Source code for prodimopy.interface1D.infile

from scipy import interpolate

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

# FIXME: not nice, but use the au to cm conversion constant from ProDiMo
# just to be consisten

[docs]def writeV1(fname,r,sdg,g2dratio): ''' Produces an input file for the 1D interface (version 1) to ProDiMo. All array input parameters need to have the same length. Parameters ---------- fname : string The filename (path) to be use for the input file. r : array_like(float,ndim=1) radial gridpoints (distance to the star) for the disk. `UNIT:` cm sdg : array_like(float,ndim=1) The total gas surface density profile (the sum of both sides of the disk) `UNIT:` |gcm^-2| g2dratio: array_like(float,ndim=1) The gas to dust mass ratio as function of radius. ''' fp=open(fname,"w") fp.write("# number of radii\n") fp.write(str(len(r))+"\n") fp.write("# Rin(au)\n") fp.write(str((r[0]*"\n") fp.write("# Rout(au)\n") fp.write(str((r[-1]*"\n") fp.write("# normalization factor\n") fp.write("-2.0\n") fp.write("# R [cm] gas surface density [gcm^-2] gas to dust mass ratio \n") # FIXME: workaround # if the first two entries are equal fix the the second one a bit larger if r[0]==r[1]: r[1]=10**(np.log10(r[0])+(np.log10(r[2])-np.log10(r[0]))/2.0) for rl,pl,g2dl in zip(r,sdg,g2dratio): fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(rl)) fp.write(" ") fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(pl)) fp.write(" ") fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(g2dl)) fp.write("\n") fp.close()
[docs]def writeV2(fname,r,sdg,sdd_small,sdd_large,amax): ''' Produces an input file for the 1D interface (version 2) to ProDiMo. All array input parameters need to have the same length. This is format that is used for E. Vorobyovs code. However, one should use the newer more flexible, (but compatible) format. see :meth:`~writeV3` Parameters ---------- fname : string The filename (path) to be use for the input file. r : array_like(float,ndim=1) The radius array. `UNIT:` cm sdg : array_like(float,ndim=1) The gas surface density profile. `UNIT:` |gcm^-2| sdd_small : array_like(float,ndim=1) The dust surface density of the small grain dust popoulation `UNIT:` |gcm^-2| sdd_large : array_like(float,ndim=1) The dust surface density of the large grain dust popoulation `UNIT:` |gcm^-2| amax : array_like(float,ndim=1) the maxium grain size at each radial grid point `UNIT:` cm ''' fp=open(fname,"w") fp.write("# number of radii\n") fp.write(str(len(r))+"\n") fp.write("# Rin(au)\n") fp.write(str((r[0]*"\n") fp.write("# Rout(au)\n") fp.write(str((r[-1]*"\n") fp.write("# file version \n") fp.write("2\n") fp.write("# R [au] gas surface density [gcm^-2] sd dust small [gcm^-2] sd dust large [gcm^-2] amax [cm]\n") # FIXME: workaround # if the first two entries are equal fix the the second one a bit larger if r[0]==r[1]: r[1]=10**(np.log10(r[0])+(np.log10(r[2])-np.log10(r[0]))/2.0) for rl,pl,sdsmalll,sdlargel,amaxl in zip(r,sdg,sdd_small,sdd_large,amax): fp.write("{:18.10e}".format((rl* fp.write(" ") fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(pl)) fp.write(" ") fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(sdsmalll)) fp.write(" ") fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(sdlargel)) fp.write(" ") fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(amaxl)) fp.write("\n") fp.close()
[docs]def writeV3(fname,r,sdg,sdd_small,sdd_large,amin,atrans,amax): ''' Produces an input file for the 1D interface (version 3) to ProDiMo. All array input parameters need to have the same length. Parameters ---------- fname : string The filename (path) to be use for the input file. r : array_like(float,ndim=1) The radius array. `UNIT:` cm sdg : array_like(float,ndim=1) The gas surface density profile. `UNIT:` |gcm^-2| sdd_small : array_like(float,ndim=1) The dust surface density of the small grain dust popoulation `UNIT:` |gcm^-2| sdd_large : array_like(float,ndim=1) The dust surface density of the large grain dust popoulation `UNIT:` |gcm^-2| amin : array_like(float,ndim=1) the minimum grain size at each radial grid point `UNIT:` cm atrans : array_like(float,ndim=1) the transition radius at each radial grid point `UNIT:` cm amax : array_like(float,ndim=1) the maxium grain size at each radial grid point `UNIT:` cm ''' fp=open(fname,"w") fp.write("# number of