax) # handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # ax.legend(handles, labels, loc="best", fancybox=False) return self._closefig(fig)
# FIXME: this routine is also not very general (e.g. colors)
[docs] def plot_ionrates(self,model,r,ax=None,**kwargs): cX=self.pcolors["red"] cSP=self.pcolors["blue"] cCR=self.pcolors["gray"] ix=(np.abs(model.x[:,0]-r)).argmin() rstr="r={:.1f} au".format(model.x[ix,0]) old_settings=np.seterr(divide='ignore') nhver=np.log10(model.NHver[ix,:]) np.seterr(**old_settings) # reset to default # print pdata.zetaCR[ix,:] y1=model.zetaCR[ix,:] y2=model.zetaX[ix,:]*2.0 # convert to per H2 TODO: maybe do this in ProDiMo already to be consistent y3=model.zetaSTCR[ix,:] fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) ax.plot(nhver,y2,color=cX,label=r"$\zeta_\mathrm{X}$") ax.plot(nhver,y3,color=cSP,label=r"$\zeta_\mathrm{SP}$") ax.plot(nhver,y1,color=cCR,label=r"$\zeta_\mathrm{CR}$") # set the limits ax.set_xlim([17.5,nhver.max()]) ax.set_ylim([1.e-21,1.e-9]) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log$ N$_\mathrm{<H>,ver}$ [cm$^{-2}$]") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\zeta$ per H$_2$ [s$^{-1}$]") # do axis style ax.semilogy() # title does not work here self._dokwargs(ax,title=None,**kwargs) ax2=ax.twiny() ax2.set_xlabel("z/r") ax2.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) # ax2.set_xticks(ax.get_xticks()) ax2.set_xticklabels(["{:.2f}".format(x) for x in nhver_to_zr(ix,ax.get_xticks(),model)]) handles,labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ax.legend(handles,labels,loc="best") ax.text(0.025,0.020,rstr, verticalalignment='bottom',horizontalalignment='left', transform=ax.transAxes,alpha=0.75) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_avgabun(self,model,species,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the average abundance for the given species (can be more than one) as a function of radius ''' print("PLOT: plot_avgabun ...") fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) iplot=0 if(type(species)==str): species=[species] for spec in species: # get the species if (spec in model.spnames): y=model.cdnmol[:,0,model.spnames[spec]] y=y/model.NHver[:,0] x=model.x[:,0] style="-" if "#" in spec: style="--" ax.plot(x,y,linestyle=style,marker=None,label=r"$\mathrm{"+spnToLatex(spec)+"}$") iplot=iplot+1 if iplot==0: print("Species "+species+" not found in any model!") return ax.set_xlabel(r"r [au]") ax.set_ylabel(r"average abundance") ax.set_xlim([x.min(),x.max()]) # do axis style ax.semilogy() self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_radial(self,model,values,ylabel,zidx=0, color=None,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots a quantity along the radial grid for the given zidx (from the ProDiMo Array) as a function of radius. Parameters ---------- values : array_like(float,ndim=2) or array_like(float,ndim=2) `values` is any ProDiMo 2D array in the :class:`` object, or a 1D array with dim `nx` if `zidx` is `None`. ylabel : str The lable for the y axis. zidx : int The index of the z coordinate that should be plotted. If zidx is `None` the values array has to be 1D and needs to be filled with the proper values. Default: 0 (midplane) color : str A matplotlib color for the line to plot. Default: `None` ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` A matplotlib axes object that will be use to do the actual plotting. No new instance is created. Default: None (make a new figure and axes object). ''' print("PLOT: plot_radial ...") fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) if zidx is None: x=np.sqrt(model.x[:,0]**2.0+model.z[:,0]**2.0) y=values else: x=np.sqrt(model.x[:,zidx]**2.0+model.z[:,zidx]**2.0) y=values[:,zidx] ax.plot(x,y,marker=None,color=color) ax.set_xlim(np.nanmin(x),np.nanmax(x)) ax.set_ylim(np.nanmin(y),np.nanmax(y)) ax.semilogy() ax.set_xlabel(r"r [au]") ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) # self._legend(ax) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_cdnmol(self,model,species,colors=None,styles=None, scalefacs=None,norm=None,normidx=None,ylabel=r"$\mathrm{N_{ver}\,[cm^{-2}}]$", patches=None,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the vertical column densities as a function of radius for the given species. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the ProDiMo model data. species : array_like(str,ndim=1) a list of species names that should be plotted. scalefacs : array_like(float,ndim=1) scale the column density to plot by the given factor. `len(scalefacs)` must be equal to `len(species)`. norm : float an abritary normalizatoin factor (i.e. allo column density are divided by `norm`) normidx : int normalize the plotted column densities to the column density given by `normidx`. Where `normidx` is the index of any species in the list of species in the model. TODO: Could actually just use a species name, would be easier to use. ''' print("PLOT: plot_cdnmol ...") if colors is None: colors=[None]*len(species) if styles is None: styles=[None]*len(species) if(type(species)==str): species=[species] fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) x=model.x[:,0] ymin=1.e99 ymax=1.e-99 if scalefacs is None: scalefacs=np.ones(len(species)) if normidx is not None: normspec=model.cdnmol[:,0,normidx] iplot=0 for spec,fac in zip(species,scalefacs): ispec=-1 try: ispec=model.spnames[spec] except: print("WARNING: Could not find species: ",spec) continue if normidx is not None: y=model.cdnmol[:,0,ispec]/normspec y=model.cdnmol[:,0,ispec]/fac if norm is not None: y=y/norm label="$"+spnToLatex(spec)+"$" if fac!=1.0 and norm is None: label+="/"+"{:3.1e}".format(fac) ax.plot(x,y,marker=None,linestyle=styles[iplot],color=colors[iplot], label=label) ymin=np.min([np.min(y),ymin]) ymax=np.max([np.max(y),ymax]) iplot=iplot+1 if patches is not None: for patch in patches: ax.add_patch(copy.copy(patch)) ax.set_xlim(np.min(x),np.max(x)) ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax) ax.semilogy() ax.set_xlabel(r"r [au]") ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_midplane(self,model,field,ylabel,xRelTo=None,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots a quantitiy in in the midplane as a function of radius fieldname is any field in Data_ProDiMo Parameters ---------- xRelTo : float use `x-xRelTo` as the x axis. Default: `None` (no shif) FIXME: remove the fieldname stuff passe the whole array ... ''' print("PLOT: plot_midplane ...") fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) x=model.x[:,0] if xRelTo is not None: x=x-xRelTo if type(field)==str: y=getattr(model,field)[:,0] else: y=field[:,0] ax.plot(x,y,marker=None) ax.set_xlim(np.min(x),np.max(x)) ax.set_ylim(np.min(y),np.max(y)) ax.semilogy() if xRelTo is not None: ax.set_xlabel("r - {:3.1f} [au]".format(xRelTo)) else: ax.set_xlabel(r"r [au]") ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) # self._legend(ax) return self._closefig(fig)
