Source code for prodimopy.grid

.. module:: grid 
   :synopsis: Simple helper routines to generate small |prodimo| model grids. 

.. moduleauthor:: Ch. Rab

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division 
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import numpy
import math

import os
import shutil
import collections
import glob

[docs]def chgriddir(gridname): """ Changes the current working directory to the grid directory. Verifies if I am already in the grid directory. Parameters ---------- gridname : str The name of the grid (the directory with the models). """ if not os.getcwd().endswith("/"+gridname): os.chdir(gridname)
[docs]def genparamentry(name,value): if name == "fcarbon": fsil=1.0-(0.25+value) entry = "3 ! NDUST \n" entry = entry+" "+str(fsil)+" Mg0.7Fe0.3SiO3[s] \n" entry = entry+" "+str(value)+" amC-Zubko[s] \n" entry = entry+" 0.25 vacuum[s] \n" else: entry=str(value)+" ! "+name +" \n" return entry
[docs]def genvalues(param): """ Generates the values for the given parameter. Currently only lineare and logarithmic spacing is possible. .. todo:: allow boolean type of parameters .. todo:: allow for the dust composition parameters """ start=param[1] end=param[2] steps=param[3] linlog=param[4] if linlog=="lin": return numpy.linspace(start,end,steps) elif linlog=="log": return numpy.logspace(math.log10(start),math.log10(end),steps,base=10.0) else: print("Unknown spacing type") return None
[docs]def run_grid(gridname,modeldirs,runProDiMo): """ Runs the grid. Changes to the grid directory and runs each model by either calling a passed python function or a system command string (see parameters). Parameters ---------- gridname : str The name of the grid (the directory with the models). modeldirs : list a list of all models in the grid (also the directory name of each model) runProDiMo : str or method object if it is a `str` the string is interpreted as a system command. Any accurence of `$MODELNAME$` in the given string is replaced by the actual model name (model directory). if the parameter is a python function. This funcion is called with the modeldir as a parameter. """ chgriddir(gridname) for modeldir in modeldirs: if isinstance(runProDiMo, collections.Callable): print("run "+modeldir+", exec. function: "+runProDiMo.__name__) runProDiMo(modeldir) else: runProDiMoCMD=runProDiMo.replace("$MODELNAME$",modeldir) os.chdir(modeldir) print("run "+modeldir+", exec. command: "+runProDiMoCMD) os.system(runProDiMoCMD) os.chdir("..") # go back to the original working directory os.chdir("..")
[docs]def get_modeldirs(modeldirs): """ Returns all grid models of the current grid. If modeldirs is not ` Assumes that I am already in the grid directory. .. todo :: also pass the gridname as optional parameter. Returns ------- list If `modeldirs` is not `None` `modeldirs` is returned. Otherwise all directory names staring with `model*/` are returned. """ if modeldirs is None: modeldirs=glob.glob("model*/") return modeldirs
[docs]def check_grid(gridname,modeldirs=None): """ Checks if all models look okay. This routine checks if finished.out exists for all models of the grid. Parameters ---------- gridname : str The name of the grid (the directory with the models). modeldirs : list a list of all models in the grid (directory name of each model). If `modeldirs` is `None` all directories with names starting with `model` are considered as potential grid models. """ chgriddir(gridname) # guess the model directories modeldirs = get_modeldirs(modeldirs) for modeldir in modeldirs: if not os.path.isfile(modeldir+"/finished.out"): print("Model "+modeldir+" failed:")
[docs]def sel_lowest_chisquare(gridname,modeldirs=None,tolerance=None): """ Selects the model(s) with the lowest chi squared. If a tolerance is given all models within this tolerance, measured relative to the minimum chi square are selected. Parameters ---------- gridname : str The name of the grid (the directory with the models). modeldirs : list a list of all models in the grid (directory name of each model). If `modeldirs` is `None` all directories with names starting with `model` are considered as potential grid models. """ chgriddir(gridname) modeldirs=get_modeldirs(modeldirs) nmodels=len(modeldirs) chisquares=numpy.ndarray(shape=(nmodels)) chisquares[:]=1.e100 # go through all models and read the chi square for i in range(nmodels): modeldir=modeldirs[i] if os.path.isfile(modeldir+"/finished.out"): ffin=open(modeldir+"/finished.out") for line in ffin: if "total chi" in line: val=float(line.split("=")[1]) chisquares[i]=val minchi=numpy.min(chisquares) if tolerance is not None: tol=minchi*tolerance idx=numpy.where(numpy.abs(chisquares-minchi)<tol)[0] else: idx=numpy.argmin(chisquares) # need to convert to numpy array, otherwise selection of multiple indices # does not work return numpy.array(modeldirs)[idx],chisquares[idx]
[docs]def sel_param_val(gridname,param,value,modeldirs=None): """ Very primitiv and inefficient method to select models having a certain value of a parameter. """ chgriddir(gridname) modeldirs=get_modeldirs(modeldirs) nmodels=len(modeldirs) selmodels=list() for i in range(nmodels): modeldir=modeldirs[i] if os.path.isfile(modeldir+"/"): ffin=open(modeldir+"/") for line in ffin: if param in line: val=float(line.split("!")[0]) if val == value: selmodels.append(modeldir) return selmodels
[docs]def make_grid(gridname,params,indir=None): """ Produces a grid of prodimo models. A directory with the name gridname is created. Within this directory for each parameter combination a directory is created. This directory is initially copied from the directory given by indir and additionally the new parameters are added to a file. If does not exist it will be created. .. todo:: deal with dust composition properties (e.g. carbon fraction) .. todo:: deal with boolean values .. todo:: deal with something like stellar particles and CR spectra (e.g. on/off) Parameters ---------- gridname : str The name of the grid (the directory with the models). params : list the list of parameters. Each entry contains the parameter name, its start and end value, the number of steps and if either linear (lin) or logarithmic (log) spacing should be used. indir : str an input or starting directorz containing the usual |prodimo| input files. This directory is copied into a new model. If it is `None` only the are created Returns ------- list the list of modelnames (directory names) """ # make the list for the meshgrid values=list() for param in params: values.append(genvalues(param)) grid=numpy.meshgrid(*values) # create the directory for the grid os.mkdir(gridname) # create an iterator that loops over all indices of the firt grid array (all combinations) it = numpy.nditer(grid[0], flags=['multi_index']) imodel=0 modelnames=list() while not it.finished: # create the model directory modelname="model"+"{:07d}".format(imodel) modeldir=gridname+"/"+modelname if indir is not None: shutil.copytree(indir,modeldir) else: os.mkdir(modeldir) fparam=open(modeldir+"/","a+") for iparam in range(len(params)): #fparam.write(str(grid[iparam][it.multi_index])+" ! "+params[iparam][0] +" \n") fparam.write(genparamentry(params[iparam][0], grid[iparam][it.multi_index])) fparam.close() imodel=imodel+1 modelnames.append(modelname) it.iternext() return modelnames