radii\n") fp.write(str(len(r))+"\n") fp.write("# Rin(au)\n") fp.write(str((r[0]*"\n") fp.write("# Rout(au)\n") fp.write(str((r[-1]*"\n") fp.write("# file version \n") fp.write("3\n") fp.write("# R [cm] gas surface density [gcm^-2] sd dust small [gcm^-2]") fp.write(" sd dust large [gcm^-2] amin [cm] atrans [cm] amax [cm]\n") # FIXME: workaround # if the first two entries are equal fix the the second one a bit larger if r[0]==r[1]: r[1]=10**(np.log10(r[0])+(np.log10(r[2])-np.log10(r[0]))/2.0) for rl,pl,sdsmalll,sdlargel,aminl,atransl,amaxl in zip(r,sdg,sdd_small,sdd_large,amin,atrans,amax): fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(rl)) fp.write(" ") fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(pl)) fp.write(" ") fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(sdsmalll)) fp.write(" ") fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(sdlargel)) fp.write(" ") fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(aminl)) fp.write(" ") fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(atransl)) fp.write(" ") fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(amaxl)) fp.write("\n") fp.close()
[docs]def writeV4(fname,r,sdg,g2dratio,agrid,fsize): ''' Produces an input file for the 1D interface (version 4) to ProDiMo. This routine requires a full size distribution given by the grain size grid `a` and the size distribution `fsize`. `fsize` should contain the surface density as function of radius for each grain size bin. Parameters ---------- fname : string The filename (path) to be use for the input file. r : array_like(float,ndim=1) The radius array. `UNIT:` cm sdg : array_like(float,ndim=1) The gas surface density profile. `UNIT:` |gcm^-2| g2dratio: array_like(float,ndim=1) The gas to dust mass ratio as function of radius. agrid : array_like(float,ndim=1) The grain size grid. `UNIT:` cm fsize : array_like(float,ndim=2) The grain size distribution given as surface density per grain size bin. The dimension is (`len(a),len(r)`). `UNIT:` |gcm^-2| ''' fp=open(fname,"w") fp.write("# number of radii\n") fp.write(str(len(r))+"\n") fp.write("# Rin(au)\n") fp.write(str((r[0]*"\n") fp.write("# Rout(au)\n") fp.write(str((r[-1]*"\n") fp.write("# file version \n") fp.write("4\n") fp.write("# number of grain size bins \n") fp.write(str(len(agrid))+"\n") fp.write("# grain size grid [cm] \n") fp.write(("{:18.10e}"*len(agrid)).format(*agrid)) fp.write("\n") fp.write("# R [cm] gas surface density [gcm^-2] gas to dust mass ratio fsize [gcm^-2] \n") # FIXME: workaround # if the first two entries are equal fix the the second one a bit larger if r[0]==r[1]: r[1]=10**(np.log10(r[0])+(np.log10(r[2])-np.log10(r[0]))/2.0) for i in range(len(r)): fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(r[i])) fp.write(" ") fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(sdg[i])) fp.write(" ") fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(g2dratio[i])) fp.write(" ") fp.write(("{:18.10e}"*len(agrid)).format(*fsize[:,i])) fp.write("\n") fp.close()
[docs]def write(fname,r,sdg,g2dratio,agrid=None,fsize=None,amin=None,amax=None,elabunFacs=None): ''' Produces an input file for the general 1D interface to ProDiMo. Parameters ---------- fname : string The filename (path) to be use for the input file. r : array_like(float,ndim=1) The radius array. `UNIT:` cm sdg : array_like(float,ndim=1) The gas surface density profile. `UNIT:` |gcm^-2| g2dratio: array_like(float,ndim=1) The gas to dust mass ratio as function of radius. agrid : array_like(float,ndim=1) The grain size grid. If `None` (default) no size distribution is included. Only required if fsize is used. `UNIT:` cm fsize : array_like(float,ndim=2) The grain size distribution given as surface density per grain size bin. If `None` (default) no size distribution is included. The dimension is (`len(a),len(r)`). OPTIONAL, `UNIT:` |gcm^-2| amin : array_like(float,ndim=1) the minimum grain size at each radial grid point. OPTIONAL, `UNIT:` cm amax : array_like(float,ndim=1) the maximum grain size at each radial grid point. OPTIONAL, `UNIT:` cm elabunFac : dictionary Dictionary with correction factors for each Element that should be considered. Each entry has to have the Element name (as in ProDiMo) as key and an array of len(r) with the correctoin factor (i.e. 1 means no change). Only the elements that should be changed need to be included. OPTIONAL. ''' nfields=3 usefsize=True if agrid is None or fsize is None: usefsize=False nelem=0 if elabunFacs is