def _prepareAbunForPlot(self,model,species,label,rel2H,zlog,zlim,extend): ''' Utility function used in :func:`~prodimopy.plot.Plot.plot_abuncont` and :func:`~prodimopy.plot.Plot.plot_abuncont_grid`. ''' # Check if species names exists try: n_rel_index=model.spnames[species] except KeyError: print("The species "+species+'''you want to access does not exist or is spelled incorrectly. Exiting plot_abuncont routine''') return if rel2H: values=model.getAbun(species) if label is None: label=r"$\mathrm{\epsilon("+spnToLatex(species)+")}$" if zlog: label="log "+label # define some default lower limit if zlim==None or zlim==[None,None]: zlim=[3.e-13,None] extend="both" else: values=model.nmol[:,:,n_rel_index] if label is None: label=r"$\mathrm{n("+spnToLatex(species)+") [cm^{-3}]}$" if zlog: label="log "+label return values,label,zlog,zlim,extend
[docs] def plot_reac_ixiz(self,ix,iz,rtype,chemanas,ages,chemana_steadystate=None,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the rates for the most important reactions and the point ix,iz for the given models and chemanalysis list (i.e. a time-dependent |prodimo| disk model. Parameters ---------- ix : int The ix index of the grid (starts at 0) iz : int The iz index of the grid (starts at 0) rtype : str `f` for formation reactions, `d` for destruction reactions. models : list a list of :class:`` objects (e.g. for each age in a time-dependent model). chemanas : list a list of :class:`` objects (e.g. for each age in a time-dependent model). Must have the same length as `models` ages : array_like(float) a list of the ages for the time-dependent model. Most have the same lengh as `models`. This will be the x-Axis chemana_steadystate : tuple A tuple (:class:``, :class:``) representing a steady state model. This is useful to compare the results with the time-dependent model. Optional parameter ''' def reacstr(reacid,reactions): # a utility function to produce str for the Reactoins that can be use in the legend reaction=list(filter(lambda reac:,reactions))[0] out="{:4d}".format(" "+reaction.type+": " out+="$" out+=r"+".join([spnToLatex(reac) for reac in reaction.reactants]) out+=r"\rightarrow " out+="+".join([spnToLatex(prod) for prod in reaction.products]) out+="$" return out nmaxreac=3 if rtype=="d": tit="dest. reactions for " else: tit="form. reactions for " totrates=list() reacidx=list() # for model,chemana in zip(models,chemanas): for chemana in chemanas: if rtype=="d": totrates.append(chemana.totdrate[ix,iz]) reacs=chemana.gridd[ix,iz,0] else: totrates.append(chemana.totfrate[ix,iz]) reacs=chemana.gridf[ix,iz,0] # figure out what reactions indices I want to plot for i in range(nmaxreac): if i<len(reacs): reacidx.append(reacs[i]) reacidx=np.unique(np.array(reacidx)) reactions=list() for ridx in reacidx: rates=list() for chemana in(chemanas): if rtype=="d": rate=chemana.gridd[ix,iz,1][chemana.gridd[ix,iz,0]==ridx] else: rate=chemana.gridf[ix,iz,1][chemana.gridf[ix,iz,0]==ridx] if len(rate)==0: rates.append(0.0) else: rates.append(rate[0]) reactions.append(rates) fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) ax.plot(ages,totrates,label="totrate",color="black",linewidth="3") for i in range(len(reacidx)): # FIXME: this assume that all chemanas have the same chemnet in the background ... # is currently the case but might change at some point ax.plot(ages,reactions[i],label=reacstr(reacidx[i],chemanas[0].chemnet.reactions)) # for the steady state model if chemana_steadystate is not None: reacidxsss=list() ratesss=list() for i in range(nmaxreac): if rtype=="d": if i<len(chemana_steadystate.gridd[ix,iz,0]): reacidxsss.append(chemana_steadystate.gridd[ix,iz,0][i]) ratesss.append(chemana_steadystate.gridd[ix,iz,1][i]) else: if i<len(chemana_steadystate.gridf[ix,iz,0]): reacidxsss.append(chemana_steadystate.gridf[ix,iz,0][i]) ratesss.append(chemana_steadystate.gridf[ix,iz,1][i]) colors=np.arange(0.1,0.9,0.7/nmaxreac) for i,(reacidx,rate) in enumerate(zip(reacidxsss,ratesss)): # FIXME: this assumes t ax.scatter(ages[-1]*1.05,rate,label=reacstr(reacidx,chemana_steadystate.chemnet.reactions),marker="<",color=str(colors[i]),s=20/np.log(i+2)) ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01,1.0),loc='upper left',prop={"family": "monospace","size": 5}) ax.semilogx() ax.semilogy() ax.set_xlabel("age [yr]") ax.set_ylabel(r"rate $[cm^{-3}\,s^{-1}]$") ax.set_title(tit+" ix={:5d}, iz={:5d}".format(ix,iz)) self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_reac(self,model,chemistry,rtype,level=1,plot_size=10,lograte=True,grid=True,with_abun=False,vmin=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the 2D main formation/destruction reaction structure for a given species, in each grid point. Each number corresponds to the reaction indices in `` or `` By default it is plotted along the 2D main formation/reaction rate structure, but it can also be plotted along the abundance of the species. The routine checks if the reaction type is set plots the data (lograte, rate or abundance) as an image, and fills in the reaction indices for each grid point. An index of 0 means that the total rate at that point was so low it didn't get registered in chemanalysis.out (in ProDiMo) Contributors: G. Chaparro, Ch. Rab .. warning:: This routine is deprected please use plot_reaccont instead. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the model data chemistry : class:`` data resulting from `` on a single species rtype : str keyword which sets the type of reactions to be shown (destruction or formation) must be set to either 'd' (destruction) or 'f' (formation) level : int 1 means most important, 2 second most important etc. plot_size : int plot size, it is set to square for now lograte : bool plot log rate instead of rate, default to True (the difference are more noticeable) grid : bool plot nx,ny instead of r, z, default to False with_abun : bool plot abundance instead of formation or destruction rate, overrides lograte, default to False vmin : float sets the minimum value for `plt.imshow` (abundance, rate or lograte) default min(array) ''' print('PLOT: plot_reac ...') print("WARN: this routine is deprected please use plot_reaccont instead.") fig,ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(plot_size,plot_size)) # label='main ' # label+=r"$\mathrm{"+spnToLatex(chemistry.species)+"}$" splabel=r"$\mathrm{"+spnToLatex(chemistry.species)+"}$" if rtype=='f': # data=chemistry.farray.T data=chemistry.totfrate.T # transpose because of imshow reacs=chemistry.get_reac_grid(level,"f")[0] label=r"(total formation rate) $[cm^{-3} s^{-1}]$" # label+=' formation rate ' # ax.set_title('Main formation reaction: '+chemistry.sorted_form_info[0][23:].replace(" ","")) ax.set_title(splabel+" main formation reactions") elif rtype=='d': # data=chemistry.darray.T data=chemistry.totdrate.T # transpose because of imshow reacs=chemistry.get_reac_grid(level,"d")[0] label=r"(total destruction rate) $[cm^{-3} s^{-1}]$" ax.set_title(splabel+" main destruction reactions") # label+=' destruction rate ' # ax.set_title('Main destruction reaction: '+chemistry.sorted_dest_info[0][23:].replace(" ","")) else: print('ERROR: Unknown rtype.') return if with_abun: label=r"$\mathrm{\epsilon("+spnToLatex(chemistry.species)+")}$" label="log "+label data=np.log10(model.getAbun(chemistry.species).T) lograte=False if lograte: label="log "+label data=np.log10(data) # label+='* [s] ' # else: # if not(with_abun): # label=r'[$\mathrm{s}^{-1}$]' for i in range(model.nx): for j in range([::-1]: ax.text(i+1-1.2,j+1-1.2,reacs[i,j]) # FIXME: imshow is maybe not the best optoin here because of the grid # of ProDiMo ... however it works if grid=True but otherwise the z coordinate # is not shown correctly if vmin is None: vmin=np.min(data) im=ax.imshow(data,vmin=vmin) CB=fig.colorbar(im,ax=ax,fraction=0.047,pad=0.01) CB.set_label(label) if grid: ax.set_xlim(-0.5,model.nx-0.5) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, ax.set_xlabel('ix') ax.set_ylabel('iz') else: ax.set_ylim(-0.5, xticks=ax.get_xticks()[1:] xticks[-1]=model.nx-1 ax.set_xticks(xticks) xticks_l=list(model.x[:,0][xticks.astype(int)]) xticks_l=[np.around(item,4) for item in xticks_l] ax.set_xticklabels(xticks_l) yticks=ax.get_yticks()[1:] yticks[-1] ax.set_yticks(yticks) # FIXME: this is not correct, yticks_l=list(model.z[0,:][yticks.astype(int)]) yticks_l=[np.around(item,3) for item in yticks_l] ax.set_yticklabels(yticks_l) ax.set_xlabel('r [au]') ax.set_ylabel('z [au]') self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) # self._legend(ax) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_abunvert(self,model,r,species,useZr=False,useNH=True,useT=False, scaling_fac=None,norm=None,styles=None, colors=None,markers=None,linewidths=None, ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the abundances of all the given species as a function of height at the given radius. If `useZr`, `useNH` and `useT` are all `False` the abundances are plotted as function of z in au. By default `useNH=True`. FIXME: Make the inferface consistent with plot_vert. Especially the treatment of the xaxis (i.e. what should be use to indicate the height) Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the model data r : float The radius at which the vertical cut is taken. UNIT: `au` species : array_like(str,ndim=1) : List of species names to plot. useZr : boolean plot the abundances as function of z/r: Default: `True` useNH : boolean plot the abundances as function of vertical column densities Default: `False` useT : boolean plot the abundances as function of dust temperature. ''' print("PLOT: plot_abunvert ...") if colors is None: colors=list(self.pcolors.values()) rstr=r"r$\approx${:.2f} au".format(r) fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) ix=(np.abs(model.x[:,0]-r)).argmin() iplot=0 ymin=1.e100 ymax=-1.0 if(type(species)==str): species=[species] for spec in species: if useNH: old_settings=np.seterr(divide='ignore') x=np.log10(model.NHver[ix,:]) np.seterr(**old_settings) # reset to defaul xlabelstr=r"$\mathrm{\log\,N_{<H>}\,[cm^{-2}]}$ @"+rstr elif useZr: x=model.z[ix,:]/model.x[ix,0] xlabelstr=r"z/r @"+rstr elif useT:[ix,:] xlabelstr=r"$\mathrm{T_d [K]}$ @"+rstr else: x=model.z[ix,:] xlabelstr=r"z [au] @"+rstr # check if list of names in list of names, than sum them up if isinstance(spec,(list,tuple,np.ndarray)): y=model.nHtot[ix,:]*0.0 # just to get an array for name in spec: y=y+(model.getAbun(name)[ix,:]) elif spec in model.spnames: y=model.nmol[ix,:,model.spnames[spec]]/model.nHtot[ix,:] else: continue if norm is not None: y=y/norm if scaling_fac is not None: y=y*scaling_fac[iplot] # FIXME: add proper treatment for styles and colors if styles==None: style="-" if "#" in spec: style="--" else: style=styles[iplot] color=colors[iplot] marker=None if markers!=None: marker=markers[iplot] lines=ax.plot(x,y,marker=marker,ms=4,markeredgecolor=color,markerfacecolor=color, linestyle=style,color=color, label=r"$\mathrm{"+spnToLatex(spec)+"}$") if linewidths!=None: if linewidths[iplot]!=None: lines[-1].set_linewidth(linewidths[iplot]) iplot=iplot+1 if min(y)<ymin: ymin=min(y) if max(y)>ymax: ymax=max(y) if useT: ax.set_xlim([30,5]) elif useNH: ax.set_xlim([17.5,x.max()]) else: ax.invert_xaxis() # (z/r=0 on the right) ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax) ax.semilogy() # ax2 = ax.twiny() # ax2.set_xlabel("z/r") # ax2.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) # #ax2.set_xticks(ax.get_xticks()) # ax2.set_xticklabels(["{:.2f}".format(x) for x in nhver_to_zr(ix, ax.get_xticks(), model)]) ax.set_xlabel(xlabelstr) ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{\epsilon(X)}$") self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_abunrad(self,model,species,useNH=True, norm=None,styles=None,colors=None,markers=None,linewidths=None, ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots species abundances as function of radius in the midplane (z=0) Similar to abunvert but radially is more usefull for e.g. envelope structures. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the model data species : array_like(str,ndim=1) : List of species names to plot. useNH : boolean plot the abundances as function of radial column densities Default: `False` norm : float normalize the y values by the given number (i.e. y=y/norm) Default: `None` (i.e. no normalisation) ''' print("PLOT: plot_abunrad ...") fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) iplot=0 ymin=1.e100 ymax=-1.0 if(type(species)==str): species=[species] for spec in species: if useNH: old_settings=np.seterr(divide='ignore') x=np.log10(model.NHrad[:,0]) np.seterr(**old_settings) # reset to defaul else: x=model.x[:,0] if spec in model.spnames: y=model.nmol[:,0,model.spnames[spec]]/model.nHtot[:,0] if norm!=None: y=y/norm # FIXME: add proper treatment for styles and colors if styles==None: style="-" if "#" in spec: style="--" else: style=styles[iplot] color=None if colors!=None: color=colors[iplot] marker=None if markers!=None: marker=markers[iplot] lines=ax.plot(x,y,marker=marker,ms=4,markeredgecolor=color,markerfacecolor=color, linestyle=style,color=color, label=r"$\mathrm{"+spnToLatex(spec)+"}$") if linewidths!=None: if linewidths[iplot]!=None: lines[-1].set_linewidth(linewidths[iplot]) iplot=iplot+1 if min(y)<ymin: ymin=min(y) if max(y)>ymax: ymax=max(y) if useNH: ax.set_xlim([17.5,x.max()]) ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax) ax.semilogy() # ax2 = ax.twiny() # ax2.set_xlabel("z/r") # ax2.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) # #ax2.set_xticks(ax.get_xticks()) # ax2.set_xticklabels(["{:.2f}".format(x) for x in nhver_to_zr(ix, ax.get_xticks(), model)]) if useNH: ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{\log\,N_{<H,rad>}\,[cm^{-2}]}$") else: ax.set_xlabel(r"r [au]") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{\epsilon(X)}$") self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_abun_midp(self,model,species,norm=None,styles=None,colors=None,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the abundances in the midplane for the given species (can be more than one) Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the model data species : array_like(str,ndim=1) : List of species names to plot. norm : float normalize the y values by the given number (i.e. y=y/norm) Default: `None` (i.e. no normalisation) ''' print("PLOT: plot_abun_midp ...") fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) iplot=0 xmin=1.e100 xmax=0 ymin=1.e100 ymax=-1.e00 if(type(species)==str): species=[species] for spec in species: if spec not in model.spnames: print("WARN: Species "+spec+" not found") continue x=model.x[:,0] y=model.nmol[:,0,model.spnames[spec]]/model.nHtot[:,0] if norm is not None: y=y/norm # FIXME: add proper