not None: nelem=len(elabunFacs) # make some checks already heare if (usefsize and (amin is not None or amax is not None)): print("ERROR: It is not possible to combine amin or amax with a full size distribution (fsize)") return fp=open(fname,"w") fp.write(str(len(r))+" ! NXX number of radii\n") colnames="R SIGMAG G2D" header="# R [cm] gas surface density [gcm^-2] gas to dust mass ratio" # prepare the column entries. Do not switch the order. Has to be the # same as in the READ_1D (interface1D.f) routine of ProDiMo. if usefsize: print("INFO: Dust size distribution FSIZE is included.") fp.write(str(len(agrid))+" ! NSIZE number of grain size bins and grid \n") fp.write(("{:18.10e}"*len(agrid)).format(*agrid)) fp.write("\n") colnames=colnames+" FSIZE" header=header+" fsize [gcm^-2]" nfields+=1 if amin is not None: print("INFO: Minimum dust grain size AMIN is included.") colnames=colnames+" AMIN" header=header+" amin [cm]" nfields+=1 if amax is not None: print("INFO: Maximum dust grain size AMAX is included.") colnames=colnames+" AMAX" header=header+" amax [cm]" nfields+=1 if nelem>0: print("INFO: Element abundance correction factors ELEM_* are included.") fp.write(str(nelem)+" ! NELEM number of consider elements \n") for elname in elabunFacs.keys(): colnames=colnames+" ELEM_"+elname.strip() header=header+" ELEM_"+elname.strip() nfields+=1 # fp.write("! NCOL number of columns and column names") fp.write(str(nfields)+" ! NFIELDS number of quantities and their names\n") fp.write(colnames+"\n") fp.write(header+"\n") # FIXME: workaround # if the first two entries are equal fix the the second one a bit larger if r[0]==r[1]: r[1]=10**(np.log10(r[0])+(np.log10(r[2])-np.log10(r[0]))/2.0) for i in range(len(r)): fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(r[i])) fp.write(" ") fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(sdg[i])) fp.write(" ") fp.write("{:18.10e}".format(g2dratio[i])) # write the optional column. Orders has to be the same as given in ! NFIELDS if usefsize: fp.write(" ") fp.write(("{:18.10e}"*len(agrid)).format(*fsize[:,i])) if amin is not None: fp.write(" ") fp.write(("{:18.10e}").format(amin[i])) if amax is not None: fp.write(" ") fp.write(("{:18.10e}").format(amax[i])) if nelem>0: for fac in elabunFacs.values(): fp.write(" ") fp.write(("{:18.10e}").format(fac[i])) fp.write("\n") fp.close() print("INFO: Generated input file "+fname.strip())
[docs]def generate_sdd_twopop(twopp_res,atrans): '''' Generates a small and large dust surface density profile for the given atrans, from the two-pop-py results. Parameters ---------- twopp_res : two-pop-py results atrans : array_like(float,ndim=1) The transition radius from the small to the large population. `UNIT:` cm ''' sdsmall=twopp_res.x[:]*0.0 sdlarge=twopp_res.x[:]*0.0 sdsmall[:]=1.e-150 sdlarge[:]=1.e-150 # for each r we have atrans now, so separate the small and large one for each r for ix in range(len(twopp_res.x)): itrans=np.argmin(np.abs(twopp_res.a-atrans[ix])) sdsmall[ix]=np.sum(twopp_res.sig_sol[0:itrans,ix],axis=0) sdlarge[ix]=np.sum(twopp_res.sig_sol[itrans:-1,ix],axis=0) # print("{:5.3f} ".format(twopp_res.x[ix]/AU),itrans,("{:5.3e} "*6).format(twopp_res.a[itrans],a_max[ix],sdsmall[ix],sdlarge[ix],twopp_res.sigma_d[-1,ix], # (sdsmall[ix]+sdlarge[ix])/twopp_res.sigma_d[-1,ix])) sdsmall[sdsmall<1.e-100]=1.e-100 sdlarge[sdlarge<1.e-100]=1.e-100 return sdsmall,sdlarge
[docs]def generate_from_obsradprof(model,mradprof,oradprof,distance,asmall=None, apowfac=None,outfile=None,rinexclude=None): """ Generates a 1D infile (version1) by using the observed radial intensity profile for the continuum. The observed profiles is compared to the modelled one to calculate a correction for the dust surface density (gas to dust ratio). From this a new 1D input file (with a different gas to dust ratio) is generated. .. todo:: Applying this method can introduce some numerical errors due to a lot of conversions and interpolations. However, these should be <0.5%. And as this routint is used for fitting it should not be an issue. However, the error most likely comes from calculating the gas and dust surface densities when a ProDiMo model is read (those are not calculated within ProDiMo). So maybe this :func:`` should be made more accurate. .. note:: Further Ideas Focus the fitting on the grain size that is best traced by the wavelength of the observations. One could use a gaussian to centered at this grain size to estimate the correction factor. However, this is probably more useful if mulitple images are available for the fitting. Use asmall and apowfac together. The apowfac method is then only applied to the grian sizes < asmall. Other anlternative: normalize the apowfac function to a grain size of choice (i.e. the one that is most sensitive to the wavelength of the observations. And use it to decrease the correctoin for grain < asmall and increase the correction for grains > asmall. Parameters ---------- model : :class:`` the ProDiMo model data (the initial model) mradprof : :class:`~prodimopy.read_casasim.RadialProfile` The modelled radial profile (the initial one). oradprof : :class:`~prodimopy.read_casasim.RadialProfile` The observed radial profile. distance : float the distance of the object in au. Is required to convert the radial profiles to au. asmall : float A grain size in micron. If this is set only the surfacedensities of grains with sizes > asmall are adapated all other remain unchanged. This can only work if the model has the output dust_sigmaa.out. This mode uses :func:`~infile.writeV4` to write the 1D input file. apowfac : float If apow is set the correction factor becomes a function of the dust size. For the largest grain size the correction factor stays the same but for all other grains the correction factor is reduced depending on the grain size. apow needs to be positive. apowfac cannot be used with asmall together. outfile : str the path/filename of the output file (the 1D input file). Default is `` within the directory of the provided PRoDiMo model. rinexclude : float within this radius (in au) the surface density profile is not adapted. This means for r < rinexclude the gas to dust ratio remains unaffected. """ if outfile is None:"/" # use the error (rms) to define a kind of upper limit for the adaptation # this avoids problems with e.g. negative numbers in the observed radial profile. # also it reduces fitting within the error oflux=np.maximum(oradprof.flux,oradprof.flux_err/2.0) # calculate the factor for the dust surface density correction frac=oflux/mradprof.flux # Interpolate the fraction onto the model grid # need to convert arcsecond to au (for the model). So this only works for properly deprojected radial profiles. fracr=oradprof.arcsec*distance interp=interpolate.interp1d(fracr,frac,bounds_error=False,fill_value="extrapolate",kind="quadratic") modelr=model.x[:,0] fraci=interp(modelr) # beyond the image it is undefined, to avoid that the whole outer disk is fitted to the rms, we use # the fraction of the last valid point for the larger radii fraci[modelr>fracr[-1]]=frac[-1] # exclude some part of the innner disk if some radius is given. if rinexclude is not None: fraci[modelr<rinexclude]=1.0 if asmall is None and apowfac is None: # now calculate the new dust surface density, leaving the gas surface density untouched. dustsd=model.sdd[:,0]*fraci # factor two is important as the gas surface density in the input file is defined as the total disk # gas surface density. In ProDiMo it is only for half of the disk. writeV1(outfile,modelr*autocm,model.sdg[:,0]*2.0,model.sdg[:,0]/dustsd) else: # the more sophisticated methods if model.dust.sigmaa is None: print("Error: Cannot use asmall/apowfac because the model has no dust.sigmaa.") return # make a copy, because we do not want to change the original sigmaa=np.copy(model.dust.sigmaa) if asmall is not None: idxasmall=np.argmax(model.dust.asize>asmall) # print(idxasmall,model.dust.asize[idxasmall]) for i in range(idxasmall,model.dust.nsize): sigmaa[i,:]=model.dust.sigmaa[i,:]*fraci else: # make a normalize function which is used to tweak the correction factor afunc=(model.dust.asize**apowfac) afunc=afunc/afunc[-1] for i in range(model.dust.nsize): # with this expression the correction faci can be reduced depending # on grain size. For the largest grain size fraci remains the same. # the smaller the grain size fraci gets close to 1.0 (or remains 1) sigmaa[i,:]=model.dust.sigmaa[i,:]*(1.0+(fraci-1.0)*afunc[i]) dustsd=np.sum(sigmaa,axis=0) # factor two is important as the surface densities in the input file is defined as the total disk # surface density. In ProDiMo it is only for half of the disk. writeV4(outfile,modelr*autocm,model.sdg[:,0]*2.0,model.sdg[:,0]/dustsd, (model.dust.asize*u.micron).to(,sigmaa*2.0) print("New 1D input file written to "+outfile)