treatment for styles and colors if styles==None: style="-" if "#" in spec: style="--" else: style=styles[iplot] if colors==None: color=None else: color=colors[iplot] ax.plot(x,y,marker=None,linestyle=style,color=color,label=r"$\mathrm{"+spnToLatex(spec)+"}$") iplot=iplot+1 if min(x)<xmin: xmin=min(x) if max(x)>xmax: xmax=max(x) if min(y)<ymin: ymin=min(y) if max(y)>ymax: ymax=max(y) ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin,ymax) ax.semilogy() ax.set_xlabel("r [au]") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{\epsilon(X)}$") self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_dust_opac(self,model,dust=None,ax=None,pseudoaniso=False,**kwargs): ''' Plots the dust opacities (dust_opac.out) or the data given in the dust object Parameters ---------- pseudoaniso : boolean Use the pseudo anisotropic scattering opacity (Default: `False`). ''' print("PLOT: dust opacities ...") fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) x=model.dust.lam if dust is None: dust=model.dust ax.plot(x,dust.kabs,label="absorption") if pseudoaniso: ax.plot(x,dust.ksca_an,label="scattering") ax.plot(x,dust.kabs+dust.ksca_an,label="extinction") else: ax.plot(x,dust.ksca,label="scattering") ax.plot(x,dust.kext,label="extinction") ax.set_xlabel(r"wavelength $\mathrm{[\mu m]}$") ax.set_ylabel(r"opacity $\mathrm{[cm^2 g(dust)^{-1}]}$") ax.set_xlim(np.min(x),np.max(x)) # ax.set_ylim(1.e-2,None) ax.semilogx() ax.semilogy() self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_vertical(self,model,r,values,ylabel,zr=True, xfield="zr",marker=None,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots a quantity (values) as a function of height at a certain radius radius. values : array_like(float,ndim=2) a 2D array with numeric values for the plotting. E.g. any 2D array of the :class:`` object. xfield : str What field should be used a x-axis. Options are `zr`,`NHver`,`tg`,`AVver` . FIXME: Make the inferface consistent with plot_abunvert. Especially the treatment of the xaxis (i.e. what should be use to indicate the height) ''' print("PLOT: plot_vertical ...") rstr=r"r$\approx${:.1f} au".format(r) fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) ix=(np.abs(model.x[:,0]-r)).argmin() if zr and xfield=="zr": x=model.z[ix,:]/model.x[ix,0] elif xfield=="NHver" or xfield=="nH": # nH ist just for backward compatibility old_settings=np.seterr(divide='ignore') x=np.log10(model.NHver[ix,:]) np.seterr(**old_settings) # reset to defaul zr=False elif xfield=="tg":[ix,:] zr=False elif xfield=="AVver": old_settings=np.seterr(divide='ignore') x=np.log10(model.AVver[ix,:]) np.seterr(**old_settings) zr=False elif xfield=="grid": x=np.range( print(x) else: x=model.z[ix,:] y=values[ix,:] ax.plot(x,y,marker=marker,ms=4) if zr: ax.invert_xaxis() ax.set_xlabel(r"z/r @ "+rstr) elif xfield=="NHver" or xfield=="nH": # nH ist just for backward compatibility ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{\log\,N_{<H>}\,[cm^{-2}]}$ @"+rstr) elif xfield=="AVver": ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{\log\,A_{V,ver}}$ @"+rstr) elif xfield=="tg": ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{\log\,T_{gas}\,[K]}$ @"+rstr) ax.invert_xaxis() else: ax.set_xlabel(r"z [au] @ "+rstr) ax.invert_xaxis() ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_taus(self,model,r,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plot's taus (A_V, X-rays) as a function of vertical column density ''' ir=(np.abs(model.x[:,0]-r)).argmin() rstr="r={:.2f} au".format(model.x[ir,0]) fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) old_settings=np.seterr(divide='ignore') x=np.log10(model.NHver[ir,:]) ax.plot(x,model.tauX1[ir,:],color="blue",label=r"$\mathrm{\tau_{1\;keV}}$") ax.plot(x,model.tauX10[ir,:],"--",color="blue",label=r"$\mathrm{\tau_{10\;keV}}$") ax.plot(x,model.AVrad[ir,:],color="red",label=r"$\mathrm{A_V,rad}}$") ax.plot(x,model.AVver[ir,:],"--",color="red",label=r"$\mathrm{A_{V,ver}}$") ax.set_xlim(17.5,x.max()) ax.set_ylim(1.e-2,np.max([model.AVver[ir,:].max(),2.0])) np.seterr(**old_settings) # reset to default ax.hlines(1.0,ax.get_xlim()[0],ax.get_xlim()[1],linestyle=":") ax2=ax.twiny() ax2.set_xlabel("z/r") ax2.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) # ax2.set_xticks(ax.get_xticks()) ax2.set_xticklabels(["{:.2f}".format(x) for x in nhver_to_zr(ir,ax.get_xticks(),model)]) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\log$ N$_\mathrm{H}$ [cm$^{-2}$]") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{A_V, \tau}$") # do axis style ax.semilogy() self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) handles,labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() ax.legend(handles,labels,loc="best",fancybox=False) ax.text(0.025,0.025,rstr, verticalalignment='bottom',horizontalalignment='left', transform=ax.transAxes,alpha=0.75) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_starspec(self,model,ax=None,step=10,xunit="micron",nuInu=True,**kwargs): ''' Plots the full Stellar Spectrum Parameters ---------- step : int only every `step` point is plotted from teh Spectrum (makes is less dens) xunit : str the unit for the x-axes. Current options are `micron` or `eV`. ''' print("PLOT: plot_starspec ...") fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) x=model.starSpec.lam[0::step] if xunit=="eV": x=(x*u.micron).to(u.eV,equivalencies=u.spectral()).value # switch the axes xmin=(1000.0*u.micron).to(u.eV,equivalencies=u.spectral()).value xmax=x.max() xlabel=r"energy [eV]" else: xmin=x.min() xmax=1000.0 xlabel=r"wavelength [$\mathrm{\mu}$m]" y=(model.starSpec.Inu)[0::step] if nuInu: y=y*[0::step] ymin=np.min(y[x>1]) ax.plot(x,y,color="black") # set defaults, can be overwritten by the kwargs ax.set_xlim([xmin,xmax]) ax.set_ylim([ymin,None]) ax.semilogx() ax.semilogy() ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if nuInu: ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{\nu I_\nu\,[erg\,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}\,sr^{-1}]}$") else: ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{I_\nu\,[erg\,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}\,sr^{-1}\,Hz^{-1}]}$") self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_sed(self,model,plot_starSpec=True,incidx=0,unit="erg",sedObs=None,reddening=False, ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the sed(s) including the stellar spectrum and observations (last two are optional). Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the model data. Only required if wl,ident and or lineObs are passed. plot_starSpec : boolean also show the (unobscured) stellar spectrum. Default: True incidx : int or array_like(ndim=1) which inclination (index) should be used for plotting (0 is the first one and default). If it is a single value only the profile for that inclination index is plotted. If it is an array of values all profiles for that chosen inclinations are plotted. If `incidx=[]` profiles for all inclinations will be plotted. unit : str in what unit should the sed be plotted. Possible valuees: `erg`, `W`, `Jy` sedObs : :class:`` if :attr:`` (e.g. sedObs=model.sedOBS) is provided also the observational data is plotted. But in principal can be any object of type :class:``. reddening : boolean Apply reddening. Only possible if sedObs is provided `None`. ''' print("PLOT: plot_sed ...") fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) xmin=0.1 if model.sed==None: return if not isinstance(incidx,(,np.ndarray)): incidx=[incidx] # just for convenience if it is an empty array take all the inclinations elif len(incidx)==0: # empty array, plot all inclinations # need the line for that incidx=np.arange(len(model.sed._inclinations)) else: # make sure that in that case only one inclinations is done incidx=[0] dist=((model.sed.distance*u.pc).to( if plot_starSpec: # scale input Stellar Spectrum to the distance for comparison to the SED r=((model.starSpec.r*u.R_sun).to( xStar=model.starSpec.lam[0::1] yStar=(*model.starSpec.Inu)[0::1] yStar=yStar*(r**2.0*math.pi*dist**(-2.0)) if unit=="W": yStar=(yStar*u.erg/(u.s***2)).to(u.Watt/u.m**2).value elif unit=="Jy": yStar=(model.starSpec.Inu)[0::1] yStar=yStar*(r**2.0*math.pi*dist**(-2.0)) yStar=(yStar*u.erg/(u.s***2*u.Hz)).to(u.Jy).value ax.plot(xStar,yStar,color="black") # plot it for all selected inclinations for iinc in incidx: # to be sure we have the right inclination model.sedinc(iinc=iinc) incstr=r"$i="+"{:3.1f}".format(model.sed.inclination)+r"^\degree$" # only use every 5 element to speed up plotting x=model.sed.lam if unit=="W": y=model.sed.nuFnuW elif unit=="Jy": y=model.sed.fnuJy else:*model.sed.fnuErg ymin=np.min(y[model.sed.lam>1]) if reddening==True and sedObs is not None and sedObs.A_V is not None: # idx validity of extinction function ist=np.argmin(np.abs(x-0.0912)) ien=np.argmin(np.abs(x-6.0)) y[ist:ien]=y[ist:ien]/prodimopy.extinction.reddening(x[ist:ien]*1.e4,a_v=sedObs.A_V,r_v=sedObs.R_V,model="f99") # plot the SED print(iinc,incidx,incstr) ax.plot(x,y,marker=None,label=incstr) if sedObs is not None: okidx=np.where(sedObs.flag=="ok") xsedObs=sedObs.lam*sedObs.fnuErg*sedObs.fnuErgErr if unit=="W":*((sedObs.fnuJy*u.Jy).si.value)*((sedObs.fnuJyErr*u.Jy).si.value) elif unit=="Jy": ysedObs=sedObs.fnuJy ysedObsErr=sedObs.fnuJyErr # ax.plot(sedObs.lam[okidx],[okidx]*sedObs.fnuErg[okidx],linestyle="",marker="x",color="0.5",ms=3) ax.errorbar(xsedObs[okidx],ysedObs[okidx],yerr=ysedObsErr[okidx], fmt='o',color="0.5",ms=2,linewidth=1.0,zorder=0) ulidx=np.where(sedObs.flag=="ul") ax.plot(xsedObs[ulidx],ysedObs[ulidx],linestyle="",marker="v",color="0.5",ms=2.0) # FIXME: no proper unit treatment yet if sedObs.specs is not None: for spec in sedObs.specs: nu=(spec[:,0]*u.micrometer).to(u.Hz,equivalencies=u.spectral()).value fnuerg=(spec[:,1]*u.Jy).cgs.value ax.plot(spec[:,0],nu*fnuerg,linestyle="-",linewidth=0.5,color="0.5") # set defaults, can be overwritten by the kwargs ax.set_xlim([xmin,None]) ax.set_ylim([ymin,None]) ax.semilogx() ax.semilogy() ax.set_xlabel(r"wavelength [$\mathrm{\mu}$m]") if unit=="W": ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{\lambda F_{\lambda}\,[W\,m^{-2}]}$") elif unit=="Jy": ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{flux\,[Jy]}$") else: ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{\nu F_{\nu}\,[erg\,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}]}$") # ax.yaxis.tick_right() # ax.yaxis.set_label_position("right") if len(incidx)>1: # backward compatibility, dont show lables if only one inclination ax.legend() self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
def _getSEDana_boxpoints(self,lam,model,zr=True): ''' Creates an array of (x,y) coordinates representing the emission origin for the SEDana which can be used or the given wavelength. Those coordinates can be used to draw a box on a plot (e.g. can be passed to a matplotlib Polygon) to draw a box (Polygon). Parameters ---------- lam : float the wavelength for which the emission origin should be calculated model : :class:`` the ProDiMo model including the SED analysis data (SEDana) zr : boolean If `zr==True` (default) then the z coordinate of the points is returned in z/r units. Optional parameter. Returns ------- array_like(float,ndim=1) : list of (x,y) points (in au). if zr=True the z coordinate is in z/r units. TODO: maybe merge somehow with :func:`~prodimopy.Data_ProDiMo.getSEDAnaMask` ''' # interpolate sedAna=model.sed.sedAna r15=interp1d(sedAna.lams,sedAna.r15,bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0,kind="linear")(lam) r85=interp1d(sedAna.lams,sedAna.r85,bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0,kind="linear")(lam) xi15=np.argmin(np.abs(model.x[:,0]-r15)) xi85=np.argmin(np.abs(model.x[:,0]-r85)) z85s=[[model.x[ix,0],interp1d(sedAna.lams,sedAna.z85[:,ix],bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0,kind="linear")(lam)] for ix in range(xi15,xi85)] z15s=[[model.x[ix,0],interp1d(sedAna.lams,sedAna.z15[:,ix],bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0,kind="linear")(lam)] for ix in range(xi85-1,xi15-1,-1)] points=z85s+z15s for point in points: if zr is True: point[1]=point[1]/point[0] return points
[docs] def plot_sedAna(self,model,lams=[1.0,3.0,6.0,10.0,30.0,60.0,100.0,200.0,1000.0],field=None,label=None,boxcolors=None,zlog=True, zlim=[None,None],zr=True,clevels=None,clabels=None, extend="neither",oconts=None,nbins=70, bgcolor=None,cb_format="%.1f",scalexy=[1,1],patches=None, rasterized=False,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the SED analysis stuff (origin of the emission). Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the ProDiMo model. lams : array_like(float,ndim=1) list of wavelengths in micrometer. field : array_like(float,ndim=2) And array with dimension (nx,nz) with values that should be plotted as filled contours. `DEFAULT:` the `nHtot` field of :class:``. ''' print("PLOT: plot_sedAna ...") if boxcolors is None: boxcolors=list(self.pcolors.values()) if patches is None: patches=list() ibox=0 for lam in lams: points=self._getSEDana_boxpoints(lam,model,zr=True) if len(points)>0: patch=mpl.patches.Polygon(points,True,fill=False,color=boxcolors[ibox],zorder=100,linewidth=2.0) patches.append(patch) else: print("WARN: Could not create box for lam=",str(lam)) ibox+=1 if field is None: field=model.nHtot label=r"log $n_\mathrm{<H>}\,\mathrm{[cm^{-3}]}$" oconts=[Contour(model.AV,[1],linestyles="--",colors=self.pcolors["gray"])] fig=self.plot_cont(model,field,label=label,zlog=zlog, zlim=zlim,zr=zr,clevels=clevels,clabels=clabels,contour=False, extend=extend,oconts=oconts,nbins=nbins, bgcolor=bgcolor,cb_format=cb_format,scalexy=scalexy,patches=patches, rasterized=rasterized,returnFig=True,ax=ax,**kwargs) ax=fig.axes[0] ibox=0 for lam in lams: ax.text(0.02,0.92-ibox/18.0,"$"+"{:5.1f}".format(lam)+r"\,\mathrm{\mu m}$", horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom',fontsize=6, transform=ax.transAxes,color=boxcolors[ibox], bbox=dict(boxstyle='square,pad=0.1',fc='white',ec='none')) ibox+=1 self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_taulines(self,model,lineIdents,showCont=True,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the line optical depth as a function of radius for the given lines. The lines are identified via a list of lineIdents containt of an array with ident and wavelength of the line e.g. ["CO",1300.0]. It searches for the closest lines. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the model data lineIdents : array_like() list of line identifactors of the form `[["ident",wl],["ident2",wl2]]`. TODO: there are no options for linestyles and colors yet (the defaults are used). ''' print("PLOT: plot_taulines ...") fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) # if it is only one line (no list of list) make it a list if (type(lineIdents[0])==str): lineIdents=[lineIdents] xmin=1.e100 xmax=0 iplot=0 for lineIdent in lineIdents: x=model.x[:,0] lineEstimate=model.getLineEstimate(lineIdent[0],lineIdent[1]) y=[dum.tauLine for dum in lineEstimate.rInfo] ax.axhline(y=1.0,linestyle="-",color="black",linewidth=0.5) label=r"$\mathrm{"+spnToLatex(lineEstimate.ident)+"}$ "+"{:.2f}".format(lineEstimate.wl)+r" $\mathrm{\mu m}$" line,=ax.plot(x,[dum.tauLine for dum in lineEstimate.rInfo],marker=None,label=label) if showCont: ax.plot(x,[dum.tauDust for dum in lineEstimate.rInfo], marker=None,linestyle="--",color=line.get_color()) iplot=iplot+1 if min(x)<xmin: xmin=min(x) if max(x)>xmax: xmax=max(x) ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.semilogx() ax.semilogy() ax.set_xlabel(r"r [au]") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{\tau_{line}}$") self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_lineprofile(self,model=None,wl=None,ident=None,lineObj=None,linetxt=None,lineObs=None,incidx=0, unit="Jy",normalized=False,convolved=False,removecont=True,style=None,color=None,ax=None,**kwargs): ''' Plots the line profile for the given line (id wavelength and optionally the line ident) Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the model data. Only required if wl,ident and or lineObs are passed. wl : float The wavelength of the line in micrometer. Plotted is the line with the wavelength closest to `wl`. ident : str The optional line ident which is additionally use to identify the line. lineObj : :class:`` Pass `DataLine` object. In that case wl and ident are ignored. linetxt : str A string that is used as the label for the line. lineObs : array_like(ndim=1) list of :class:`` objects. Must be consistent with the list of lines from the line radiative transfer. incidx : int or array_like(ndim=1) which inclination (index) should be used for plotting (0 is the first one and default). If it is a single value only the profile for that inclination index is plotted. If it is an array of values all profiles for that chosen inclinations are plotted. If `normalized=True` the profiles will be normalized to the first one, in that case. If `incidx=[]` profiles for all inclinations will be plotted. If lineObj is passed only one inclination (the one set in that obj) will be plotted. unit : str In what unit should the line flux be plotted. Current options `unit="Jy"` (default) and `unit="ErgAng"` normalized : boolean if `True` normalize the profile to the peak flux convolved : boolean if `True` plot the convolved profile. removecont : boolean if `True` remove the continuum from the profile. Default: `True` color : str the color for the plotted profile. style : str if style is `step` the profile is plotted as a step function assuming the values are the mid point of the bin. ''' print("PLOT: plot_line_profile ...") fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) # first need a line object to properly init incidx. # if lineObj is passed incidx is ignored if lineObj is None: line=model.getLine(wl,ident=ident) if line==None: print("WARN: line "+str(ident)+" at "+str(line.wl)+" micron not found") if not isinstance(incidx,(,np.ndarray)): incidx=[incidx] # just for convenience if it is an empty array take all the inclinations elif len(incidx)==0: # need the line for that incidx=np.arange(len(line._inclinations)) else: # make sure that in that case only one inclinations is done incidx=[0] # ignore the color attribute in that case. # could also use and array of colors to enable to user to chose, but # for now color is only used if a single profile is used. if len(incidx)>1: color=None # plot it for all selected inclinations for i,iinc in enumerate(incidx): if lineObj is None: line=model.getLine(wl,ident=ident,incidx=iinc) if line==None: print("WARN: line "+str(ident)+" at "+str(line.wl)+" micron not found") else: line=lineObj incstr=r"$i="+"{:3.1f}".format(line.inclination)+r"^\degree$" # text for the title # FIXME: ist not up to date anymore with the unit treatment in lineprofile x=line.profile.velo if convolved: y=line.profile.flux_conv if removecont: y=y-line.profile.flux_conv[0] else: y=line.profile.flux if removecont: y=y-line.profile.flux[0] if normalized: if i==0: # always normalize to the first inclination norm=np.max(y) y=y/norm if linetxt is None: if ident is not None: linetxt=ident else: linetxt=line.species linetxt=linetxt+"@"+"{:.2f}".format(line.wl)+r" $\mathrm{\mu m}$" if style=="step": ax.step(x,y,marker=None,label=incstr,where="mid",color=color) else: ax.plot(x,y,marker=None,label=incstr,color=color) # plot the observed line profile if it exists if lineObs is not None: # FIXME: this is not very nice # make a warning if lineObs and line Data are not consistent # it could be that they are for one model lineIdx=model._getLineIdx(wl,ident=ident) line=lineObs[lineIdx] if line.profile is not None: x=line.profile.velo y=line.profile.flux # remove the continuum if normalized: y=y/np.max(y) if line.profileErr is not None: ax.fill_between(x,y-line.profileErr ,y+line.profileErr,color='0.8',zorder=0) ax.plot(x,y,marker=None,color="black",label="Obs.",zorder=0) if normalized: ax.set_ylabel("normalized flux") else: if line.profile.flux_unit=="ErgAng": ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{flux\,[erg s^{-1}cm^{-2}\AA^{-1}]}$") else: ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{flux\,[Jy]}$") ax.set_xlabel("velocity [km/s]") ax.text(0.03,0.955,linetxt,fontsize=7.0, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes,color=self.pcolors["gray"], bbox=dict(boxstyle='round',facecolor='white',edgecolor="0")) self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_lines(self,model,lineIdents,useLineEstimate=True,jansky=False, showBoxes=True,lineObs=None,lineObsLabel="Obs.",peakFlux=False, showCont=False,xLabelGHz=False,showGrid=True,**kwargs): """ Plots a selection of lines or lineEstimates. See :func:`~prodimopy.plot.PlotModels.plot_lines` for more details. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the model data lineIdents : array_like a list of line identifiers. Each entry should contain `["ident",wl]` (e.g. `["CO",1300],["CO",800]]`. Those values are passed to :func:`~prodimopy.Data_ProDiMo.getLineEstimate`. The order of the lineIdents also defines the plotting order of the lines (from left to right) """ print("PLOT: plot_lines ...") # need the instance ppm=prodimopy.plot_models.PlotModels(None,markers=["x"]) fig=ppm.plot_lines([model],lineIdents,useLineEstimate=useLineEstimate,jansky=jansky, showBoxes=showBoxes,lineObs=lineObs,lineObsLabel=lineObsLabel,peakFlux=peakFlux, showCont=showCont,xLabelGHz=xLabelGHz,showGrid=showGrid,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_heat_cool(self,model,zr=True,oconts=None,showidx=(0,0),**kwargs): """ Plots the dominant heating and cooling processes. The initial python code for this routine is from Frank Backs Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the model data zr : boolean use z/r for y axis Default: True oconts : array_like(:class:`~prodimopy.plot.Contour`,ndim=1) list of :class:`~prodimopy.plot.Contour` objects which will be drawn contours (like in :func:`~prodimopy.plot.Plot.plot_cont`. showidx : tuple(ndim=1) Default is (0,0): will show the most dominant heating and cooling process. For example (1,1) will show the second most dominant heating and cooling process. For example (-1,-1) will show the least dominant heating and cooling process. .. todo:: * possibility to have different oconts for the heating and cooling figures * possibility to map certain heating/cooling processes always to the same color """ print("PLOT: plot_heat_cool ...") colors=np.array([(230,25,75),(60,180,75),(255,225,25),(0,130,200), (245,130,48),(145,30,180),(70,240,240),(240,50,230), (210,245,60),(250,190,190),(0,128,128),(230,190,255), (170,110,40),(255,250,200),(128,0,0),(170,255,95), (128,128,0),(255,215,180),(0,0,128),(128,128,128), (0,0,0),(220,220,220)],dtype=float) colors/=255 if zr: z=model.z/model.x else: z=model.z # used for plotting max_idx=np.zeros(shape=(model.nx,,dtype='int16') # heat_mainidx=model.heat_mainidx # cool_mainidx=model.cool_mainidx # sort the heat/cool .. this allows to also plot e.g. the second most # important etc. i.e. differently to using heat_mainidx from ProDiMo.out # sortidx is most important one first +1 to be consistent with # model_heatmainidx from ProDiMo.out ... makes checking easier heat_mainidx=np.flip(np.argsort(model.heat,axis=2),axis=2)[:,:,showidx[0]]+1 cool_mainidx=np.flip(np.argsort(,axis=2),axis=2)[:,:,showidx[1]]+1 # list of all the dominant heating processes idxlisth,idxlisth_counts=np.unique(heat_mainidx,return_counts=True) idxlistc,idxlistc_counts=np.unique(cool_mainidx,return_counts=True) # sort it descending idxlisth=idxlisth[np.argsort(idxlisth_counts)[::-1]] idxlistc=idxlistc[np.argsort(idxlistc_counts)[::-1]] sfigs=[2.0,1.3] if "sfigs" in kwargs: sfigs=kwargs["sfigs"] # build title strings titles=list() for idx,tit in zip(showidx,["heating processes","cooling processes"]): # FIXME: (somehow) least impo if idx==-1: titles.append("least important "+tit) elif idx==0: titles.append("dominant "+tit) elif idx>0 and idx<3: titles.append(str(idx+1)+"nd most dominant "+tit) elif idx>=3: titles.append(str(idx+1)+"th most dominant "+tit) else: titles.append(str(idx)+" (idx) "+tit) fig,axarr=plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=self._sfigs(sfigs=sfigs)) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.3) axh=axarr[0] axc=axarr[1] if len(idxlisth)>len(colors): print("WARN: too many heating processes, do not show the least important ones:") for i in range(len(colors),len(idxlisth)): print(" ",model.heat_names[idxlisth[i]-1]) # this if for the labels, and also maps the colors to the names for i in range(min(len(idxlisth),len(colors))): # -1 because python starts at zero axh.scatter(0,0,marker="s",color=colors[i],label=model.heat_names[idxlisth[i]-1]) # this is necessary to have the fields with increasing number without # gaps, otherwhise the colormapping in pcolormesh does not work max_idx[heat_mainidx==idxlisth[i]]=i cMap=mpl.colors.ListedColormap(colors[0:len(idxlisth)-1]) axh.pcolormesh(model.x,z,max_idx,linewidth=0,cmap=cMap,rasterized=True) axh.legend(loc='upper center',bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,-0.175),ncol=2, frameon=False,fontsize=5.5) axh.set_title(titles[0]) # now for the cooling if len(idxlistc)>len(colors): print("WARN: too many cooling processes, do not show the least important ones:") for i in range(len(colors),len(idxlistc)): print(" ",model.cool_names[idxlistc[i]-1]) # this if for the labels, and also maps the colors to the names for i in range(min(len(idxlistc),len(colors))): # -1 because python starts at zeror axc.scatter(0,0,marker="s",color=colors[i],label=model.cool_names[idxlistc[i]-1]) # this is necessary to have the fields with increasing number without # gaps, otherwhise the colormapping in pcolormesh does not work max_idx[cool_mainidx==idxlistc[i]]=i cMap=mpl.colors.ListedColormap(colors[0:len(idxlistc)-1]) axc.pcolormesh(model.x,z,max_idx,linewidth=0,cmap=cMap,rasterized=True) axc.legend(loc='upper center',bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,-0.175),ncol=2, frameon=False,fontsize=5.5) axc.set_title(titles[1]) for ax in [axh,axc]: # axis equal needs to be done here already ... at least it seems so if "axequal" in kwargs: if kwargs["axequal"]: ax.axis('equal') ax.set_xlim(np.min(model.x),None) ax.semilogx() ax.set_xlabel("r [au]") if zr: ax.set_ylim(0,None) ax.set_ylabel("z/r") else: ax.set_ylabel("z [au]") # Additional Contours, plot for both plots at the moment if oconts is not None: for cont in oconts: ACS=ax.contour(model.x,z,cont.field,levels=cont.levels, colors=cont.colors,linestyles=cont.linestyles,linewidths=cont.linewidths) if cont.showlabels: ax.clabel(ACS,inline=True,inline_spacing=cont.label_inline_spacing, fmt=cont.label_fmt,manual=cont.label_locations,fontsize=cont.label_fontsize) # need to remove the title, as it does not fit here if self.title!=None: if self.title.strip()!="": fig.suptitle(self.title.strip()) # remove title so that it does not show up onthe individual panels self._dokwargs(axh,notitle=True,**kwargs) self._dokwargs(axc,notitle=True,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_contImage(self,model,wl,zlim=[None,None],cmap="inferno",rlim=[None,None],cb_show=True,cb_fraction=0.15, ax=None,**kwargs): """ Simple plot for the continuum Images as produced by PRoDiMo. (The output in image.out). The scale is fixed to LogNorm at the moment. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` The model data. wl : float The wavelength in micron for which we should plot the image. The routine simple selected the closest one to the given image. zlim : array_like(ndim=1) the min and max value for the data to plot. Optional. rlim : array_like(ndim=1) the extension of the image eg. rlim[-1,1] plot the x and y coordinate from -1 to 1 au. Optional cmap : str The name of a matplotlib colormap. Optional. cb_show : boolean show colorbar or not. Optional. cb_fraction : float fractoin of the image use for the colorbar. Useful for subplots. Optional """ contImages=model.contImages image,wl=np.copy(contImages.getImage(wl)) # not very elegant, but need to extend the array otherwise the contourf routine is not "closing" the image x=np.hstack((contImages.x,contImages.x[:,0:1])) y=np.hstack((contImages.y,contImages.y[:,0:1])) imagepl=np.hstack((image,image[:,0:1])) vmin=zlim[0] vmax=zlim[1] # set some default values if required if vmax is None: vmax=np.max(imagepl)/2.0 if vmin is None: vmin=vmax/1.e6 fig,ax=self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) norm=mcolors.LogNorm(vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax) levels=np.logspace(np.log10(vmin),np.log10(vmax),100) CS=ax.contourf(x,y,imagepl,norm=norm,cmap=cmap,levels=levels,extend="both") # FIXME: that might not work for all colormaps ax.set_facecolor("black") ax.axis("equal") ax.set_xlim(rlim) ax.set_ylim(rlim) ax.set_aspect('equal','box') ax.set_xlabel("x [au]") ax.set_ylabel("y [au]") ax.set_title(r"$\lambda= {:6.2f}\, \mu m$".format(wl),pad=0) for spine in ax.spines.values(): spine.set_color('white') ax.tick_params(color='white',which='both') if cb_show: axcb=np.array(fig.get_axes()).ravel().tolist() CB=fig.colorbar(CS,ax=axcb,pad=0.01,format="%3.1e",fraction=cb_fraction) CB.set_label(r"$I_\mathrm{\nu}\,[erg/cm^2/s/Hz/sr]$") self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs] def plot_sled(self,models,lineIdents,units='W', ax=None,title='SLED',**kwargs): ''' Plots the Spectral Line Energy Distribution Parameters ---------- models : list(:class:``) or a single model the model(s) to plot lineIdents : array_like a list of line identifiers. Examples `lineIdents = ['CO']` `lineIdents = ['CO', 'o-H2', 'p-H2O']` units : str, optional In which units should be plotted. Allowed values: `erg` [erg/s/cm^2], `W` [W/m^2] default : `W` Example ------- In the directory of the ProDiMo model .. code-block:: python from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import prodimopy.plot as pplot import as pread outfile = "out_test.pdf" model=pread.read_prodimo() with PdfPages(outfile) as pdf: pp=pplot.Plot(pdf, pp.plot_sled(model, ["CO", "o-H2"]) ''' print("PLOT: plot_sled ...") if not isinstance(models, list): models = [models] if units == "erg": # 1 erg/s/cm2 = 1000 W/m2 flux_correction = 1e3 else: flux_correction = 1.0 fig, ax = self._initfig(ax,**kwargs) iplot=0 xmin=1.e100 xmax=0 ymin=1.e100 ymax=-1.e00 for model in models: for sp in lineIdents: lests = model.selectLineEstimates(sp) if lests != '': lam, flux = [], [] for lest in lests: lam.append(lest.wl) flux.append(lest.flux) x = np.array(lam) # micron y = np.array(flux) * flux_correction # u.W / u.m**2 # line flux estimates can be negative # aka absorption lines ythres = 1e-30 wneg = y <= 0. y[wneg] = ythres ax.scatter(x,y,s=1,alpha=0.5,label=sp) if min(x) < xmin: xmin = 0.5 * min(x) if max(x) > xmax: xmax = 5.0 * max(x) if min(y) < ymin: ymin = 0.5 * min(y) if max(y) > ymax: ymax = 10.0 * max(y) iplot = iplot + 1 if iplot == 0: return # set defaults, can be overwritten by the kwargs if ymin < 1e-30: ymin = ythres ax.set_xlim(xmin,xmax) ax.set_ylim([ymin,ymax]) ax.semilogx() ax.semilogy() ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(r"wavelength [$\mu$m]") if units == "W": ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{\lambda F_{\lambda}\,[W\,m^{-2}]}$") else: ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathrm{\nu F_{\nu}\,[erg\,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}]}$") self._dokwargs(ax,**kwargs) self._legend(ax,**kwargs) return self._closefig(fig)
[docs]class Contour(object): ''' Define a Contour that can be used in the contour plotting routines. Objects of this class can be passed to e.g. the :func:`~prodimopy.plot.Plot.plot_cont` routine and will be drawn their. TODO: provide a field for label strings (arbitrary values) need to be the same size as levels ''' def __init__(self,field,levels,colors="white",linestyles="solid",linewidths=1.5, showlabels=False,label_locations=None,label_fmt="%.1f", label_fontsize=7, label_inline_spacing=5, filled=False): ''' Attributes ---------- ''' self.field=field """ array_like(float,ndim=2) : A 2D array of values used for the Contours. Needs to have the same dimensions as the array used for the contour plotting routine. So any 2D array of the :class:`` will do. """ self.levels=levels """ array_like(float,ndim=1) : list of values for which contour lines should be drawn. """ self.colors=colors """ array_like(ndim=1) : list of colors for the idividual contours. If only a single value is provided (i.e. no array) this value is applied to all contours. The values of colors can be given in the same way as it is done for matplotlib. """ self.linestyles=linestyles """ array_like(ndim=1) : linestyles for the contours. Works like the `colors` parameter. Any style that matplotlib understands will work. """ self.linewidths=linewidths """ array_like(ndim=1) : linewidths for the individual contour levels. Works the same as the `colors` parameter. """ self.showlabels=showlabels """ boolean : `False` show text label for each level or not (default: False) Still kind of experimental """ self.label_locations=label_locations self.label_fmt=label_fmt """ str : "%.1f" Format string for the labels if shown. Example: `r"A$_V$=%1.0f"` """ self.label_fontsize=label_fontsize """ int : `7` The fontsize of the contour levedl if they are shown """ self.label_inline_spacing=label_inline_spacing """ int : `5` Control the space around the contour label (i.e. if it overlaps with the line) """ self.filled=filled """ boolean : `False` Use filled contours (contourf) instead of lines. Can be usefull sometimes. But not supported everywhere (just try). """
[docs]def spnToLatex(spname): """ Utilitiy function to convert species names to proper latex math strings. The returned string can directly be embedded in a latex $ $ statement. """ # use string in case it is a binary format (python 3 comaptibility) name=str(spname) # TODO: make this a bit smarter if str(spname)=="HN2+": name="N2H+" if str(spname)=="C18O": return "C^{18}O" if str(spname)=="13CO": return "^{13}CO" if str(spname)=="H13CO+": return "H^{13}CO^+" newname="" previous_char=None for c in name: if c.isdigit(): # case for large melecues two digits ... not nice if previous_char is not None and previous_char.isdigit(): newname=newname[0:-2]+"_{"+previous_char+c+"}" else: newname+="_"+c # deal with ortho and para (o-, p-) species elif c=="-" and not (previous_char=="o" or previous_char=="p" or previous_char=="-"): newname+="^-" elif c=="+" and not previous_char=="+": newname+="^+" elif c=="#": newname+=r"\#" else: newname+=c previous_char=c # for line names (species) if "_H" in newname: newname=newname.replace("_H",r"\_H") # repair the double ionized case if "^++" in newname: newname=newname.replace("^++","^{++}") # repair the triple ionized case if "^+++" in newname: newname=newname.replace("^+++","^{+++}") # repair the double ionized case if "^--" in newname: newname=newname.replace("^--","^{--}") # repair the triple ionized case if "^---" in newname: newname=newname.replace("^---","^{---}") return newname
[docs]def nhver_to_zr(ir,nhver,model,log=True): zrs=model.z[ir,:]/model.x[ir,:] if log==True: old_settings=np.seterr(divide='ignore') ipol=interp1d(np.log10(model.NHver[ir,:]),zrs,bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0,kind="linear") np.seterr(**old_settings) # reset to default else: ipol=interp1d(model.NHver[ir,:],zrs,bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.0,kind="linear") # return 0 return ipol(nhver)
[docs]def plog(array): # ignore divide by zero in log10 old_settings=np.seterr(divide='ignore') array=np.log10(array) np.seterr(**old_settings) # reset to default return array
[docs]def scale_figs(scale): ''' Scale the figure size from matplotlibrc by the factors given in the array scale the first element is for the width the second for the heigth. ''' figsize=mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] return (figsize[0]*scale[0],figsize[1]*scale[1])
[docs]def load_style(style="prodimopy"): ''' Simple utility function to load a matplotlib style Parameters ---------- style : str The name of the style that should be loaded. Default: prodimopy '''